City Data

These pages present the results of a study assessing the e-government portals of selected cities using the Local Online Service Index (LOSI). This process was initiated in 2018 as a pilot study assessing portals in 40 cities and seeks to continue to provide evidence-based data to contribute to the assessment of progress made in local e-government development. The pilot assessment of local e-government development has been expanded from 40 cities in 2018 to 100 cities in 2020 and 193 cities in 2022. For more details about the LOSI, please review Chapter 3 of the United Nations E-Government Survey 2022, Chapter 4 of the United Nations E-Government Survey 2020 and Chapter 7 of the United Nations E-Government Survey 2018.

Links to the pdfs:

United Nations E-Government Survey 2024 (Chapter 4: Local E-Government Development)

United Nations E-Government Survey 2022 (Chapter 3: Local E-Government Development)

United Nations E-Government Survey 2020

United Nations E-Government Survey 2018


Country Iraq
Region Asia
Sub-Region Western Asia
E-Government (2020 LOSI: 0.1750)
2020 Rank 72
EGDI Iraq 2020 0.33530

Local Online Service Index

LOSI Rank 2024 2022 2020
Baghdad 141 139 72

Note: Cities with a score of 0 were not assessed because no portal was available at the time of evaluation.