

Wednesday, 30 October 2019
09:00-09:30 Registration


• Ms. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, UNDESA [English]
• Mr. Eddy Maloka, Chair Africa Governance Architecture and Chief Executive Officer, APRM [English]
• H.E. Amb. Oumar Defallah Khayar, APRM Minister of Chad and Chairperson of APRM Focal Points [French]
• Mr. Richard Levin, Director General, Ministry of Public Service and Administration, South Africa


Session 1: Aligning institution-building efforts related to the 2030 Agenda with the Agenda 2063 objectives of the African Union

• Mr. Khabele Matlosa, Director of Political Affairs, African Governance Architecture Secretariat
• Mr. Allan Mukungu, Officer-in-Charge, Economic Governance and Public Finance Section, Macroeconomics and Governance Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
• Ms. Kefiloe Masiteng, Deputy Secretary of National Planning, Department of National Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa

Moderator: Mr. Osten Chulu, SDGs & Agenda 2063 Expert, APRM Secretariat

11:00-11:15 Break

Session 2: Applying UN CEPA principles of effective governance for sustainable development to the challenges of building strong institutions

• Mr. Ali Hamsa, Board of Directors, Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management and member of United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration
• Ms. Margarita Rodriguez, Under-Secretary-General of Governmental Management, Ecuador [English] [Spanish]
• Mr. Richard Levin, Director General, Ministry of Public Service and Administration, South Africa
• Mr. Daniel Nyakundi Osiemo, Acting Chief Executive Officer, NEPAD/APRM Secretariat, Kenya

Moderator: Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Chancellor of Nelson Mandela University and Chair of United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration

Background documents:
• Principles of effective governance for sustainable development: [Arabic]  [Chinese]  [English]  [French]  [Russian]  [Spanish]
• Relating the principles of effective governance for sustainable development to practices and results: [Arabic]  [Chinese]  [English]  [French]  [Russian]  [Spanish]

12:45-14:15 Lunch break

Session 3: From principles to practice in building strong institutions for the SDGs

• Mr. Patrick Spearing, Secretary of the Committee of Expert on Public Administration, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
• Mr. Allan Mukungu, Officer in Charge, Macroeconomic and Governance Division, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa - Remarks (EN)
• Mr. Ayodele Odusola, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme

Moderator: Ms. Nardos Bekele-Thomas, United Nations Resident Coordinator in South Africa

Background documents:
Draft CEPA guidance note on public sector workforce diversity 
Draft CEPA guidance note on budget transparency 
Draft CEPA guidance note on monitoring and evaluation 
Draft CEPA guidance note on coherent policymaking 
Draft CEPA guidance note on risk management frameworks 

15:45-16:00 Break

Session 4: SDG 16 monitoring and evaluation: an African perspective

• Mr. Jean Adou, National Reporting Framework on SDG 16 / Aspirations 3 and 4 of Agenda 2063, APRM
• Ms. Maureen Bakunzi, Acting Commissioner, Policy Implementation and Coordination, Office of the Prime Minister, Uganda
• Ms. Beauty Narteh, Executive Director, Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition - Remarks

• Moderator: Ms. Sara Tafiq Hamouda, SDGs and Agenda 2063 Expert, African Peer Review Mechanism

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Session 5: Data and statistics

• Mrs. Nereida Moreira, Praia City Group on Governance Statistics, National Statistics Institute, Cabo Verde
• Ms. Rosine Gnanazan Agnero, Coordinator, National Statistics Institute, Côte d’Ivoire - Remarks (EN)
• Ms. Selamawit Mussie, SDG Policy Officer, Economic Affairs Department, African Union Commission

Moderator: Mr. Risenga Maluleke, Statistician General of South Africa

Background documents:
Framework for the Praia City Group handbook on governance statistics
Is Africa measuring up to its Goal 16 commitments? The Road to HLPF 2019 and Beyond
• How Africa Measures Up on Governance [French]




Session 6: Linking the UN CEPA principles to governance indicators

• Ms. Winniefred Akoto-Sampong, Principal Programme Officer, Secretariat of APRM Governing Council, Ghana
• Mr. Lusanda Batala, Senior Sector Expert, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa
• Ms. Wendy Willy Massoy, Deputy Auditor General (National Accounts), Tanzania - Remarks (EN)

Moderator: Mr. Ali Hamsa, Board of Directors, Commonwealth Association of Public Administration and Management and member of United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration

12:15-13:45 Lunch break

Session 7: Sound policymaking: institutional arrangements and tools for promoting policy coherence

• Ms. Harsha Dayal, Research Director, Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, South Africa
• Mr. Yves Akre, Technical Adviser on SDGs, Ministry of Planning and Development, Côte d'Ivoire - Remarks (EN)
• Mr. Lineekela Josephat Mboti, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Multilateral Relations and Cooperation, Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Namibia

Moderator: Ms. Lindiwe Khumalo, Advisor on Strategic Relations with AU Policy Organs and Agencies, Bureau of the Chairperson, African Union Commission

Background documents:
Excerpt from the VNR Synthesis Report 2019

15:15-15:30 Break

Session 8: Collaboration and whole-of-society approaches to the SDGs

• Mr. Bernard Rey, Head of Cooperation, European Union Delegation to South Africa
• Ms. Prateema Kutwoaroo, Senior Analyst, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Integration and International Trade, Mauritius [Remarks]
• Mr. Derick De Jongh, Director, Albert Luthuli Centre for Responsible Leadership, University of Pretoria

Moderator: Mr. Ayodole Odusola, Resident Representative, UNDP South Africa

Friday, 1 November 2019

Session 9: SDG awareness raising and training

• Mr. Khaled Shamaa, Head, International Office, Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform and Chair, Governance Inter-Ministerial Committee - Case Study, Egypt (EN)
• Mr. Shahid M. Korjie, Acting Coordinator, Justice Sector Coordination Office, Ministry of Justice, Sierra Leone Remarks (EN)
• Ms. Akhona Tinta, Director for Strategic Planning and Management, Amathole District Municipality, South Africa Remarks (EN)

Moderator: Ms. Kadra Hassan Osman, Head of APRM National Secretariat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Djibouti Remaks (FR)

Background documents:
• Raising awareness and education on the Sustainable Development Goals [English] [French]
• Training in Sustainable Development Goals for public servants (Agenda 2030) [English] [French]




Session 10: Connecting research agendas to country needs

• Mr. Madara Ogot, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise, University of Nairobi - Remarks (EN)
• Mr. Aregbeshola Rafiu Adewale, Department of Business Management, University of South Africa - Remarks (EN)

Moderator: Ms. Erin McCandless, Associate Professor, Wits School of Governance, University of the Witwatersrand



• H.E. Mr. Senzo Mchunu, Minister of Public Service and Administration, South Africa
• H.E. Amb. Oumar Defallah Khayar, APRM Minister of Chad and Chairperson of APRM Focal Points
• Ms. Maria-Francesca Spatolisano, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Remarks (EN)
• Ms. Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi, Chancellor of Nelson Mandela University and Chair of United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration [Closing Remarks]

Facilitator: Mr. Eddy Maloka, Chair Africa Governance Architecture and Chief Executive Officer, APRM


Final Report