2012 Survey

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Global E-Government Survey 2008

E-government Survey 2008
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E–Government Development Index Top 10 Countries
Country Index
Sweden 0.9157
Denmark 0.9134
Norway 0.8921
United States 0.8644
Netherlands 0.8631
Republic of Korea 0.8317
Canada 0.8172
Australia 0.8108
France 0.8038
United Kingdom 0.7872
E–Participation Index Top 10 Countries
Country Index
United States 1.000
Republic of Korea 0.9773
Denmark 0.9318
France 0.9318
Australia 0.8864
New Zealand 0.7955
Mexico 0.7500
Estonia 0.7273
Sweden 0.6591
Singapore 0.6364


From E-Government to Connected Governance


The UN E-Government Survey 2008: From E-Government to Connected Governance assesses the E-Government Development of the 192 Member States of the UN according to a quantitative composite index of e-readiness based on website assessment, telecommunication infrastructure, and human resource endowment. ICTs can help reinvent government in such a way that existing institutional arrangements can be restructured and new innovative arrangements can flourish, paving the way for a transformed government.

The focus of the report this year, in Part II, is e-government initiatives directed at improving operational efficiency through the integration of back-office functions. Whilst such initiatives, if successful, will deliver benefits to citizens, the primary purpose is to improve the effectiveness of government and governmental agencies. Models of back-office integration, irrespective of the delivery mode, fall into three broad categories: single function integration, cross functional integration, and back-office to front-office integration. The level of complexity, expressed in terms of the number of functions within the scope and number of organizations involved, is the primary factor influencing a successful outcome - with a tendency amongst the more ambitious projects to fail to deliver the full anticipated benefits. The key variables involved in the delivery of back-office integration are the people, processes and technology required.

Whilst the technology is increasingly resilient and 'fit for purpose', the evidence indicates that success or failure is less a technological issue and more a people issue - in particular, the ability to change public service cultures and motivate public sector workers to new ways of working, address trade union concerns, and provide adequately skilled and competent management and leadership.