Knowledge Base of UN Public Service Awards Initiatives

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YearInitiativesInstitution NameCategoryCountry
2017 Innovation for HIV diagnosis in infants born to infected mother using Realtime-PCR and Dried BlooDepartment of Medical SciencesInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 “Mukhyamantri Amrutam (MA) Yojana”Project Director, State Nodal Cell, "Mukhyamantri Amrutam (MA)" YojanaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 "Barrio Ecológico Las Colinas de Itauguá"Secretaría de Acción Social e ITAIPU BinacionalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Paraguay
2017 "Do Dream!" Community Support Case Management SystemSuseong District, Daegu Metropolitan City, Republic of KoreaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 “Health Care Services for Inmates in Correctional Institutions, Songkhla Province”SONGKHLA HOSPITALReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 “POMPa HIV/AIDS” Optimal Care to Mothers with HIV / AIDS Patients in Kardinah HospitalKardinah Hospitals Tegal City (RSUD KARDINAH TEGAL)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 “Shaishav” & “Matruraksha” – District’s Journey towards Healthy Childhood and Safe MotherhoodDistrict Panchayat, Kutch, Gujarat, IndiaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 «Moscow’s public services: benefit, care, smile!»Government of MoscowPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Russian Federation
2017 «Smart Municipality» - Development and introduction of Municipal Management Information System in RAMinistry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of ArmeniaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Armenia
2017 311 En LíneaAutoridad Nacional para la Innovación GubernamentalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Panama
2017 A Lively and Livable Jamnagar March towards Sustainable GrowthJAMNAGAR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION , GUJARAT , INDIAReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 A multidisceplinary team for management of patients with HIV in kingdom of BahrainMinistry of HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 a novel way of conducting an antibiotic managementMinistry of HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 A novel way of providing comprehensive medical geriatric services Ministry of healthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 Aadhaar enabled Public Distribution SystemOffice of the District Colletor, Krishna District, Andhra PradeshReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 AAO MILKAR SATH CHALEINDistrict Administration, Navsari,Gujarat, IndiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 Abu Dhabi Social Housing Policies and ProgramsAbu Dhabi Housing AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service United Arab Emirates
2017 Access to Information (a2i) ProgrammePrime Minister's Office, BangladeshPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bangladesh
2017 Accounting and Fiscal Information System for the Brazilian Public Sector (Siconfi)National Treasury SecretariatPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Accueil multicanal Caisse Nationale des Organismes de Prévoyance SocialePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Morocco
2017 Acompañamiento Social PSFVEProsperidad SocialReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Adaptive Extracorporeal Circulation Circuit:Reducing the risk of complications in cardiac surgery.Naresuan University HospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 ADMISSIONS ONLINE APPLICATIONGauteng Department of EducationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service South Africa
2017 Agricultural Partnership for Rural Youth Development (APFRYD)Western Cape Department of AgricultureReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation South Africa
2017 AGUA VIDA Y SABEREMPRESAS PÚBLICAS DE CUNDICAMARCA S.A ESPReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Alleviate Poverty Farmers Through One Year One Birth Of CowFood Security and Livestock Department of Pamekasan Regency Government (Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan PReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 An Innovative Approach to Fight Asthma in ChildrenThammasat University Hospital and National Science and Technology Development AgencyInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Anti Discrimination Health ServiceSultan Sy. Mohamad Alkadrie Hospital of Pontianak City GovernmentInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Antibiotics Smart Use (ASU)Food and Drug AdministrationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Anti-Violence & Addiction Program Ministry of InteriorPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bahrain
2017 Apichet PanjaratSakaeo shelter for children and familiesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Aplicativo Movil de Consulta de Damnificados Servicio de Vivienda y Urbanización Region de ValparaisoReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Appui à l'entrepreneuriat fémininAgence Nationale de Promotion de l'Emploi et des CompétencesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Morocco
2017 ATuServicio.uyMinisterio de Salud PúblicaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthUruguay
2017 Aumentando la confianza de los ciudadanos en el EstadoDepartamento Administrativo de la Función PúblicaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Colombia
2017 Ayo Kerja Let's Work)Manpower and Transmigration OfficeEast Java Province Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 AYUSH MAMTA CLINICHealth Branch,District Panchayat, Sabarkantha, HimatnagarInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 Better TogetherThe Department of the Premier and Cabinet South AustraliaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Australia
2017 Brazil Transparency Scale (EBT)Ministry of Transparency, Oversight and Comptroller GeneralPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Brazilian Civil Society Organization´s MapBrazilian Civil Society Organization´s MapPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Brazilian open data portal Ministry of Planning, Development and ManagementPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening ProgramCommissionerate of Health, GujaratInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 Building a village-level welfare platformSuyeong-gu local government of Busan metropolitan city, Republic of KoreaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 Building Better Futures for Vulnerable Children – Growing Fostering as the Pillar of Out-of-Home CareMinistry of Social and Family Development Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 Call “SOS” (Service On the Spot) for Receiving Excellent Vehicle Tax ServicesTechnical Implementation Unit Local Revenue Office of East Java Province, North Malang and Batu CityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Campus Social ResponsibilitySocial Department of SurabayaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Capacity Building in Support of Core Public Administration Functions and Service DeliveryBasil Fuleihan Institute of FinancePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Lebanon
2017 Cape York Region Package Department of Transport and Main RoadsReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Australia
2017 CDC:MMCRoi Et Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Centro de Información en Salud Silvestre/CISSFundación Oswaldo CruzReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Centro de RelevoMinisterio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de ColombiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios Centros Tecnológicos Comunitarios Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Dominican Republic
2017 Cervical Cancer Vaccination Save Women and Balinese CultureHealth Offices of Badung DistrictInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Cervix Cancer Sanning - A Life Saving InitiativeGreater Chennai Municipal CorporationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 CETSWa West District Health AdministrationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthGhana
2017 CHRHFort Thepsatreesrisoonthorn HospitalPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Thailand
2017 Citizen Design GroupMinistry of InteriorPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 Citizen Information Service Electronic System (E-sic)Ministry of Transparency, Oversight and Comptroller GeneralPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Citizen Spots (CS)Administrative Modernization AgencyReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Portugal
2017 Citizen Training Centre e-PlatformTechnical and Vocational Training corporationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 Civic Council on Asylum and Refugee IssuesOffice for Future-Related IssuesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Austria
2017 Civil Service Reform Plan(CSRP)Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 CNAIMHigh Commission for MigrationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Portugal
2017 Collaborate Program with EDAT System District Health Office, Bintuni Regency, West Papua Province, Indonesia Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Collector Office PanchmahalCollector Office PanchmahalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 Community Caregiver Center CCCDonkaew Community HospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Community Empowerment at Micro-, Small, Medium Businesses and Cooperatives in Muara EnimDevelopment Planning Agency at Sub Nation Level of Muara Enim District Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Community empowerment within case managementTembisa Provincial Tertiary hospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthSouth Africa
2017 Community for Rehabilitation of Blind on the Orientation & Mobility in the Unsettled Situation in NaTakbai HospitalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Community Medical Sciences to resolve steroids-containing traditional medicines in ThailandDepartment of Medical SciencesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Community Participation In Infrastructure Development Large Roads Without CostBanjarbaru Government (Pemerintah Kota Banjarbaru)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Community-based Waste Management in KohKha Municipality, Lampang, Thailand Kohkha Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Concertation "Ambition numérique" et co-design d'un référentiel de transformation de l'ESRConseil national du numériquePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service France
2017 Contraloría EscolarContraloría General de MedellínPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Colombia
2017 Cooperation Fund (CF)European Union Intellectual Property OfficePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Spain
2017 Countryside Economic Empowerment By Plasma Core System For Pangasius Fry Village DevelopmentAquaculture Development of Pangasius and Clarias CatfishReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Critical Land Conversion to A Green Urban Forest in Order to Halt and Reverse Land DegradationSanitation and Beautification Department of Banda Aceh MunicipalityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Dabokdong ProjectBusan Metropolitan CityInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthRepublic of Korea
2017 Deadly Toxic Jellyfish Health ProblemCommunity Medicine Department, Chiang Mai Medicine Faculty, Chiang Mai UniversityInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Democracy and Citizen Participation for Sustainable Human Development in the Basque CountryBASQUE GOVERNMENT-Public Governance and Self-Government DepartmentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Spain
2017 Desarrollando Comunidades Cardioprotegidas para salvar vidas, Servicio de Salud Metropolitano OccideServicio de Salud Metropolitano OccidenteInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthChile
2017 Development Of Perinatologi Reduce Neonatal of Mortality in RSUD Lasinrang Pinranglasinrang general hospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Development of poverty children to get equally and good quality services Nongluang Sub-District Administrative OrganizationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Digital TV assistance schemeInfocomm Media Development AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 Dirección de Obras Portuarias y su aporte al desarrollo sostenibleDirección de Obras Portuarias del Ministerio de Obras PúblicasReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 EADES - Equipe de Apoio à Desospitalização e Educação em SaúdeHospital federal de BonsucessoInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 East Java pro Apprenticeship (Jatim ProMag (jawa Timur Pro Magang Kerja))Manpower and Transmigration OfficeEast Java Province (Dinas Tenaga Kerja & Transmigrasi ProvJatim)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 EASY SAMSATLocal Revenue Office of East Java Province (Badan Pendapatan Daerah Provinsi Jawa Timur)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 EAU DE PARISEAU DE PARISPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service France
2017 Educación Inclusiva, un derecho de las niñas y los niños con discapacidad Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del EstadoReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mexico
2017 e-File - central case management systemCentre of Registers and Information SystemsPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Estonia
2017 eGovFrameThe Ministry of InteriorPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 e-Health SurabayaSurabaya City Health DepartmentInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 E-HUDAHaryana Urban Development AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 El Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad en el Departamento Escolar y de ArchivoUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Mexico
2017 El Verde Movement (EVM)Provincial Government of Camarines SurReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Philippines
2017 Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Armenia (EMTCT)National Center for AIDS PreventionInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthArmenia
2017 e-MamtaHealth and Family Welfare Department, Government of GujaratInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 Empowering the vulnerable youth with Interview SkillsOpen University of MauritiusReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mauritius
2017 Empowerment of Persons with Disability through Participatory Inclusion under MGNREGSRural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Government of Tamil NaduReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 Empresas por una sociedad libre de violencia de géneroMinisterio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e IgualdadReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Spain
2017 Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Sanitation Through Community Social GatheringHealth Office of Bangka Regency (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Bangka)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 ENSURE HEALTY FOR SOCIETY THROUGH MODERN EMERGENCY SERVICES IN DR. ISKAK TULUNGAGUNG GENERAL HOSPITADr. Iskak Tulungagung General HospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Entrepreneurism Support FundEntrepreneurism Executive Secretariat Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 ENVIRONMENT GOVERNANCE THROUGH E-GOVERNANCEGUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARDPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 E-PERMITCOMMERCIAL TAX DEPARTMENT, GUJARAT STATE,INDIAInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 e-PramaanMinistry of Electronics and Information TechnologyPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Establishing the Labor Fund (Tamkeen) InitiativeLabor Fund (Tamkeen)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bahrain
2017 Establishment and functioning of the Economic and Social Development Council (CDES - Brazil)Economic and Social Development CouncilPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Establishment of the Palestine Public Finance InstitutePalestine Public Finance InstitutePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Palestine
2017 Estrategia de inclusión social en el modelo de atención del EstadoInstituto de Previsión SocialReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 EVACCSPUNJAB INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BOARDInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPakistan
2017 Excellent Happy Home WardKhaoprangam MunicipalityInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Excellent Service for the Citizens through Surabaya Single Window (SSW)Department of Communication and InformaticsPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Execution SystemMinistry Of JusticePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 Family Centered Care : A Promising Social Collaboration for Improving Neonatal Health Outcomes (FCC)Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and PGIMER, New Delhi, India Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 FESTDepartamento Administrativo para la Prosperidad SocialReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 FONDO SOCIALFONDO SOCIAL PRESIDENTE DE LA REPUBLICAReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 For Healthy, Lives and Promote Well Being For Childhood Cancer, Saraburi Hospital, ThailandSaburi HospitalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Forest Conservation and Restoration Process for Solving Poverty ProblemLoung Nuae Municipality Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Forrest SchoolGebaeude und Baumanagement Graz GmbHReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Austria
2017 Fortalecimiento del Programa TekoporaSecretaría de Acción Social.Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Paraguay
2017 From Sword to PloughMinistry of Defence (Netherlands)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Netherlands
2017 From Zero To Hero With UKS (Health School Unit) Building Health Conscious Generations at SchoolsHealth Office of Bandung City (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung)Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Fund My CommunityDepartment of the Premier and CabinetPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Australia
2017 GDP (eCitizen)Government Digital PaymentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kenya
2017 GERIATRIC SERVICESGENERAL HOSPITAL AREA OF CIBINONGInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 GESTION INTERCULTURAL EN EL REGISTRO CIVIL BILINGUEREGISTRO NACIONAL DE IDENTIFICACION Y ESTADO CIVILReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Peru
2017 gob.mxMinistry of Public AdministrationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mexico
2017 Gov. Rev. System Gen 2 (MPN G2) For Flexibility and Accountability of Gov. Rev. TransactionDirectorate General of Treasury (Ditjen Perbendaharan)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Government Integrated Data Center(GIDC)National Computing and Informatin ServicePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 Graz goes Equal!City of GrazPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Austria
2017 Green Credit CardKorea Environmental Industry & Technology InstitutePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 GRMSDevelopment Administration Division (Bagian Administrasi Pembangunan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 H2SMN Tangerang DistrictTangerang District Health OfficeInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Handling Malnutrition Children by OMABA (ojek makanan balita : Todler Food Taxibike) And Cooking CHealth Office of Bandung City (Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandung)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Harm Reduction and treatment for opium addict in hill tribes of Northern Thailand Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 HEALTH COUPON PROGRAMProvincial Government of QuezonInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 Healthcare Online ServicesInformation & eGovernment AuthorityInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 HEART FAILURE MANAGEMENTINSTITUT JANTUNG NEGARAInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthMalaysia
2017 Hemodialysis CenterKing Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Foundation for International Humanitarian ActivitiesInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthSaudi Arabia
2017 Hibah Bansos OnlineFinancial and Asset Management AgencyPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 HIV/AIDs Patient Care Development in Saisaket Hospital Sisaket HospitalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Home Access Programme – Empowering needy households for greater connectivity and quality of life Infocomm Media Development AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 HOME CARE ( HEALTH SERVICES FOR 24 HOUR IN MAKASSAR CITY)HEALTH OFFICE OF MAKASSAR CITYInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 HoT (HOSPITAL on TABLET) Digital Hospital for Effectiveness, Efficiency, Transparency, AccountabiliJember Chest Hospital (RS Paru Jember)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 HUDUMA MASHINANIHUDUMA KENYA SECRETARIATReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Kenya
2017 HUDUMA SMART SERVICE AND PAYMENT CARD (HUDUMA CARD)HUDUMA KENYA SECRETARIATPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kenya
2017 Human Rights Reference Center ofPublic Defender's office of Rio Grande do Sul (CRDH-DPE/RS)Public Defender's office of Rio Grande do SulReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 ICT in EducationGauteng Department of EducationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation South Africa
2017 Impacto del SIRS. Seguro Nacional de Salud Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Dominican Republic
2017 Implementación de la ley de lobby en ChileMinisterio Secretaría General de la PresidenciaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Chile
2017 Improving the availability of early detection of risk factors for Non-communicable diseases.Ministry of HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 In House Land Certification Enrollment On Remote Area (KPR)Land Office of Selayar IslandsReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 INAM-ProNational Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation LimitedPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Information et orientation socialesFribourg pour tousReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Switzerland
2017 Infromation and Egovernment AuthorityInfromation and Egovernment AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Bahrain
2017 Innovation against Corruption: Building a Citizen-Centric Service Delivery Model in Albania - ISDAMinistry of State for Innovation and Public AdministrationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Albania
2017 Innovation of Regional Finance Laboratory (Inovasi Laboratorium Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah)Regional Finance and Asset Management Department (Badan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Innovative city for elderly people and people with disabilitiesBan Phai Municipality Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Innovative Initiatives in Urban Governance through citizen participation and technology interventionNavi Mumbai Municipal CorporationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 INSCRIPCION SYSTEMATIZADA DE ESTUDIANTES AL SISTEMA GENERAL DE POSTGRADO DE LA UANLUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Mexico
2017 INTAN BERKILAUPemalang Regency Land Officer (Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Pemalang)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Integrated Criminal Case Filing and Management System (ICMS)State Courts of SingaporePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Singapore
2017 INtegrated diabetes INformation technology with INnovative device approach novel mobility solution.Rajavithi HospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Integrated Power System Development in Border Area of Thailand: Sangkhlaburi DistrictProvincial Electricity AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Integration approaches of public service establishment for quality of life improvement in Huay Bong,Pasaosubdistrict municipalityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Internados por la PazGobernación del Meta Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Investment Facilitation Portal(IFP)Kenya Investment AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kenya
2017 IRACAPROSPERIDAD SOCIALReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 IRBM Integrity Plan (IIP)Inland Revenue Board of MalaysiaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Malaysia
2017 iSchool Education ProgrammeiSchool Education ProgrammeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Zambia
2017 Jardines Municipales del Sistema Municipal de Educación Inicial de Santa FeMunicipalidad de la Ciudad de Santa FeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Argentina
2017 Joint Resources Financing ProgramCity Government of Muntinlupa, PhilippinesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Philippines
2017 Judgment Enforcement Information System Information & eGovernment AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bahrain
2017 Judicial Performance IndicatorMinistry Of JusticePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 JVGMlalawi Police ServiceReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Malawi
2017 Kanyashree Prakalpa (KP)Department Of Women and Child Development and Social Welfare, Government of West BengalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 KLIPPERInvestment and Licensing Agency of Yogyakarta CityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Knowledge Welfare projectGwanak-gu OfficeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 Kuposhan Mukt Gujarat Maha-AbhiyanDepartment of Health and Family WelfareReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 La Cuarta Generación (4G) de Concesiones en Colombia / Contratos 4GAgencia Nacional de InfraestructuraPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Colombia
2017 LADO CAMPAIGNDirectorate of Women EmpowermentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 Laguna Medical Center HIV and AIDS Core Team (LMC-HACT)-Treatment HubProvincial Government of LagunaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 Learning beyond bordersNational Library BoardReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 LED Property App for Sustainable Transparency Legal Execution DepartmentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Thailand
2017 LTCPLand Registration AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Philippines
2017 MaidanPublic Authority for Consumer ProtectionPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Oman
2017 Management for Results ModelFederal District GovernmentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 MARSADe-government ProgramPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 Mature City Program State Secretariat for Human Development Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 MATURE WORKERS' PROGRAMMEHEALTH PROMOTION BOARDReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 MawredMinistry of Civil ServicePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Oman
2017 MEA Smart Life : Integrity & Equity Public Service Innovation Accessible for AllMETROPOLITAN ELECTRICITY AUTHORITYPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Thailand
2017 Memorias del siglo XXDireccion de Bibliotecas, Archivos y MuseosReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Mesa Ruta Sierra de La Macarena: Ecoturismo por la Paz.Gobernación del Meta Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Republic of IndonesiaPublic works service and spatial planning Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Miracle for 10 thousand: Hope-Building Hospital for Children with DisabilitiesMapo district of Seoul metropolitan governmentInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthRepublic of Korea
2017 MIRADA ACTIVA - Detectando situaciones de soledad entre las personas mayores de BilbaoAyuntamiento de BilbaoReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Spain
2017 Miro Miro InitiativeSaha-gu OfficeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 Mise à niveau urbaine multidimensionnelle de RabatAgence Urbaine de Rabat-SaléReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Morocco
2017 MLM Pasung “ East Java Quick Way Free Deprivation”Menur Mental Hospital, East Java Provincial GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Mobile CTCMinistry of Finance MalaysiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Malaysia
2017 Mobile Hospital for Specialistic Health Care of Lampung Province in IndonesiaHealth Office of Lampung ProvinceInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Mobile Program : Inovation of RegistrationNational Registration Department of MalaysiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Malaysia
2017 MODEL OF SOCIAL INNOVATION FOR FOOD SOVEREIGNTY AND LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN AZUAY PROVINCEGobierno Provincial del AzuayReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Ecuador
2017 Movimento Paulista de Segurança no Trânsito (MPST)Secretaria de Governo do Estado de São PauloPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 MUSIC SCHOOLS IN THE COMMUNITYMINISTRY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, CULTURE AND THE ARTSReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Trinidad and Tobago
2017 My River is Clean and HealthyHealth Department of Tapin District (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Tapin)Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 MyGov MyGov IndiaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 NAFSecretaria da Receita Federal do BrasilReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 NCMCHNational Center for Maternal and Child HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthMongolia
2017 Newborns Go Home With Certificates (Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencacatan Sipil Banyuwangi)Department Of Population And Civil Registration Districts BanyuwangiReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 NOOREducation Management System "NOOR"Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 Normalización, evaluación y certificación de competencias en actividades productivasSistema Nacional de Evaluación, Acreditación y Certificación de la Calidad EducativaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Peru
2017 Observatorio ChileCompraDirección de Compras y Contrataciones Públicas - ChileCompraPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Chile
2017 Observatory on Good Practices in Healthcare SectorFederazione Italiana Aziende Sanitarie e OspedaliereInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthItaly
2017 ODHALINK PLUS (PEOPLE LIVING WITH HIV/AIDS)Bangil General Hospital of Pasuruan Regency (RSUD Bangil Kabupaten Pasuruan)Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 One Stop Eye Healthcare Systems “None people shall suffer a blindness due to incapable to pay”South Sumatera province’s eye specialized hospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Online Products and Services AssessmentE-Governemt Program (Yesser)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 On-Spot Birth Registration Centres and Universal Birth Registration Campaignscivil and National RegistrationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Botswana
2017 Open Defecation Free Urban Andhra PradeshSwachh Andhra CorporationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Open Tender ProcessGauteng Provincial TreasuryPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service South Africa
2017 OpencantieriMinistry of Infrastructures and TransportPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Italy
2017 Operation Carwash Task ForceMinistério Público Federal do BrasilPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Operationalizing Obstetric ICUs in GujaratHealth & Family Welfare Department, Government of GujaratInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 OPS I.DNATIONAL REGISTRATION DEPARTMENTPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Malaysia
2017 Optimizacion de la contratacionIndustria MilitarPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Colombia
2017 Outreach Services: Empowering Persons With Intellectual Disabilities in Their CommunityMinistry of Social Affairs of the Republic of IndonesiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Pact for the Social Development of Paraíba State Secretariat of Development and Municipal Articulation Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Pacto pela Vida - 40 CIPM40 CIPM da Policia Militar do Estado da BahiaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Padrão de Negociação Flexível de Débito (Flexible Debit Negotiation Standard) Empresa Baiana de Águas e Saneamento S. A.Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Pamangkutanon sang Banwa: Kwentahan hindi Kwentohan (PsB)Municipality of Bingawan, Iloilo, PhilippinesPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Philippines
2017 Parques Para Una Vida MejorGabinete de Paz y ConvivenciaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Honduras
2017 Participatory democracy in social assistance policy in Brazil: the role of the CNASNational Council of Social AssistanceReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Payment Enquiry SystemSaudi Comission for Tourism & heritagePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Saudi Arabia
2017 PEA’s Integrity and Transparency ProjectProvincial Electricity Authority Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Thailand
2017 PHC Reform 2012-2016Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de FlorianópolisInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 Phones Against Corruption - Papua New GuineaDepartment of Finance - Papua New GuineaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Papua New Guinea
2017 Phukae OTOP Complex: The Poverty Alleviation and Community Economic Promotion SchemeCommunity Development DepartmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Phuket Care-bringing health close to homePhuket Provincial Administrative Organisation Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Pitagora e QPARegione BasilicataPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Italy
2017 Plan de Bibliotecas en Recintos PenitenciariosDirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y MuseosReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 PMTCT: Innovation Systematic ApproachDepartment of HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Political Party Portal (SİPPORT)Supreme Election CouncilPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Turkey
2017 Politique nationale d'immigration et d'asileMinistère chargé des Marocains résidant à l'étranger et des affaires de la migrationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Morocco
2017 Post-Judicial Mediation - Process for Access to JusticeLegal Execution DepartmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 PPP de Diagnóstico por ImagemRede Brasileira de DiagnósticoInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 PPS SystemCooperative Promotion DepartmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 PRIMAState Secretariat of EducationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 primary healthcare full solutionministry of healthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBahrain
2017 Pro Bono Air Transport of Human Organs (PBATHO)Civil Aviation Secretariat/Ministry of Transports, Ports and Civil AviationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 Proceso participativo para la formulación y validación de la ENCCRV de ChileUnidad de Asuntos Indígenas y Sociales-Corporación Nacional Forestal- Ministerio de AgriculturaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 procurement services advance systemheart of departement of capital investment and integrated service of east java provincePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Programa de Impulso Educativo para Grupos VulnerablesUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mexico
2017 Programa de Rehabilitación Psicofísica Integral (PRPI)Municipio de Río GrandeInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthArgentina
2017 PROGRAMA GANHE O MUNDOSECRETARIA DE EDUCAÇÃOReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Programa Primeros Años Acompañando la Crianza, Apoyo al Plan Nacional de Primera InfaciaConsejo Nacional de Coordinación de Políticas SocialesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Argentina
2017 PROGRAMA SANARSecretria de Saúde do Estado de PernambucoInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 PROSPERACOORDINACIÓN NACIONAL DE PROSPERA PROGRAMA DE INCLUSIÓN SOCIALReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mexico
2017 PSTDesignSingapore Council, Ministry of Communications & InformationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 PSUPrince of songkla UniveristyInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 PTT RegorestrationPTT Public Company LimitedReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Public Complaint System (PCS)Ministry for Development Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of UzbekistanPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Uzbekistan
2017 Public Health monitoring and communicating through FDA Smart AppThai Food and Drug AdministrationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Public Private Partnership (PPP) for the Organizational Strengthening of the Rizal Medical CenterRizal Medical CenterInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 PUBLIC SCHOOLCOLEGIO ESTADUAL FELIX MENDONCAReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 Public Wi-Fi Development Project Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 public-private joint energy welfare projectSeoul Metropolitan GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 PUJASERA (PERGUNAKAN JAMBAN SEHAT RAKYAT AMAN /Utilizing Healthy Latrines and People will be Safe)Public Health Center Tampo (Puskesmas Tampo)Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Q1K Provincial Government of QuezonInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 QMSKweneng District CouncilPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Botswana
2017 Qualified Services of Fish Quarantine in the Territory Free Corruption Fish Quarantine and InspectioFish Quarantine and Inspection Agency of SemarangPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Quiero mi BarrioMinisterio de Vivienda y UrbanismoReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Rado MozambiqueRado MozambiqueReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Mozambique
2017 RAMEDMinistère de la santéReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Morocco
2017 RCP - Pediatric Cardiology NetworkSecretaria de Estado SaúdeInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthBrazil
2017 Reaching-out Community Service CenterSeoul Metropolitan GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 RECICLA SANTIAGO SURGENDARMERIA DE CHILEReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Red Nacional de Protección al Consumidor / RNPCSuperintendencia de Industria y ComercioReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Reform of the public finances management through SISTAFE and e-SISTAFECentro de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de InformaçãoPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Mozambique
2017 Regional Implementation of SDVS-ABKDDepartment of Science and Technology Regional Office No. 5Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 Regional Investment Policy Package Of Pinrang Regency (PAKSI PINRANG)Regional Investment and One Stop Service Agency of Pinrang RegencyPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Rehab Mobile ServiceSisaket HospitalReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Reintegration of Persons with DisabilitiesGauteng Department of EducationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation South Africa
2017 RELATION SYSTEM OF BIRTH REGISTRATION (Si-Rela) PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF VULNERABLE CHILDREN (FROM PThe Population Administration and Civil Registration Office Surakarta ( Dinas Kependudukan dan PencaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Restauration des services publics en RCAMinistère de la Fonction publique, de la Modernisation de l’Administration, du Travail, de l’Emploi Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Central African Republic
2017 Restoring Hope, Regaining Dignity: The In-situ slum redevelopment project, AhmedabadAhmedabad Municipal CorporationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 ReteComuniAssociazione Nazionale Comuni d'Italia Sezione LombardiaPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Italy
2017 Rice Fortification ProgramDepartment of Science and Technology Regional Office No. XIInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthPhilippines
2017 RSC-BPP SchoolBorder Patrol Police BureauReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 saaedsaaed for traffic systemsPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service United Arab Emirates
2017 'Safety Sinmungo': A Safety-Keeper in My HandMinistry of Public Safety and SecurityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 Saiful AnwarPublic Health Nursing Inpatient SidomulyoInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 SAKINA (Stop The Mothers and Childs Mortalitycommunity Health centers of SempuInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Samarpan-EIRCDistrict Administration,Bhopal,MP,IndiaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 SAMPADA (Stamps And Management of Property And Documents Application)Department of Registration and StampsPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Saving Blood, Saving LivesEdendale Hospital, Kwazulu Natal Department of HealthInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthSouth Africa
2017 SBRStandard Business ReportingPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Netherlands
2017 School Readiness ProgrammeGauteng Department of EducationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service South Africa
2017 Science and Technology Academic-Research Based Openly Operated KioskS (STARBOOKS)Department of Science and Technology - Science and Technology Information InstituteReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Philippines
2017 Sejangkung Community health center (Puskesmas Sejangkung)Health Office sambas RegencyInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Sello de OrigenInstituto Nacional de Propiedad IndustrialReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Senior Citizen Liaison team (SCLT)Avon and Somerset Constabulary - Senior Citizen Liaison TeamReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation United Kingdom
2017 Seoul's participatory budgeting system(PB)Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Republic of Korea
2017 Sharing City Seoul ProjectsSeoul Metropolitan govermentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 SI MIDUN KE FASKESHealth Department of Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency (Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan)Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Silicosis prevention for public health services equally and sustainablyOffice of Disease Prevention and Control#9 Nakhon Ratchasima Department of disease control Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Sistema de Alta Dirección Pública / SADPDirección Nacional del Servicio CivilPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Chile
2017 Sistema de Examen Teórico Electrónico de ConducciónComisión Nacional de Seguridad de TránsitoPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Chile
2017 Sistema de Información del Servicio Público de Empleo - SISEUnidad Administrativa Especial del Servicio Público de EmpleoReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Colombia
2017 Sistema de Información Unificado en Salud - SIUSSecretaria de Salud CundinamarcaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthColombia
2017 Sistema de monitoreo y gestión en segundo prestador AUGEFondo Nacional de Salud - ChileInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthChile
2017 Sistema Nacional de Información TerritorialInstituto Geográfico NacionalPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Costa Rica
2017 SMART THUMB FACILITY IN PROBOLINGGO FOR IMPROVING HEALTH SERVICES TOWARDS HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS SOCSumberasih Community Health CenterInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Social Safety Nets Electronic SystemMinistry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative ReformReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Egypt
2017 Social Security Transformation For Health And Wellbeing of Malaysian EmployeesSocial Security OrganizationInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthMalaysia
2017 Social Upliftment through Waste ManagementGhanzi District CouncilReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Botswana
2017 Sportello Voce per SordiIstituto Nazionale della Previdenza SocialeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Italy
2017 SPSENational Public Procurement AgencyPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 State Democratic BudgetState Secretariat of ManagementReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Brazil
2017 STATE GOVERNMENT OF PARAÍBAState Secretariat of Safety and Social DefensePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 Statistik Papua BaratStatistics of West Papua (BPS Provinsi Papua Barat)Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Step in Malaria Elimination: Using Handmade Webscope to improve malaria Diagnosis and access among aThe Office of Diseases Prevention and Control 1 ChiangmaiReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 Stone Arch Bridge TechnologyKasese District Local GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Uganda
2017 Strengthening Community Health System for NCDs Prevention and Control at the Local Level, GangdongGangdong-guInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthRepublic of Korea
2017 Stroke Service Network (SSN)Prasat Neurological InstituteInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthThailand
2017 Subsidio al Transporte en Zonas Aisladas y Subsidio al Transporte Escolar Ministerio de Transportes y TelecomunicacionesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Chile
2017 Sunflower Centers (Integrated Support Centers for Sexual Assault Victims)Ministry of Gender Equality and FamilyReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 Supporting community for the Innovation of information system for the sustainability on public serviPolice Republic Of Indonesian ( Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia )Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Indonesia
2017 Sustainable PErsonalized E-health for brain Diseases (SPEED)Università degli Studi di Bari "Aldo Moro"Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthItaly
2017 Système de Gestion des Demandes RAMED / SGDRMinistère de l'Intérieur -Royaume du Maroc- Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Morocco
2017 Système des enchères électroniques inversées / SEEITrésorerie Générale du Royaume du MarocPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Morocco
2017 Système des services judiciaires électroniques (site web et application mobile e-justice)Ministère de la Justice et des LibertésPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Morocco
2017 TAAMIR CITYAGENCE URBAINE DE KHEMISSETPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Morocco
2017 TakufulMinistry of Social DevelopmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Oman
2017 Tasareeh (eway leave clearance system)Information and EGovernment AuthrotiyPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bahrain
2017 Tawafuq ProgramHuman Resources Development FundReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Saudi Arabia
2017 TawasulInformation and eGovernment AuthorityPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Bahrain
2017 TestTestReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Italy
2017 TEST F;PRTEST FLORReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Peru
2017 Thailand Accessible Community Model: KOH KREDDepartment of Empowerment of Persons with DisabilitiesReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 The anti-corruption procedure: A case of corrupted collusionDonkaew Sub-district Administrative OrganizationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Thailand
2017 The ChoiceOffice of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of JusticeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 The Development of Agribusiness Consultancy Clinic to Decrease Poverty at Gunungkidul Regency ( PengDepartment of Agriculture and Food Gunungkidul Regency (Dinas Pertanian dan Pangan Kabupaten GunungkReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 The Feminization of Poverty Alleviation: A Recourse Towards Self–Sufficiency & Welfare (JALIN MATRA)Society and Village Empowerment Board, East Java Provincial GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 The indigenous people’s fighting for sustainable justiceDepartment of Special InvestigationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 The Infomediary CampaignPhilippine Rice Research InstituteReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Philippines
2017 The Integrated Nursing and Care Service Program (INCSP)Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthRepublic of Korea
2017 The Modernization of Municipal Public Administration ProjectPrefeitura Municipal de Bom DespachoPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Brazil
2017 The Neem ProjectGujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers and ChemicalsReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation India
2017 The Public Service Improvement through the Launching of PEA Mobile Shop (PEA Mobile Shop)Provincial Electricity AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 The Recovery and Reconstruction Support Program DatabaseNational Strategy Office of IT, Cabinet SecretariatReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Japan
2017 The Seocho-gu's Anti-Smoking PolicySeocho-gu Innovation and excellence in delivering services in healthRepublic of Korea
2017 The Sun for The Poor in Purbalingga (STeP in Bangga)State Vocational High School 3 Purbalingga (SMK Negeri 3 Purbalingga)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 The sustainable housing regeneration initiative based on the residents’ economic self-sufficiencySeoul Metropolitan GovernmentReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 TOKI Housing ModelRepublic of Turkey, Prime Ministry,Housing Development Administration (TOKI)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Turkey
2017 Towards Ending AIDS : Equal Access to Antiretroviral Treatment Services with the Close Partnerships Bureau of AIDS, TB and STIs Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health,ThailandReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 TRABAJO EN REDES INTEGRADAS DE SALUDMinisterio de Salud Pública del EcuadorInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthEcuador
2017 Transparence du système d’accès dans la Fonction Publique Marocaine / TranSA-FPMinistère de la Fonction Publique et de la Modernisation de l’AdministrationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Morocco
2017 Treasury Single Account (TSA)Financial Comptroller General OfficePromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Nepal
2017 Under Water Restocking (UWR)Marine and Fisheries Agency of East Java Province (Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Provinsi Jawa Timur)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 Urban Transformation Centre (UTC)MINISTRY OF FINANCE MALAYSIAPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Malaysia
2017 USFUniversal Service Fund Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Saudi Arabia
2017 Using a community-based community development that is friendly to the elderly Hua Ngom.้huangom Sub-district Administration OrganizationReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Thailand
2017 UTILITIES ASSISTANCE PROGRAMMEMINISTRY OF PUBLIC UTILITIESReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Trinidad and Tobago
2017 VALUE ADDED TAX INFORMATION SYSTEM / VATISCOMMERCIAL TAX DEPARTMENT, GUJARAT STATE, INDIAPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Van Sanjivani ProjectDistrict Administration NarmadaInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndia
2017 Ventanilla Única de Comercio Exterior/VUCEInstituto de Promoción de Inversiones y Exportaciones Promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Uruguay
2017 Village Renaissance ProjectSuwon City, KoreaReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Republic of Korea
2017 Volunteering for International (VIP)National Strategy Unit, Ministry of FinanceReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Malaysia
2017 Waste Management, Generates BlessingsSanitation and Landscape Department of Bojonegoro Regency (Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan)Reaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Indonesia
2017 We Come and The World Be BrightBali Mandara Eye HospitalInnovation and excellence in delivering services in healthIndonesia
2017 Wireless@SGInfocomm Media Development AuthorityReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 XLNFood & Drugs Control AdministrationPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service India
2017 Yellow Ribbon Community Project (YRCP)Singapore Prison ServiceReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Singapore
2017 Your Embrace, My Hope ProgramPersons with Disablity Affairs OfficeReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Philippines
2017 Youth City 2030Ministry of Youth and sport AffairsReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Bahrain
2017 Единая Государственная Система Управления Недропользованием Республики КазахстанМинистерство Энергетики Республики КазахстанPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kazakhstan
2017 Информационный сервис "Судебный кабинет"Департамент по обеспечению деятельности судов при Верховном Суде Республики КазахстанPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kazakhstan
2017 Открытое правительствоМинистерство информации и коммуникаций Республики КазахстанPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service Kazakhstan
2017 انشاء مركز لرعاية الاطفال المحرومين من الرعاية الاسريةمركز رعاية الطفولةReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Oman
2017 تطبيق وزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطينوزارة الموارد البشرية والتوطينPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service United Arab Emirates
2017 خدمة أرضي من إختياريحكومة الفجيرة - بلدية الفجيرةPromoting transparency, accountability and integrity in public service United Arab Emirates
2017 مبادرة الانتساب المطورجامعة الملك فيصل - عمادة التعلم الإلكتروني والتعليمReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Saudi Arabia
2017 مبادرة البدائل التعليمية الإلكترونية لطلاب الحد الجنوبيشركة تطوير للخدمات التعليمية - TATWEER CO. FOR EDUCATIONAL SERVICESReaching the poorest and most vulnerable through inclusive services and participation Saudi Arabia
2015 Capacity building rvice College of OromiaImproving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 EOFUOCOOPMASSAM RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF CO- OPERATIVE MANAGEMENTFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2015 Sistema de Gestion Integral en laboartorios del Gobierno Federal Centro Nacional de servcios de diagnóstico en Salud Animal Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 "Il Comune siamo noi" ("We are the Municipality")Calcinaia MunicipalityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsItaly
2015 :”Auditoría de la Matrícula Estudiantil de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León” : Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 ‘Peoples Participation through Panchayeti Raj Institutions in WASH’ State Project Management Unit, State Water and Sanitation Mission, JharkhandFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2015 “Better health for the back” Karlskoga HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesSweden
2015 “On Approval of the Concept of State Space Policy Realization for the period to 2032”State Space Agency of UkrainePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUkraine
2015 “Webscope” enabling In-Time Accurate Delivery of Critical Diagnosis Prevent Unnecessary Malaria DeatThe Office of Disease Prevention and Control 10Improving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 940 CompaliantsMunicipality of Jeddah - Kingdom of Saudia ArabiaImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 a novel way of a Discharge planning project for in- patients in major secondary care hospital in BaMinistry of healthImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 Aadhar based Student TrackingGujarat Council of Elementary EducationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2015 ABBACounty council of Region VärmlandImproving the delivery of servicesSweden
2015 ABC Waters ProgrammePublic Utilities Board, Ministry of Environment and Water ResourcesImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Abstaining from catching fish in breeding season for poverty alleviation & sustainable developmentUpazila AdministrationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBangladesh
2015 Accelerating Pathways out of Poverty by Effective Public Service Delivery in the Sikkim HimalayaRural Management and Development Department, Government of SikkimImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 ACUASESORCOMISION NACIONAL DE ACUACULTURA Y PESCAPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2015 Adoption de la démarche qualité dans le financement du développement local au CamerounFonds Spécial d'Equipement et d'intervention IntercommunaleImproving the delivery of servicesCameroon
2015 AFKENDisaster and Emergency Management PresidencyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 Agency BankingCENTRAL BANK OF KENYAImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2015 An Increase in the Efficiency of WaterSupply Quality Surveillance through an Easy Bacterial Test KitProvincial Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 ANMOLSTATE CHILD PROTECTION SOCIETYImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Aplicación de participación movilGobernación del CaucaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Aplicación del modelo Z2 de Altman, para determinar la solvencia financiera/Z2 de AltmanCaminos y Puentes Federales de Ingresos y Servicios ConexosImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Apostilla en líneaMinisterio de Relaciones ExterioresImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 Apoyo Económico A Jóvenes Estudiantes De La Educación Superior/ AESecretaria Nacional de la JuventudImproving the delivery of servicesParaguay
2015 Appalto SicuroFormez PA - Centro servizi, assistenza, studi e formazioneImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 ASAN ServiceThe State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of AzerbaijanImproving the delivery of servicesAzerbaijan
2015 ATITUDE Program Secretary PLANNING AND MANAGEMENTImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 ATSMauritius Revenue AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2015 ATUSKonya Metropolitan MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 Audiencias PúblicasServicio Nacional de Sanidad, Inocuidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria.Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2015 Auditoría Académico-Administrativa de los Estudiantes en Proceso de Titulación de la UANLUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Austrian Inpatient Quality Indicators (A-IQI)Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Federal Ministry of Health)Improving the delivery of servicesAustria
2015 Automation of the identification of Child Abuse Cases in the EMRKing Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research CenterImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 AYKOMEKonya Metropolitan MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 Bahrain Data Portal (Bahrain's Open Data Initiative)Central Informatics OrganisationImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 Bahrain Information Communication Technology Governance (ICTG)eGovernment Authority, Kingdom of BahrainPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 Banco de AlimentosSupervisão Geral de AbastecimentoImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 BASEInstitute for Construction and Real Estate Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgePortugal
2015 – Creating a free harmonized Web Basemap for Austria Public Consortium of the 9 Austrian Provinces (GIS Departments) Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeAustria
2015 BCA’s Friendly Built Environment PortalBuilding and Construction AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Beti Vadhao (Save the Girl Child)Health and Family Welfare DepartmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 Better TogetherParticipation and Partnerships Program, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of South AFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsAustralia
2015 Big Data Relieving Citizens’ Small Grievances for a Public Administration InnovationInformation System Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 Biomedical Research Workflow Management System(BRWMS)Ministry of Health - General Direction for Scientific Research and Health InnovationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeItaly
2015 bizSAFEWorkpkace Safety and Health CouncilFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2015 Blending Academic and Professional ProgramsUNIVERSITY OF RWANDA-College of Business and EconomicsImproving the delivery of servicesRwanda
2015 Business Permit and Licensing System (BPLS) ReformsCity Government of LegazpiImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2015 BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINEERINGEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2015 Calculadora LaboralMinisterio del Trabajo Improving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 Casas Distritales de CulturaSecretaria de Cultura, Patrimonio y turismo de BarranquillaImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 case Management and Community EmpowermentTembisa tertiary HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Center of Excellence for Technical and Vocational Education Ministry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 Changing G2C paradigm using eKYC-Eliminating visit to Government OfficeDirectorate of Information Technology (Government of Maharashtra)Improving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Ciclo Participativo de Planejamento e Orçamento - CPPOSecretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Orçamento e GestãoFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2015 Citizen Group for Urban Planning Initiated by ResidentsSuwon City Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 Citizens and Business Services Improvement by Developing the Commercial Register Information system Registry AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesBulgaria
2015 Citizens Hall:A Multipurpose Space for Civic ActivitiesPublic Communications Division,Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 Civil Service ReformCivil Service CommissionImproving the delivery of servicesIsrael
2015 CLASSLESS INPATIENT SERVICE FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED COMMUNITY AT LOCAL PUBLIC HOSPITAL OF WATESRegional General Hospital Wates, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of YogyakartaImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 CLC: Promoting Whole-of-Government Knowledge Sharing in Urban DevelopmentCentre for Liveable CitiesPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2015 Clean and Green HackathonNational Environment AgencyFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2015 Clínica de HeridasSecretaría de SaludImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Clubs for Managing Large Numbers of Patients on ARVsWestern Cape Provincial Health Department, City of Cape Town Health, Institute for Healthcare ImprovImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 CMNPolicía Nacional – Comisaría de la Mujer y la NiñezImproving the delivery of servicesNicaragua
2015 COGHSTA Open Development Engine (CODE)Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional AffairsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSouth Africa
2015 Comité técnico estatal de la Administración judicial electrónicaComité técnico estatal de la Administración judicial electrónicaPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2015 Commissionerate of AgricultureCommissionerate of Agriculture, Pune, Maharashtra , IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Community Involved Cervical Cancer Screening in the 3 Southern ProvincesTakbai HospitalPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesThailand
2015 Community Action ComponentMinistry of Home Affairs GuyanaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsGuyana
2015 community forest ProgramRoyal Forest DepartmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Community Health Center Information System in Cimahi CityTHE OFFICE OF HEALTH CITY CIMAHIImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Community Participation for Effective Dengue Management in Fort ThepsatriSrisunthon.(CPEDM)Fort ThepsatriSrisunthon hospitalFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Community Participation for Rehabilitation of Blind on the Orientation & Mobility from the UnsettledTakbai HospitalFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Community service deliveryMauritius Fire and Rescue ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2015 Comprehensive Complaint Redressal System (CCRS)Ahmedabad Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Comprehensive Modernization of DETDirectorate of Employment and TrainingImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 CONCILIANETProcuraduria Federal del ConsumidorImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Conformación de ministerios coordinadores y consejos sectoriales de política / MIN. COORD.Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y DesarrolloImproving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 Connected Rural Villages (Kebele)Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)Improving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 Consumer Rights ProtectionPublic Authority for Consumer ProtectionImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2015 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Services in Learning Portal of Rumah BelajarCenter of Information and Communication Technology for Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Cooperative Promotion DepartmentCooperative Promotion DepartmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Cost-Free Road Construction The government of Banjarbaru CityDistrict of Landasan Ulin Banjarbaru CityImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 CPGRAMSDepartment of Administrative Reforms & Public GrievancesImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Creating Vibrant and Sustainable Towns - HDB’s Estate Renewal Strategy (ERS)Housing & Development BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Creation of a unified system for managing the entire process of implementation of the state policy fAgency for disabled peopleImproving the delivery of servicesBulgaria
2015 Credit Information SharingCENTRAL BANK OF KENYAImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2015 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ProjectDesign Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Crop Pest Surveillance and Advisory Project (CROPSAP)Commissionerate of Agriculture, Maharashtra StatePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2015 CTC Smart phone application Kuwait central tenders committeeImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2015 Cuadrante AmigoPolicía NacionalImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 Cuadrante Virtual POLICÍA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIAFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Delhi Metro ProjectDelhi Metro Rail CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Democracia en LíneaAlcaldía Municipal de Santiago de CaliFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Dental implants, ThailandInstitute of DentistryImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 DETMIGFONDO DE Información y Documentación Para la Industria INFOTECPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2015 Development of Busan Service Population StatisticsBusan Metropolitan CityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 Development of Community Centers for Improved Service Delivery (Community Centers)Public Service Development Agency of the Ministry of Justice of GeorgiaImproving the delivery of servicesGeorgia
2015 Development of Environmentally-friendly Lumber Treatment SystemForest Research Institute MalaysiaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMalaysia
2015 Development of Narcotic Substance Delivery System via Thailand Post Logistic ServiceFood and Drug Administration ,ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 Dietics Creche OutingMokopane HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Digital PenMinistry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 DIGITALISATION OF CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURESComune di CremonaImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 DIIInfocomm Development Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Diplomatic eServicesMinistry of Foreign AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 DIRO' LA MIA (I'LL HAVE MY SAY)COMUNE DI RHOFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsItaly
2015 Disabled-friendly Tourism led by Disabled PeopleJongno-gu officeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Dispositif de nominations équilibrées dans l’encadrement supérieur de la fonction publique Direction générale de l'administration et de la fonction publiquePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesFrance
2015 División de Gendarmería de la Policía FederalSecretaría de Gobernación-Comisión Nacional de SeguridadImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 eBookMinistry Of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2015 e-Business RegisterCenter of Registers and Information SystemsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeEstonia
2015 eCertificateGeneral Organization for Social InsuranceImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 E-CharityIslamic Affairs & Charitable Activities DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 eCitizen PortalInfocomm Development Authority of SingaporePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2015 Eco-friendly Bacteria Effective Solution for Toilets (E-Best)Defence Research and Development OrganisationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 EcoMobility World Festival Suwon 2013 Suwon City Improving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 e-CST: MSTD’s Initiative for Online Issuance of Statutory Forms under CST ActSales Tax Department, MaharashtraImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 ECUAPASSSERVICIO NACIONAL DE ADUANA DEL ECUADORImproving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 e-Democracy in UAEEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2015 E-employment CollaborationMinistry of ManpowerPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2015 efawateerComCentral Bank of JordanImproving the delivery of servicesJordan
2015 e-FilingInland Revenue Board of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2015 eGujCopState Crime Records Bureau, GandhinagarPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2015 Egyptian women's citizenship InitiativeThe Ministry of State for Administrative DevelopmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEgypt
2015 e-HudaHaryana Urban Development AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 E-instruction /E-Notes / E-paiementAgence urbaine de MeknèsImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 Electronic Application System (EAS) developementRural Support ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesLatvia
2015 Electronic official publications and systematisations of legislative acts VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis"Improving the delivery of servicesLatvia
2015 Electronical Born Alive CertificateState Evaluation and Management Area, Office of Planning and BudgetImproving the delivery of servicesUruguay
2015 Elenco dei Funzionari Internazionali di Cittadinanza ItalianaMinistero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione InternazionalePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeItaly
2015 Eliminación del Pase de Vigencia de Derechos PresencialInstituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del EstadoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2015 e-MarkingMinistry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2015 e-MASS SystemPost Service Division, Public Service Department of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2015 eMojni Application SoftwareOffice of Settlement Commissioner and Director of Land Records, Revenue and Forest Department, GoMImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Empowering female youths on sexual health and HIV/STIs prevention through collaborative friendly serBureau of AIDS TB and STIsPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesThailand
2015 Empowering Omani WomenMinistry of Social DevelopmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2015 E-Musrenbang Optimization For Supporting Participatory Based Development Planning Performance, SouthDevelopment Planning Board, SurabayaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Enabled Transactional and Informational E-ServicesMinistry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)Improving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 End to End IT SolutionGujarat Urja Vikas NigamImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Engaging Multiple Stakeholders To Reduce Adverse Drug Reactions Health Sciences AuthorityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2015 ENGAGING THE PUBLIC THROUGH USE OF ITNational Environment AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Ensuring Windows Safety – First in the world approachBuilding and Construction AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 eOfficeDirectorate of Information TechnologyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2015 ePanchayatJharkhand Space Applications CenterFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2015 E-Recruitment System (JADARAH)The Ministry of Civil ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 ESPAÇO CIDADÃOSECRETARIA PARA ASSUNTOS ESTRATÉGICOS (Special Secretariat for Strategic Affairs for Government of PImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 Estrategia de participación en el Pacto AgrarioMinisterio de Agricultura y Desarrollo RuralFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Estrategia integral de seguridad vial para evitar muertes y lesiones por accidentes carreterosCaminos y Puentes FederalesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 e'Thekwini: Sustainable Pit Latrine and Market Gardene'Thekwini Particle Separation Systems Technologies Pty Ltd, SLB Consulting Engineers, GRP Plant HirImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Evacuation of People during cyclone PhailinOdisha State Disaster Management AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 eVisaMinistry of Foreign Affairs – Saudi ArabiaImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 E-Visa Application SystemMinistry of Foreign Affairs of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 E-Wayleave Clearance SystemNational GIS Steering CommitteePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 EXPRESS AUTORINSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL DERECHO DE AUTORImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Extra School Support (ESSP)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Family Care UnitMininstry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2015 FANAR Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Saudi ArabiaImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Farm Machinery for Cane Production to Solve Economic Social and Environmental Sustainability ProblemSuphan Buri Agricultural Research and Development Center , Department of AgricultureFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Fighting Violence against Women:Making Seoul a Safer City for Women ProjectWomen Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Finance, Accounting, and Investment BureauSocial Security OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 First Responder Protocol on Animal-Related Feedback (FRP)Agri-Food and Veterinary AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Five-Year Initiative PlanTiwi Fire StationImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2015 Fondo Nacional Emprendedor, Programa Innovador de Apoyo a Emprendedores y MIPYMESInstituto Nacional del EmprendedorImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Forest Fire Management SystemRepublic of Turkey General Directorate of ForestryPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2015 Gastro intestinal Endoscopy UnitGastro intestinal Endoscopy UnitImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2015 GEMS actively increasing healthcare access for women in the public sector”.Government Employment SchemePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSouth Africa
2015 Gender Equality Policy, GEP (Nari Gaurav Niti)Gender Resource CenterPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 Gender Impact AccessmentMinistry of Gender Equality and FamilyPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Generalidad Girona. Nuevo modelo organizativo y funcionalGeneralitat de Cataluña en GironaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2015 Geographical building permits systemJeddah MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Gestão Urbana SPSecretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Prefeitura de São PauloFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2015 Gestion de realización de pago afiliado al SRL(GP) Administradora de Riesgos Laborales Salud SeguraImproving the delivery of servicesDominican Republic
2015 Ghanacard for non-citizensIdentity Management SystemsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeGhana
2015 GIFT-MENAInstitut des Finances Basil FuleihanFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsLebanon
2015 GISKonya Metropolitan MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 GIS based Decision Support SystemCommissionerate of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 GIS based School MappingGujarat Council of Elementary EducationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2015 Gobierno Eficiente e InteligenteSecretaría de Finanzas y AdministraciónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 govern.catGeneralitat de Catalunya Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2015 Government eMeeting PlatformeGovernment Authority – Kingdom of BahrainFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2015 Government Integrated Data Center (GIDCNational Computing & Information AgencyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 Government Service Bus (GSB)Saudi eGovernment ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Governmental Institution Secretariat of Banda Aceh MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Governmental Institution Lasinrang Public Hospital, Pinrang RegencyImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 GOVERNMENT-CITZEN INTEGRATION on SOCIAL MEDIAEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2015 Govt.nzDepartment of Internal AffairsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeNew Zealand
2015 GPRSecretaria Nacional de la Administración PúblicaImproving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 GRMS (Government Resources Management System) - Information System of Government Resources ManagemenProgram Control Division, Surabaya City SecretariatPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2015 Health Extension Programme (HEP)Federal Ministry of Health, EthiopiaImproving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 Healthcare Service Information Smartphone ApplicationHealth Insurance Review & AssessmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 HeartNetKing Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research CentreImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 HESNMinistry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 HKPHUDUMA KENYA SECRETARIATImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2015 Holistic School in Hospital Initiative (HSH)Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child HealthPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2015 HOUSE OF HEALTHY ELDERLYYogyakarta City GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 ICFES INTERACTIVO - Sistema Nacional de Información de Evaluación EducativaInstituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación.Improving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 ID SERVICE DELIVERYEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 IDEAS PARA EL CAMBIO - COLCIENCIASColcienciasFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Implantación de la ley vasca para la igualdad de mujeres y hombresEmakunde-Instituto Vasco de la MujerPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSpain
2015 Implementation of the Micro Irrigaion SchemeGujarat Green Revolution Company LimitedImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Improving administrative quality: Merging of the districts Judenburg and Knittelfelddistrict authority officeImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2015 Improving information to the Croatian business community - BIZimpact Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsCroatia
2015 Improving Maternal Healthcare in GujaratHealth and Family WelfarePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 IMPROVING QUALITY OF SERVICE ONE ROOF (ONE STOP SERVICE) FOR GROUP STIGMAUbud II Public Health Unit Improving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Improving the Financial Support ProgramMinistry of Social DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE CAPACITY THROUGH E-KINERJA (E-PERFORMANCE) APPLICATIONSecretariat of Banda Aceh MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Improving Urban Psychiatry Services in BangkokSomdet Chaopreya Institute of PsychiatryFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Impulso de la Perspectiva de Género y No Discriminación en el Servicio Profesional Electoralinstituto Nacional ElectoralPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2015 INCENTIVE CARD CHILD Smart Steps Improving Child Welfare in SurakartaOffice of Population and Civil Registration SurakartaImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Inclusion of students with mild intellectual disability and down syndrome in public schoolsSpecial Education DirectorateImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 Information, Resolution and Communication Portal (IRCP)Office of the Prime MinisterFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsTrinidad and Tobago
2015 Informatizzazione del Libro fondiarioProvincia Autonoma di Trento - Servizio Libro fondiarioImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Infrastructure development departmentAlmujahdeenImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Initiative to Reduce C-sectionsHealth Insurance Review & AssessmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 INPS and Apulia Region: a system to combat povertyApulia region/INPS Regional management (National Institute of Social Welfare), Apulia, BariImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Instituto nacional de Desarrollo SocialInstituto nacional de Desarrollo SocialFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2015 Integrated and Controlled Crop Production (ICCM)Ministry of Food Agriculture and LivestockPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2015 Integrated Housing and Development Program (IHDP)Ministry of Urban Development Housing and ConstructionImproving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 Integrated Performance Management System (IPMS)Office of the Prime MinisterPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTrinidad and Tobago
2015 Integrating Network and Community Participation for Effective TB Control in Phayao province, ThailanThe Office of Disease Prevention and Control 10Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Integrating the Informal Sector in Municipal Waste ManagementSolid Waste Management Department Pune Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Development and Integration on Expressways under ITS CenterExpressway Authority of ThailandPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2015 Introducing transparent mechanism of CSO funding - Introduction of LOD methodologyStari Grad Municipality, SarajevoImproving the delivery of servicesBosnia and Herzegovina
2015 Introduction to IT Modernisation Project - India Post, 2012Department of Post IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 IrekiaEusko Jaurlaritza- Gobierno Vasco (Dirección de Gobierno Abierto)Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSpain
2015 Issuance of Auto Rickshaw Permit – Online Lottery SystemTransport Department, Government of Maharashtra, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 ISUPRIntegrated Service Unit on Poverty ReliefPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2015 Jalyukta Gaon Abhiyan” (Water-Rich Village Mission)Water Conservation & EGS DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Kampung Media (Media Village), Community-Based Information DisseminationAgency of Communication and Information West Nusa Tenggara ProvinceFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Kanyashree Prakalpa (KP)Department Of Women Development and Social Welfare, Government of West BengalImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 KFSD E-ServicesKuwait Fire service DirectorateImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2015 Khon Kaen HospitalKhon Kaen HospitalPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesThailand
2015 kidsREADNational Library Board of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 KJYNational Disaster Magenement InstitutePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 KM 0 Pro Poor Information System Centre for Data and Development Analysis of West Java ProvinceImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Korean Drug Utilization Review (DUR)Health Insurance Review & AssessmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 KPK Whistleblower’s SystemCorruption Eradication Commission of IndonesiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Kristīne IlgažaLauku atbalsta dienestsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeLatvia
2015 KSA Housing ProgramMinistry of Housing kingdom of saudi arabiaImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Kuwait Government online Portal (KGO)Central Agency for Information TechnologyImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2015 LA IDENTIFICACIÓN Y LOS BENEFICIOS AL SISTEMA PERUANO DE SALUDRegistro Nacional de Identificacion y Estado CivilImproving the delivery of servicesPeru
2015 LA SEÑAL CUENTA, ESTRATEGIA DE RENDICIÓN DE CUENTAS 2013-2014SOCIEDAD DE RADIO TELEVISIÓN NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA Acrónimo de la institución: SEÑAL COLOMBIA SISTEMFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 La triada del servicio publico con Calidad: TSPCSecretaría de Asuntos Agrarios de la PresidenciaImproving the delivery of servicesGuatemala
2015 LADLI LAXMI YOJANADIRECTORATE OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENTPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 Law & Citizenship Edu-Cube for Children & Teens : Beop-Sarang Cyberland & Solomon Law-parkMinistry of JusticeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 lawsuit Sheets MOJImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Learn Not to Burn(LNTB) Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Licensing of Animals and Animal Products for Movements within the Kingdom of ThailandDepartment of Livestock DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 MahaGov CloudDirectorate of Information Technology, Govt. of MaharashtraImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Making a difference with the use of ICTCorporate and Business Registration DepartmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMauritius
2015 Making public all administration information to promote the citizens’ right to know gov businessInformation Disclosure Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Malaria ControlMalaria Branch, District Panchayat, GandhinagarImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 MANAGEMENT OF KUMBH MELAKUMBH MELA ADMINISTRATIONImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 MANAR-StatDirection des Etudes et des Prévisions FinancièresImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 Mauritius e-Government Strategy 2013 - 2017Central Informatics Bureau, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Republic of MaurPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMauritius
2015 MDGs Commitments AgendaSecretariat of Institucional Relations of the PResidency of the RepublicPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBrazil
2015 Media Center Surabaya City GovernmentSurabaya City GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Medical Fee Checking SystemHealth Insurance Review & AssessmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 mee sevaIT DepartmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2015 Mer-linkInstituto Costarricense de ElectricidadImproving the delivery of servicesCosta Rica
2015 MFSCENTRAL BANK OF KENYAImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2015 MHRSMinistry of Health of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 MiConsulmexSecretaría de Relaciones ExterioresImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Micro & Small scale Enterprises Development (MSE)Ministry of Urban Development Housing and ConstructionImproving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeKuwait
2015 Ministry of Foreign Affairs PortalMinistry of Foreign Affairs – Saudi ArabiaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2015 Ministry of Health Ministry of Health Improving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 MirasapoMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Small and Medium Enterprise Agency)Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeJapan
2015 Mitanin Community Health Worker ProgrammeDepartment of Health and Family Welfare, Chhattisgarh State, IndiaPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 Mobile Inspection of Development WorkSabarkantha District PanchayatImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Modelo de gestión para la atención de sugerencias y felicitaciones/MANDEHospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Modernización Integral del Archivo Académico Administrativo de los Estudiantes de la UANLUniversidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 MOI eServicesMinistry of InteriorImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 MOLLY- Mobile LibraryNational Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 mVoting, a New Way to Communicate with Citizens in the Mobile EraInformation Planning Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 myEnterpriseDepartment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Textiles, Government of West BengalImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 MyLPG.inMinistry of Petroleum and Natural GasImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 National Authentication Framework (eKey)eGovernment Authority – Kingdom of BahrainImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 National Contact Centre AMERSaudi e-Government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 National Gateway Infrastructure (NGI)eGovernment Authority – Kingdom of BahrainPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 National Model for the Integration of Women’s Needs in Development (2014-2016) Supreme Council for WomenPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2015 National Payment Aggregator (NPA)eGovernment Authority, Kingdom of BahrainPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 National Plan for the Advancement of Bahraini Women 2013 - 2022Supreme Council for WomenFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2015 National Planning and Decision Making Through Citizen CounselingSupreme Council for Planning Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsOman
2015 National Sand Search ProjectSurvey & Land Registration BureauPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 National Validation GatewayEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2015 NEASaudi eGovernment ProgramPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSaudi Arabia
2015 NMASState Revenue ServicesImproving the delivery of servicesLatvia
2015 NR en ligne (Note de renseignements en ligne)Agence urbaine de Rabat-saléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 NYABIHU DISTRICT/INZIRAKURUTWANYABIHU DISTRICTFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRwanda
2015 Observatoire des Droits de l’Enfant (ODE)Commission Nationale des Droits de la Personne/RwandaImproving the delivery of servicesRwanda
2015 ODASoffice of ombudsmanImproving the delivery of servicesRwanda
2015 office of permanent secretaryoffice of permanent secretaryFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Office of Strategy Management (OSM)Saudi eGovernment ProgramPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSaudi Arabia
2015 Oficiales de Protección a la Infancia / OPIsInstituto Nacional de MigraciónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Omani Traditional Cottage IndustriesPublic Authority of Craft IndustriesPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2015 One Less Nuclear Power PlantEnvironmental Policy Division,Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 One Stop Shop (OSS)Ministry of Commerce and IndustryPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2015 OneInboxInfocomm Development Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Online Migration Monitoring SystemGujarat Council of Elementary EducationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Online Packaged of Licensing Service in Sidoarjo, East JavaIntegrated Licensing Service Agency, Sidoarjo Regency Government Improving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Online Recruitment Test of Civil Servants in The Ministry of IndustryThe Ministry of IndustryFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Open Data - & OneMapInfocomm Development Authority of Singapore & Singapore Land AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2015 open data INSInstitut National de la StatistiqueImproving the delivery of servicesTunisia
2015 OPEN GOVERNANCE THROUGH CSC CENTRES BY CREATION OF ENTITLEMENT RIGHTS (EASYGAS & KISAN)District AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Out-Wall Incubation Program In Order To Escalate Women Productivity in Talang Kedondong Village – PaRegional Innovation Research and Development Agency (BALITBANGNOVDA) of South Sumatra ProvincePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndonesia
2015 PACI GISThe Public Authority for Civil InformationImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2015 Pacto entre la Política y la GestiónAyuntamiento de BarcelonaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2015 Participación de Aliados Estratégicos en el Desarrollo de Capacidades de los actores Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del EstadoImproving the delivery of servicesPeru
2015 Participatory Planning in Health as a Reflective Tool for Decision MakingSecretaria Municipal de Saúde de FlorianópolisFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2015 PATEN (DISTRICT INTEGRATED ADMINISTRATION SERVICES) IN SUMENEP REGENCYCity District Sumenep Improving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 PE TRANSPORTS ProgrammeState Office of Planning and ManagementImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 PEDIBUSComune di Palermo assessorato scuolaImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Peer Counseling ProgramMinistry of Gender Equality and FamilyImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Peoples Participation through Panchayeti Raj Institutions in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)Drinking Water and Sanitation DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Phayathai Babies'Homeoffice of the Pubic SectorFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 PKE ALIMENTOSSERVICIO NACIONAL DE SANIDAD, INOCUIDAD Y CALIDAD AGROALIMENTARIAPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2015 PLAN ESTATAL SINOS/CONSULTA SEGURAInstituto de Salud Pública del Estado de GuanajuatoImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Planeamiento de DotacionesGerencia Operativa de Planeamiento de Dotaciones, Dirección General de Capital HumanoImproving the delivery of servicesArgentina
2015 Plataforma de Gobierno Abierto del Ayuntamiento de ZaragozaAyuntamiento de ZaragozaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSpain
2015 Plataforma Integrada de Ventanillas Únicas Virtuales para 9 Municipios del DepartamentoGobernación del QuindíoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2015 Plataforma para la construcción participativa de la Política de Innovación SocialNNISFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 Plateforme de dématérialisation de la commande publiqueTrésorerie Générale du RoyaumeImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 PNDSMinistry of State AdministrationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsTimor Leste
2015 POHAMinistry of Law, SingaporeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2015 Portal de Información Social del Estado de Guanajuato Secretaría de Desarrollo Social y Humano del Estado de GuanajuatoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2015 Portal for Public Consultations www.strategy.bgCouncil of MinistersFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBulgaria
2015 Portuguese Health Data Platform (PDS)Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde / Shared Services of the Ministry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesPortugal
2015 Préinstruction en ligneAgence Urbaine de Rabat-saléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 Preventing Child Marriage through Adolescent Reproductive Health EducationBondowoso District Health OfficePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndonesia
2015 Proactive registeration of non-SaudisGeneral Organization for Social InsuranceImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Procuraduría FiscalProcuraduría Fiscal de la Secretaría de Finanzas y Administración del Estado de PueblaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Professor Athasit Vejjajiva Advance Diagnostic Imaging Center Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2015 Progetto incontr@cirièComune di CirièImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Programa Asesor Técnico Pedagógico y para la Atención Educativa a la Diversidad Social, Lingüística Dirección General de Educación Indígena Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Programa Integral de ModernizaciónDirección General de Registro Civil, Identificación y Cedulación del EcuadorImproving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 Programas de Atención CiudadanaAgencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la InformaciónImproving the delivery of servicesUruguay
2015 PRoGS (Puppetry Robotic Glove System) - A Cost-Effective Rehabilitation Device for Stroke PatientsInstitute of Technical EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Project NOVAMunicipality of Santo Stefano di Magra (SP)Improving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Project TEACH (Therapy, Education, Assimilation of Children with Handicap)City Government of MandaluyongImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2015 Project@doc Ministry of Foreign AffairsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeItaly
2015 Promoción de Calidad de Vida en hospital de tercer nivelHospital Regional de Alta Especialidad Ciudad VictoriaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Promoting equality with quality educationSecretaria de Educação de Foz do IguaçuImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 Promoting Gender Sensitive Public Service delivery through Women Development Armyministry of Women , Children and YouthPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEthiopia
2015 Promoting the Transparent Disclosure of the Information Required for Residents Residential Redevelopment Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2015 Proportional Teacher DistributionDistrict Administration of Luwu UtaraFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Proportional Transparency of Financial ManagementFinance and Asset Management Agency Regional Banyuwangi Improving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Proyecto de Hospitales Integrales con Medicina Tradicional / HIMETRAServicios de Salud del Estado de PueblaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Proyecto TramitónSecretaría Nacional de la Administración PúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsEcuador
2015 Public Information and Complaint Service Unit Yogyakarta CityPemerintah Kota YogyakartaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 PV en ligneAgence urbaine de Rabat-SaléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2015 PVD - Proyecto Puntos Vive Digital Ministerio Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2015 QUALIFIED FISH QUARANTINE SERVICES ON THE CORRUPTION FREE TERRITORYFish Quarantine And Inspection Agency Branch Office SemarangImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 RAF on The ROADRoad Accident FundImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Récord Arbitral del OSCEOrganismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del estadoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgePeru
2015 REDVOLUCIÓNMinisterio de Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2015 Regional Virtual Office of Electronic Administrative services of Dnepropetrovsk R. (Virtual Office)Dnepropetrovsk Regional State AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesUkraine
2015 REGOS e-usluge (ENA) Središnji registar osiguranikaImproving the delivery of servicesCroatia
2015 Results-Driven Management Model for Education: advances in academic achievement in schoolState Secretariat of Planning and ManagementImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 Revolution on Fiduciary Registration ServiceDirectorate General of Legal Administrative AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 RIPARTI PESARO - RESTART PESAROComune di PesaroImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2015 Risk Based Audits (RBA)Maharashtra Sales Tax DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 ROP SMS ServicesRoyal Oman PoliceImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2015 RUPEAgencia de Compras y Contrataciones del EstadoImproving the delivery of servicesUruguay
2015 Rural Medical Assistant Services InnovationDepartment of Health & Family Welfare, Government of ChhattisgarhImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Sabar ShouchagarDistrict Magistrate, NadiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Safe City Monitoring System (SCMS) GIS Web Based Application in Crime Monitoring in MalaysiaFederal Department Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia & Royal Malaysian PolicePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMalaysia
2015 Safe City Surat ProjectOffice of Commissioner of Police, Surat City.Improving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 SafeerMinistry of Higher EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 Safty & Security of Women, Children & Senior Citizens, Trafficsolutions,FriendofPolice,CounsellingSuraksha Setu SocietyImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Sahem fe al tashrea (Participate in Legistlations)Kuwait National AssemblyFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsKuwait
2015 SamarpanDistrict AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 SARM365Sir AbdoolRazack Mohamed State Secondary SchoolImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2015 Satisfacción del Usuario en la atención de ventanillas subdelegacionales de AguascalientesSUBDELEGACION AGUASCALIENTES NORTE DEL INSTITUTO MEXICANO DEL SEGURO SOCIALImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Saudi National PortalSaudi eGovernment ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 School-Based ManagementBener Meriah Education OfficeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Secondary Vocational Education Project (SVEP)Ministry of EducationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2015 Seomyeon Medical Street ProjectBusan Metropolitan CityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Service Excellence of Land Affairs in Tangerang RegencyTangerang Regency Land Affairs Office Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Services des IMPôts en Ligne / SIMPLDirection Générale des ImpôtsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMorocco
2015 Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911/ SIS ECU 911Servicio Integrado de Seguridad ECU 911Improving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 SEU PortalSaudi Electronic UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 SGPVE - Management of the State FleetEntidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, IPImproving the delivery of servicesPortugal
2015 Sharek: Egypt’s e-Participation PlatformMinistry of State For Administrative DevelopmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsEgypt
2015 SHAURYADIRECTORATE OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENTPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2015 SICODirectorate-General of HealthPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgePortugal
2015 SIMAGPrefeitura do Jaboatão dos GuararapesPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBrazil
2015 SingHealth One Medifund AssessmentSingapore Health Services Pte LtdImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Sistema de Gestión Documental / QuipuxSecretaría Nacional de la Administración PúblicaImproving the delivery of servicesEcuador
2015 Sistema de seguimiento y Evaluación, monitoreo y rendición de cuentas del Plan de desarrollo del TolGobernación del TolimaPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2015 Sistema Electrónico de Contrataciones del Estado (SEACE)Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del EstadoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgePeru
2015 Sistema Institucional de Bolsa de Trabajo - SIBOLTRADireccion de Egresados y Servicio Social del Instituto Politécnico NacionalImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Sistema Nacional de Información SNISecretaría Nacional de Planificación y DesarrolloPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeEcuador
2015 Sistema Nacional de Registro de Empresas Agencia de Gobierno Electrónico y Sociedad de la InformaciónPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUruguay
2015 SITAR Project for a “Territorial information web platform for Public Archaeology of Rome” (SITAR)Ministry for Cultural Heritage - Special Superintendence for the Archaeological Heritage of RomePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeItaly
2015 Smart Monitoring and Citizen FeedbackPunjab Information Technology BoardImproving the delivery of servicesPakistan
2015 SMART OMNI-SERVICESEMIRATES IDENTITY AUTHORITYImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 SMC-Mobile AppSurat Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 SMSGCPublic Procurement ServicePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 Social Security CounterSocial Security SuperintendenceImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 Social security initiatives (utilization training levy scheme/unemployment social security Ministry of LabourImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2015 Songklanagarind HospitalSongklanagarind HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2015 Songpa Maternity Care ProjectSongpa-gu OfficePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Songpa Solar Nanum Power PlantSongpa-gu OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Sorteo Fiscal del Buen FinServicio de Administración TributariaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2015 Sosyal KartKonya Metropolitan MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2015 SSOSaudi Electronic UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 State-wide Drinking Water Supply Grid - Ensuring water for happinessGujarat Water Supply and Sewerage BoardImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 STRATEGIC INITIATIVE JUSTIZ 3.0Federal Ministry of Justice Improving the delivery of servicesAustria
2015 Strengthening Controls and Streamlining Financial Processes through Re-designing of System WorkflowsAccountant-General's Department Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2015 Structural Implementation of Gender Equality in Performance Management Austrian Federal ChancelleryPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesAustria
2015 Suburbio Hospital PPPSecretaria da Fazenda do Estado da BahiaImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 Suplementos Alimenticios para población vulnerableComisión Nacional de Protección Social en SaludImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Support Center for WomenSupreme Council for WomenPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2015 Supporting a business-enabling environment through integrated one-stop shop licensing services in BaIntegrated Investment and Licensing Service Center, BarruImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Surabaya City GovernmentOffice of educationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2015 Surabaya Single Service WindowOffice of communications and informaticsImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2015 Sustainable Waste Management Practices at Petit Verger PrisonMauritius Prison ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2015 Système des Aides et des Bonifications Agricoles / SABADirection des Systèmes d’InformationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMorocco
2015 Taman Pintar Yogyakarta (Indonesia), An Effort To Educate The Rising Generation by Providing SupportTaman Pintar YogyakartaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Tamkeen’s Micro-Finance Initiative for Low Income Earning Women with Ebdaa BankLabour Fund (Tamkeen) Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2015 Tawasul – National Suggestions and Complaints SystemeGovernment Authority, Kingdom of BahrainPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 Tax Revenue for Gender EqualityThe Revenue Department of ThailandPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesThailand
2015 Tele-ICUKing Faisal specialist hospital and research centerImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 The Achievement of Efficiency Through the Intermediary of the Motivation of People (AMP)Prefeitura Municipal de Duque de CaxiasImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2015 The City of Philadelphia, Philly311The City of Philadelphia, Philly311Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited States
2015 The Complaints Information Analysis System and the Alarm SystemAnti-Corruption & Civil Rights CommissionPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2015 The Implementation Of Official Trip Control System In Terms Of Preventing Corruption Practices (Si Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan ProvincePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2015 THE KODO KUTAKI WAYMadhya Pradesh Women Finance and Development CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 The Portuguese Public Procurement System | Developing and implementing an eProcurement solutionEntidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública, IPImproving the delivery of servicesPortugal
2015 Transforming Primary Health Care of Psychiatric Outpatients in the Community through GP Partnership Institute of Mental HealthImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2015 Transparency for Free and Fair ElectionsElectoral Commission of South AfricaImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2015 Transparency of LawsAbu Dhabi Judicial DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 Transporting Citizens 24/7: Seoul Owl Bus ProgramBus Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Trazabilidad Ganadera Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y PescaImproving the delivery of servicesUruguay
2015 UANEmployees' Provident Fund OrganisationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Un Solo San Pedro Municipio de San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2015 Unified Billing System (UBS) called locally LehuluMinistry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT)Improving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2015 UNI-PASS: Improving the Integrated Trade Portal ServiceKorea Customs ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Upazila Beggars Rehabilitation ActivitiesUBRAUpazila Administration, KishoreganjImproving the delivery of servicesBangladesh
2015 Upper Austrian Winter Sports WeekRegional Government of Upper Austria, Directorate for Education and Society, Dep. for family affairsImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2015 UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM CONTROL FORMSThe Activities Control Acceleration (P2K) APBA Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2015 Urna de CristalMinisterio de Tecnologías de la Información y las ComunicacionesFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2015 USSDInstance supérieure indépendante pour les électionsImproving the delivery of servicesTunisia
2015 Valdera 2020Unione ValderaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsItaly
2015 Value Added Tax Information SystemCommercial Tax Department, Govt. of GujaratImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 Ventanilla Integral de Trámites Ambientales en línea Autoridad Nacional de Licencias Ambientales de Colombia (ANLA) y Ministerio de Ambiente y DesarrolloPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2015 Ventanilla Única de Comercio ExteriorInstituto Uruguay XXIPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUruguay
2015 Ventanilla virtual de tránsitoAlcaldía de Manizales Improving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 Vinculación de PyMES con Compañías Transnacionales (Modelo ACT)ProMéxicoImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2015 Visa en Línea @visaMinisterio de Relaciones ExterioresImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 VPISNational Authority for Qualifications & Quality Assurance of Education and TrainingFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2015 VUAC - Ventanilla Única de Atención al Ciudadano (VUAC)Alcaldía Mayor de Cartagena D.T. y C.Improving the delivery of servicesColombia
2015 Wage Protection System (WPS)Ministry of ManpowerPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2015 Webcam Connected Microscope (Webscope) for Trusted Malaria Telediagnosis on Cloud in Remote Border ADepartment of Disease ControlPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2015 Weigh Station Transformation For The Economic GrowthDepartement of Transportation and LLAJ East Java ProvincePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2015 work placement Programe-pilot stageministry of EducationPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2015 WorkRight initiativeMinistry of ManpowerPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2015 XLNFood & Drugs Control AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2015 YOUR IDENTITY - A CHANCE FOR EQUAL RIGHTS VRANCEA COUNTY COUNCIL Improving the delivery of servicesRomania
2015 Youth Internet Addiction Prevention ProgramsChildren and Youth Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2015 Государственная база данных «Юридические лица»Министерство юстиции Республики КазахстанImproving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2015 Единая информационная система технического осмотра АО Национальные информационные технологииImproving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2015 Единая нотариальная информационная система АО «Национальные информационные технологии» Improving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2015 Интегрированная информационная система «Е-қызмет»ГУ «Агентство Республики Казахстан по делам государственной службы и противодействию коррупции»Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeKazakhstan
2015 Интегрированная информационная система Центров обслуживания населенияМинистерство по инвестициям и развитию Республики КазахстанImproving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2015 Интранет-портал государственных органов Республики КазахстанМинистерство по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeKazakhstan
2015 Информационная система "Государственная база данных «Е-лицензирование»"Министерство по инвестициям и развитию Республики Казахстан Improving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2015 Информационная система электронного обучения Республики Казахстан Министерство образования и науки Республики КазахстанPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeKazakhstan
2015 Консультативный экспертный совет по развитию государственной и муниципальной службы Государственной Государственная кадровая служба Кыргызской РеспубликиFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsKyrgyzstan
2015 Открытые данныеАО Национальные информационные технологии Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsKazakhstan
2015 Портал электронного правительства Республики КазахстанМинистерство по инвестициям и развитию Республики КазахстанPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeKazakhstan
2015 Программа развития информатизации Республики Татарстан «Электронный Татарстан»Министерство информатизации и связи Республики ТатарстанPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRussian Federation
2015 Типизация муниципальных услугМинистерство экономики Республики ТатарстанImproving the delivery of servicesRussian Federation
2015 أتمتة القروض الإجتماعيةالبنك السعودي للتسليف و الإدخارImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 البصمه الاكترونيهوزارة العدلImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 التحول بالخدمات إلى خدمات إالكترونية وذكيةوزارة الداخليةFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2015 الخدمات الاستباقيةالمؤسسة العامة للتأمينات الاجتماعيةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 الخدمات الالكترونية لديوان الموظفين العامديوان الموظفين العامImproving the delivery of servicesPalestine
2015 الخير الشاملوزارة الشؤون الاجتماعيةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 العنوان الوطنيالبريد السعوديImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 المركز الوطني لدعم المنظمات الاهليةوزارة التنمية الاجتماعيةPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2015 الوكالات الاكترونيه وزارة العدلImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 برنامج العناية بالعميل الخاص - أمنك بلمسة زرالقيادة العامة لشرطة دبيImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 بوابة معاً نحسنوزارة العمل السعوديةFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2015 تطبيق النافذة الواحدة الاردنيةدائرة الجمارك الاردنيةPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeJordan
2015 تطبيق امانة الأحساء الذكيةأمانة الأحساءImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 تطوير الإدارات المحلية(وزارة التخطيط والمتابعة والاصلاح الاداري (التنمية الاداريةImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2015 تمكين منسبات الأمن اجتماعيا لخدمه المجتمعوزاره الداخليهPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2015 خدمة التقارير الطبية الإلكترونية لفحص العمالة الوافدة " إفادة"وزارة الصحةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 خدمة جامعي مؤسسة البريد السعودي Improving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 مؤشرات قياس الأداءوزارة العدل Improving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 مبادرة جمعية الشرطة النسائية الامارتية جمعية الشرطة النسائية الامارتية Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2015 مبادرة وزارة القوى العاملة لتمكين المرأة العمانيةوزارة القوى العاملةPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2015 مجلس شرطة دبي الاستشاري لخدمة المجتمعالقيادة العامة لشرطة دبيFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2015 مشروع "نور"وزارة التربية و التعليم – المملكة العربية السعوديةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 ميكنة وحصر أسرة الرعايات (137)وزارة التخطيط والمتابعة والاصلاح الادالىImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2015 نظام المناقصات الإلكترونيأمانة الاحساءPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSaudi Arabia
2015 نظام صوت المواطنوزارة الصحةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2015 نظام فارس لإدارة المواردوزارة التربية و التعليمImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 COFEPRIS: Agencia Reguladora Nacional de Referencia Regional Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos SanitariosImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 ‘Dial 100’ – Modernization of Police Control RoomState Crime Records BureauImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 ‘Suraksha Setu Society’ (SSS) - Building A Bond between Police and PublicSuraksha Setu Society - Gujarat Police, Home DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 “Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko (ATVT)” –Jan Seva Kendra (JSK)Revenue Department, Government of GujaratImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 “Conozca en qué se gasta su dinero”Contraloría General de la RepúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsCosta Rica
2014 “MÃE CORUJA” PROGRAMSTATE HEALTH SECRETARIAT OF PERNAMBUCOPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBrazil
2014 “Policy Expo for Seoul of Hope 2013” wherein Citizens’ Words become City Policies(Policy Expo)Social Innovation Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 “Policy Expo for Seoul of Hope” wherein Citizens’ Words become City PoliciesSocial Innovation Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 “Reaching School Children with Portable Dental Units to improve access and prevent Tooth Decay”School Oral Health Program, Kuwait-ForsythImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2014 1% Participatory BudgetingSeodaemun-gu OfficeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 108 Emergency Response Services for WomenCommissionerate of HealthPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 1090-WPLUttar Pradesh PolicePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 3M Service PrincipleImmigration & Checkpoints AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 3P Project : Park Pay PassMetropolitan Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 4EXCELENSEMUNICIPIO DE AGUEDAImproving the delivery of servicesPortugal
2014 A 3P Code Review approach towards developing a user-friendly built environmentBuilding and Construction AuthorityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2014 A Remote-Control Set of Water Supply Pumping in Southern Thailand’s Risky AreasProvincial Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Abu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (ADSDI)Abu Dhabi Systems & Information CentrePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Accelerating the Achievement of MDGs through BSBDisaster Response BrigadePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndonesia
2014 Accountability Index Monitoring System (AIMS)Internal Audit DivisionImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Affordable Housing : The AB modelHabitat AllianceImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Ageing-In-Place Programme Alexandra Health System Improving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Agency of Population and Civil Registration The City of SurakartaImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 AMBASSADORS OF ROAD SAFETYAUTOMOBIL CLUB D'ITALIAImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2014 Animal HealthAgriculture and Rural DevelopmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSouth Africa
2014 ANTE LOS OJOS DE TODOSSALUD DE TLAXCALAImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 APORTASecretaria de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la InformaciónPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2014 Apostille/Normal Certificate Registration SystemRepublic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Department of Information TechnologiesImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 ApplicationSystem & Information CentreFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2014 ASAN serviceState Agency for Public Service and Social İnnovations under President of AzerbaijanImproving the delivery of servicesAzerbaijan
2014 ASPRSKhonKaenRajanagarindraPsychiatric HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 At Your Service Always 365 Day and NightDubai Electricity and Water AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Automatic Booster Chlorination, ensure public tap water qualityMetropolitan Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Banque de données MANARDirection des Etudes et des Prévisions Financières, Ministère de l'Economie et des FinancesFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMorocco
2014 – Creating a free harmonized Web Basemap for AustriaPublic Consortium of the 9 Austrian Provinces (GIS Departments)Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeAustria
2014 Biometric Access Control SystemKZN TreasuryImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Blue Ocean StrategyRisk Center (Pusat Bersalin Berisiko Low Rendah1Malaysia MAIWP-HPJ) Hospital Putrajaya.Improving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Budgétisation Sensible au Genre au Maroc BSG-MarocDirection des Etudes et des Prévisions Financières du Ministère de l'Economie et des FinancPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMorocco
2014 Building CAPD networkBuntharik HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Building the Best (Eutteum) Neighborhood projectChangwon CityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 Business Process ReengineeringEmirates Identity AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 CCTV Control Center for Citizen, Smart & Safe City SeodaemunSeodaemun-gu OfficePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Center of Children Working in StreetsCenter of Children Working in StreetsImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Center of Children Working in StreetsCenter of Children Working in StreetsImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Central del Ciudadano, Transparencia y Acceso a la información: una política de Estado en el gobiernCasa Civil del Gobierno del Estado de Rio Grande do SulPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBrazil
2014 Central Financial System (CFS)Ministry of FinancePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 CFO HelpdeskDepartment of Trade and IndustryImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 child protection centerchild protection centerImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 ChungBaek-e systemMinistry of Security and Public AdministrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Citizen Service Delivery at the Door-stepsGandhinagar District CollectorateImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Civil Service Commision under the President of the Republic of AzerbaijanCivil Service Commision under the President of the Republic of AzerbaijanImproving the delivery of servicesAzerbaijan
2014 Climate Change StudyNational Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia Improving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Cloud Telephony and IVRS (Interactive Voice Response System) based Daily Monitoring System (DMS)Mid Day Meal Authority, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Comisión Nacional ForestalComisión Nacional ForestalFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Comité técnico estatal de la Administración judicial electrónicaComité técnico estatal de la Administración judicial electrónicaPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2014 CompartirInstituto Nacional de Administración PúblicaPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2014 Compass of TransparencyItalian Department for Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2014 Conflict Resolution for Dealing with Floor Noises in Apartments by Resident Governance1. Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Conserve, Innovate and Educate’ Initiative (CIE)FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE MALAYSIA Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMalaysia
2014 Consolidación del "Portal de Seguridad Carretera" (PORSCAR)Caminos y Puentes FederalesPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2014 Consumer e-ComplaintsPublic Authority for Consumer ProtectionImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2014 Coordination of the 2012 School Governing Body ElectionsGauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Corporate Strategy for Financial Inclusion Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Improving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2014 Course (LJC)Ministry of Justice of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Creating affordable and eco-friendly homes through the BCA Green Mark Scheme Building and Construction AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Creation of Customers’ Service Satisfaction forPWA Kabinburi Branch Provincial Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Creation of the International Gender Responsive Budgeting Centre of Excellence (GRB) Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public AdministrationPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRussian Federation
2014 CTINCCooperative Promotion DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Cuotas de Género en México.Comisión para la Igualdad de Género del Senado de la RepúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Customer Engagement ProgrammeNational Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Customer Relations Management System (CRM)Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the kingdom of Bahrain Improving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 Customs Electronic Payment Card System (Gümkart)Ministry of Finance of TurkeyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2014 Data.gv.atFederal Chancellery of the Republic of AustriaImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2014 De Puerta en PuertaMunicipio de QuerétaroImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Decent Work Agenda of BahiaSecretary of Labor, Employment, Income and Sports in BahiaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2014 DEMUNAMunicipalidad Distrital Rio TamboImproving the delivery of servicesPeru
2014 Digital Collaboration System(DCS)Ministry of Security and Public AdministrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Digital Delta Rijkswaterstaat Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeNetherlands
2014 Digital DeltaRijkswaterstaatPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeNetherlands
2014 DOLWMSDepartment of Lands Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2014 and OGD appsUpper Austrian Federal Government (Department of Geoinformation)Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeAustria
2014 Dr.Kasetsart UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Drought Solution by Innovation of Clay Core Weir Beneath SandbedRoyal Irrigation Department Improving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Dubai Model for Government ServicesDubai' The Model CentreImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 E-Aplication SystemRepublic of Turkey Prime Ministriy Undersecretariat of TreasuryImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 E-Aplication SystemRepublic of Turkey Prime Ministriy Undersecretariat of TreasuryImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 East Marmara GIS Based Investment Site Information System (YATBIS)East Marmara Development AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 E-Athlete : ICT for excellence in sportsDirectorate Sports and Youth WelfarePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 e-ContributionEmployees Provident FundPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMalaysia
2014 eDhara – Land Records Management System (eDhara)Revenue Department - Government of GujaratImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 EDM Environment Austria Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Ministry of Life)Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeAustria
2014 Education Support for Youths from Low-Income Families Seodaemun-gu OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Educational Initiaative in DantewadaDistrict Administration DantewadaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 e-Government Standard FrameworkMinistry of Security and Public administrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 e-government standard frameworkMinistry of Security and Public administrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 eGram Vishwagram Project GujarateGram Vishwagram SocietyImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Egyptian women's citizenship InitiativeThe Ministry of State for Administrative DevelopmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEgypt
2014 E-InstructionAgence Urbaine de KHémissetImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 eKalyanSocial Justice & Empowerment Department, Government of GujaratImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 eKey (eKey)eGovernment AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 Electronic Delivery of Court DocumentsAustrian Federal Ministry of JusticeImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2014 Electronic Registry of Societies System (eROSES)Registry of SocietiesImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Electronic Visa Application system (e-Visa)Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Improving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Electronic Visa Application System (e-Visa)Ministry of Foreign Affairs of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkmenistan
2014 e-Mamta: Gujarat State Initiative of Mother and Child Tracking SystemCommissionerate of Health, Family Welfare, Medical Services, Medical Education & ResearchPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 E-Management of Visitors System (E-MVS) for connect programme of the highest constitutional office wPresident's Secretariat, Rashtrapati BhavanPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 Emirates ID Web-Portal TransformationEmirates ID AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Employee Work Management System (EWMS)Office of the Collector and District Magistrate MehsanaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Employment Pass Division to Expatriates Services Division (ESD)JABATAN IMIGRESEN MALAYSIAImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 e-MUSRENBANGDevelopment Planning Board of SurabayaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2014 Enhance the quality of life and food safety through microbial innovationLand Development DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Enhancing Transit Service using Bus Information System (BIS)Transportation Policy Division, Ulsan Metropolitan Government Improving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 e-ProcurementMinistry of Public WorksPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2014 E-SALES PORTALMinistry of Justice of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Eskisehir Metropolitan MunicipalityEskisehir Metropolitan MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 e-SmartBox : To enhance labour related public service delivery (MOL Smart & Smile)Office of the Secretary Ministry of LabourImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Establishment of Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP)Ministry of ManpowerImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Estrategia de Gobierno Abierto y Transparente del Gobierno del Estado de CoahuilaGobierno del Estado de Coahuila de ZaragozaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Eunpyeong-gu Residents Participatory Budgeting based on Mobile∙Internet SolutionsEunpyeong-gu Office, Seoul Metropolitan city Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 eVotingEmirates Identity AuthorityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Exam Results Through Short Messages Services (SMS)Ministry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesBrunei Darussalam
2014 Excellence in Rural Development in the Challenging Physical Environment of the Sikkim HimalayaRural Management and Development Department, Government of Sikkim, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Extra School Support Programme (ESSP)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Factura ElectrónicaAyuntamiento de PamplonaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2014 Families SA Redesign ProgrammeFamilies SAImproving the delivery of servicesAustralia
2014 FarisMinistry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 Farmland PensionKorea Rural Community CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 FATIHGeneral Directorate of Innovition and Educational TechnologiesImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Female Community CourtMahila Samakhya Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 FIGeneral Secretariat of Presidency of Republic and Ministry of Planning, Budget and ManagementFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2014 Fiscalización Abierta y EfectivaAuditoría Superior del Estado de PueblaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Fish Certification Services Based on ISO 9001:2008 and Indonesia National Single WindowQuarantine Station Handling Fish Quality and Safety of Fisheries ProductsImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Fluoridated milk, equitably caries prevention for thai children.The Royal Chitralada ProjectsImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Forest Conservation through Collaboration with CitizensGifu PrefectureFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsJapan
2014 Form C-S for Small Companies (Form C-S)Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Formación artística, cultural y ciudadana en Casas Distritales de Cultura en Barranquilla, Colombia Secretaria de Cultura, Patrimonio y Turismo – Alcaldía Distrital de BarranquillaImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2014 Formation of DPC and the adoption of technologyNational Environment AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Fortalecimiento de la Perspectiva de Género y No Discriminación en el Servicio Profesional ElectoralDirección Ejecutiva del Servicio Profesional Electoral del Instituto Federal ElectoralPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2014 Fortalecimiento en control fiscal participativo a organizaciones de población víctimaContraloría General de la RepúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2014 Fortalecimiento y Vinculación de PyMES a los programas de proveeduría de Compañías Transnacionales (ProMéxicoImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Gamcheon Cultural Village in Cooperation with Residents, Artists and AdministratorsSaHa-gu Office, Busan Metropolitan City Improving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Gathering Citizens Aspirations through UPIKInformation and Complaint Service Unit Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2014 Gauteng Primary Literacy Strategy (GPLS)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme (GAPP)Ministry of Community Development Improving the delivery of servicesTrinidad and Tobago
2014 Gestión por Resultados (GpR)Secretaria de Asuntos Agrarios de la PresidenciaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsGuatemala
2014 GOYS portalGeneral Organization for Youth & SportsImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 GSBe-Government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 'Gunotsav' - Enhancing the Quality of EducationEducation Department - Government of GujaratFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2014 Gyeongsangbuk-doGyeongsangbuk-doImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 HafizHuman Resources Development FundImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 Higher Education Admission CenterHigher Education Admission CenterPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2014 Holistic Program for New Vehicle Registration and Registration Renewal General Directorate of Traffic/ eGovernment AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 Hospital director officeMaharaj Nakorn Chaingmai HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 I Pad appStatistics South AfricaImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 iCARE Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)National Environment AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Implementation of web based application for Certificate of OriginMauritius Revenue AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2014 Improvement of national security by health behavior modification Project(INSHBMP)Fort Prachaksinlapakom HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 IMPROVING THE CAPACITY OF RSUD dr. ABDOER RAHEM SITUBONDO FOR DELIVERING BETTER SERVICE Abdoer Rahem Situbondo HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Improving the delivery of services through the Jan Suvidha KendraCollector Office, Banaskantha, Gujarat, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Improving the Integrated Trade Portal Service (UNI-PASS)Korea Customs ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Increasing Citizens’ Satisfaction with BIS by Disclosing Public Bus Information to the Public Seoul Transport Information Center / Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Increasing Productivity of Rice in Sawankhalok Cooperative Land SettlementCooperative Promotion DepartmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 Information Disclosure(ID)Ministry of security and Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Integrated and Controlled Crop ProductionMinistry of Food Agriculture and LivestockPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2014 Integrated Flood Disaster Preparedness and Relief: The Lam-Ta-Khong Basin Nakhon Ratchasima ProvincRoyal Irrigation Department Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2014 Integrated Public Service PlatformRepublic of Turkey Ministry of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and CommunicationsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2014 Integrating Network and Community Participation for Effective Malaria Management in Tha Song Yang DiDepartment of Disease Control, Ministry of Public HealthFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 Integrating the informal sector in Municipal Solid Waste ManagementPune Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Intinsive Care Automation - EmergincesMinistry of State for Administrative DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2014 Involvement of Public in Traffic ManagementNational Traffic Management Centre - The Indonesia National PoliceFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2014 Irrigation Operation and Maintenance Process with 14-Step Water Users’ ParticipatoryRoyal Irrigation Department Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 I-SEHA Ministry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 Judicial Procedures Development Project (JPD)Ministry of State for Administrative DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2014 Khon Kaen Hospital One Stop Crisis CenterKhon Kaen HospitalPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesThailand
2014 klima:aktivAustrian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water ManagementImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2014 Korea Online GReen product Information Network (KOGRIN)Korea Environmental Industry & Technology InstituteImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Korea Vocational Training Management Corporation ActHuman Resources Development Service of KoreaImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Kosodate Town & Information Sharing Infrastructure ProgramMinistry of Economy, Trade and IndustryImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2014 Kutahya Virtual TourKutahya Kultur ve Turizm MudurluguImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 LA ALCALDIA 7/24ALCALDIA DE LA TEBAIDA QUINDIO COLOMBIAPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeColombia
2014 LA PREFETTURA DI PROSSIMITA': Closing the gap between the Prefecture and locali citizensPREFETTURA-UFFICIO TERRITORIALE DEL GOVERNO DI LECCEPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeItaly
2014 LADLI LAXMI YOJNADIRECTORATE OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENTPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 Land Registry and Cadastre Modernization Project (LRCMP)General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (Turkey)Improving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Land Registry and Cadastre Modernization Project (LRCMP)General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (Turkey)Improving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 LARASITA: Reaching the Unreached (LARASITA)Karanganyar Regency Land OfficePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndonesia
2014 Learn Not To Burn (LNTB)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 LIASSE UNIQUE – L.UTunisie TradeNetPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTunisia
2014 Library@ChinatownNational Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Livestock Development Office,SongkhlaLivestock Development Office,SongkhlaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 Mafraq Breast Cancer Screening and Early Detection Project King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center/Jordan Breast Cancer ProgramPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesJordan
2014 Maîtrise d'ouvrage Durable dans le secteur de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement à BangangtéMairie de BangangtéImproving the delivery of servicesCameroon
2014 MalaffiAbu Dhabi Health Services CompanyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Media Center of Surabaya City GovernmentDepartment of Communication and Informatics of SurabayaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2014 Mee SevaDepartment of ITImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 MEJORA EN LA TELEFONÍA: DE GASTO NECESARIO A ACTIVO ESTRATÉGICO/MENcÍAAdministración de la Comunidad de Castilla y LeónImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2014 Mer-linkInstituto Costarricense de ElectricidadFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsCosta Rica
2014 Mettre la performance de l'Administration Publique au service du CitoyenGuichet Unique ProvincialImproving the delivery of servicesBurundi
2014 MIDA’s Talent Management and FacilitationMALAYSIAN INVESTMENT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Mineral Administration and e-Governance Using ICT (MAGIC)Commissionerate of Geology and MiningImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Minimum Government, Maximum Governance : Good Governance through e-GovernanceDepartment of Science and Technology, Government of GujaratPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 Ministry of Security and Public AdministrationMinistry of Security and Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Ministry of Security and Public AdministrationMinistry of Security and Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Mise en place de l'Office Burundais des RecettesOffice Burundais des RecettesImproving the delivery of servicesBurundi
2014 Mobile mammography unit screening project King Hussein Cacner Foundation Jordan Breast Cancer Program Improving the delivery of servicesJordan
2014 Mobile SevaDepartment of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of IndiaPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 MODEABMaîtrise d'Ouvrage Durable dans le Secteur de l'Eau et de l'Assainissement dans la Commune de BanganImproving the delivery of servicesCameroon
2014 Modelo Centro Integral de Servicios Secretaría de Finanzas y Administración del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Modelo de Atención a las Mujeres en el Parto, con Enfoque Humanizado, Intercultural y SeguroDirección General de Planeación y Desarrollo en SaludPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2014 MODEPÇorlu BelediyesiImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 MS KimBucheon CityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Muhandolbom (Unlimited Care)Gyeonggi Provincial GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 Muscat Contact Center 1111Muscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2014 MUSRENAThe Government of Banda Aceh MunicipalityPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndonesia
2014 My Tree HouseNational Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 MyKad National Registration Department of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Namyangju cityNamyangju cityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 National Blue Ocean Strategy(NBOS) Cataract Surgery Centre Islamic Affair CImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 National Contact CenterSaudi e-government ProgramFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2014 National Gateway Infrastructure (NGI)eGovernment Authority Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 National Manpower Records and Registration SystemPublic Authority of the Manpower RegisterFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsOman
2014 National Mentorship Programme (NMP)Ministry of National Security – National Mentorship ProgrammeImproving the delivery of servicesTrinidad and Tobago
2014 National Payment Aggregator (NPA)eGovernment AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 National Policing Strategic Framework (NPSF) Mauritius Police Force Improving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2014 NICMinistry of Interior- National Information Center Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2014 NIDANOffice of Zila Panchayat Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 NoorMinistry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 NR en lignel’Agence Urbaine de Rabat-SaléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 Núcleo de Interatividade do Veterano ( Veteran Interactivity Center - NIVE)Polícia Militar da Bahia (Military Police of Bahia)Improving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 Nuevo Modelo de Operación en las Autopistas de Cuota en México. Experiencia Atlacomulco-MaravatíoBanco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, S.N.C.Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Office of Agricultural Research and Development Region 8 , Department of AgricultureOffice of Agricultural Research and Development Region 8 , Department of AgricultureFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 Omani Nurse-MidwifeMinistry of HealthPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2014 One-stop Integrated Screening and On-site Follow-up Health Promotion Board (Singapore)Improving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 ONLINE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM (ORS)Civil Service Bureau of Georgia Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeGeorgia
2014 Open, Smart & Sustainable Legal Information Service, Korea Law Information Center(KLIC)Legal Information Division, Ministry of Government LegislationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Optimum Utilization of Resources, Transparency and Decision Support through Integrated GISBhaskaracharya Institute of Space Applications and Geo-informatics Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 Otorgamiento de Apoyos en las Modalidades de PI, ADL FC a traves del Programa Opciones ProductivasSecretaria de Desarrollo SocialFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Our Singapore Conversation (OSC)Ministry of Communications and InformationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2014 Outreach ProgramNational Registration Department of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Paiement en ligne des taxes locales et amendesTrésorerie Générale du RoyaumeImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 Participatory Scientific Watershed Management Programme (PSWMP)Gujarat State Watershed Management AgencyFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2014 Passport servicesKantor Imigrasi I Jakarta SelatanImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Performance Monitoring & EvaluationDept. Performance Monitoring & EvaluationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Phrae Rice Seed CenterRice Department, ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Pilot Study: Democratic Accountability in Service Delivery Toolkit in Malawi- Solid Waste managementOffice of the OmbudsmanImproving the delivery of servicesMalawi
2014 Plan Especial de Inclusión Social / PEISMunicipio de PalmiraFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2014 Plan of Integrated Action of Investments in the Isle of GodSecretariat of Planning and Management of PernambucoFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2014 Plataforma de Intermediación de Datos / PIDMinisterio de Hacienda y Administraciones PúblicasImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2014 Plataforma MultitrámiteH. Ayuntamiento de PueblaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Política de Desarrollo Municipal del Gobierno del Estado de México. Gobierno del Estado de MéxicoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMexico
2014 Portail de la ville de SayadaAssociation pour la Culture numérique LibreFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsTunisia
2014 Portal Educativo Luz y DiversiónCompañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz S.A.Improving the delivery of servicesCosta Rica
2014 PPDB OnlineDepartment of Education Service of SurabayaImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Pré-instruction en ligneAgence Urbaine de Rabat-SaléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 PRESUPUESTO PARTICIPATIVO – PPP – COMO PROGRAMA PARA LA CONCERTACIÓN DEL DESARROLLO LOCAL / PPPMunicipio de Palmira Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsColombia
2014 Presupuestos Públicos para la Igualdad entre Mujeres y HombresComisión de Igualdad de Género de la H. Cámara de DiputadosPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2014 Preventive medicine Mobile Units for women and children in islandsRegion of CreteImproving the delivery of servicesGreece
2014 Prise de rendez-vous dans les hôpitaux/ RDV HôpitauxMinistère de l’Industrie, du Commerce, de l’Investissement et l’Economie NumériqueImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 Prison Medical System (PrisMS)Singapore Prison Service; Infocomm Development Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Procon MóvelSecretaria de Justiça, Cidadania e Direitos HumanosImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 Procurement and Contracting System Saudi Commission For Tourism and Antiquities Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSaudi Arabia
2014 Programa de Acción Específico: Interculturalidad en SaludDirección General de Planeación y Desarrollo en SaludImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Programa de Acción específico: Interculturalidad en SaludDirección General de Planeación y Desarrollo en SaludImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Programa de capacitación para la construcción de módulos demostrativos de ecotecnias en ejidos y comComisión Nacional ForestalPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2014 Programa de Desarrollo Territorial Sustentable de la Selva Lacandona/ PDLSLCOMISIÓN NACIONAL PARA EL CONOCIMIENTO Y USO DE LA BIODIVERSIDAD, COMISION NACIONAL FORESTEALFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Programa Federal de Apoyo al Transporte Masivo/PROTRAMBanco Nacional de ObrasImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Project Management Office - OperationsMalaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Project NeptuneNational Environment AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Project SPARSH-Special Project for Assistance, Rehabilitation & Strengthening of the Handicapped (DiDept of Social Justce and Welfare of Person With Disabilites Welfare, and NIC MPImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Project: redevelopment ( of Internal AffairsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeNew Zealand
2014 Promotion of ‘Public-Private Partnership’ ProjectMinisty of Gender Equility & FamilyImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Promotion of Safe Community Building by Prefecture-wide Integrated GISGifu PrefecturePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeJapan
2014 Proportional Teacher DistributionDistrict Administration of Luwu UtaraImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Protecting Women’s Rights from the Illegal Sex Industry through Women’s ParticipationSeoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 PSCAPPublic Sector Reform, Decentralization,and Capacity Building ProjectImproving the delivery of servicesSudan
2014 Public Bicycle Program NUBIJAChangwon CityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 PV en ligneAgence Urbaine de Rabat-SaléImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2014 R Khan Hospital Pharmacy Decongestion Project Kwazulu Natal Department of healthImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 RAK.aeElectronic Government Authority - Ras Al Khaimah, UAEPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Rats CageCity Of JohannesburgImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Remaking Singapore's Career Vocational & Technical Education: Colleges of the Future Master PlanInstitute of Technical EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Replication of Zero Garbage WardPune Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Reporting on SiteMinistry of Security and Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Respect Life Culture Formation and Suicide Prevention ProjectNowon-GuImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Retinoblastoma_Filling the gap projectSiriraj Hospital Mahidol UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Revenue AdministrationRevenue AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Ricardo MottaAssembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do NorteImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 Risk EngineDubai CustomsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Road Safety Education in Schools (RSE)Road Safety Department of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Road Safety InitiativesRoyal Oman PoliceImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2014 SafeerMinistry of Higher EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 SAKALASAKALA MISSIONImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 SAKALADepartment of Personnel and Administrative Reforms (Administrative Reforms)Improving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Sanam ServicesMinistry of finance- CustomsImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 Sanbokdoro Renaissance ProjectBusan Metropolitan CityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 SATCOMBhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geo-informatics (BISAG)Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2014 Saudi Whole of Government ApproachSaudi E-Government ProgramPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSaudi Arabia
2014 School Furniture ProcurementFundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da EducaçãoImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 Secondary School Improvement Programme (SSIP)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 SEISMOLOGICAL STUDIES IN GUJARAT TO SAVE LIVES AND DAMAGE DUE TO EARTHQUAKES AND TSUNAMIInstitute of Seismological ResearchPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 SELECISsedesol-Coordinacion Nacional del Programa de Desarrollo Humano OportunidadesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Seoul Public WifiInformation and Communication Security Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 SEPT(Simplified e-Tax Payment) SERVICEMinistry of Security and Public Administration Improving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 Service Center ReengineeringEmirates Identity AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Shala Praveshotsava and Kanya Kelavani – Empowering Women through EducationGujarat Council of Elementary Education – Education Department – Government of GujaratPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 Sickle Cell Anemia Control Program (SCACP)Commissionerate of Health, Medical Services and Medical EducationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 SineBahia – Central UnitSecretariat of Labor, Employment, Income and Sports of the Government of BahiaImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 Singapore Memory Project (SMP)National Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 Sistema de Consulta de Trámites y Servicios de Alto Impacto a la Ciudadanía (www.tramitefacil.gob.mxSecretaría de la Función PúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Smart Creative CityAnyang CityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Smart Partnership : Service Delivery via EPF e-KioskEmployees Provident FundImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Social HousingRepublic of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Housing Development AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Social Media StrategyEmirates Identity AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Social Security Information System(SSIS)Korea Health and Welfare Information ServicePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2014 Speaking BooksThe South African Depressionand Anxiety GroupImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 SPORTS INFORMATION BANK (SIB)Ministry of Youth and SportsImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 Stamps Assessment and Payment System (STAMPS)Inland Revenue Board of MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 STEMI Fast TrackCentral Chest Institute of ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 STEMI Fast TrackCentral Chest Institute of ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 STOP the BureaucracyMinistry of the InteriorImproving the delivery of servicesSlovenia
2014 Stop the Collapse of Emergency Medical Care with the Use of iPads!Saga Prefectural GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2014 Super Service SystemUskudar MunicipalityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsTurkey
2014 Supporting a business-enabling environment through integrated one-stop shop licensing services in BaIntegrated Investment and Licensing Service Center, BarruImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 Swarnim RTOCommissionerate of TRansportImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Taking science to people and people to scienceGujarat Council on Science & TechnologyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 TamMinistry of Interior - Trrafic AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 Targeted Public Distribution SystemFood, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Tele-MedicineKwaZulu Natal Department of healthImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 Thailand Board of InvestmentThailand Board of InvestmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 The Balanced Civil Service Employment System for the Social Minorities(BCSECSM)Ministry of Security and Public AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 THE CONTROL PANEL FOR STRATEGIC GOVERNMENTAL ACTIONSSecretariat of Planning and Management of PernambucoPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBrazil
2014 The Design and Operation of Seoul Citizens’ Hall as a Multipurpose Communication Space with CitizensSeoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 The Development of improving the participation of network parties in order to prevent road accidentKhon Kaen HospitalFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 The Egyptian Swiss Radiology Project [ESRP]Ministry of health and populationImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2014 The Estidama Pearl Rating System (PRS)Abu Dhbai Urban Planning CouncilFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2014 The Initiative to Restructure Community Service Centers as Welfare HubsSeodaemun-gu OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2014 The Integrated and Humanized Healing Program for People Affected From the Unrest in ThailandFort Sunprasitthiprasong Hospital ,Royal Thai ArmyImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 The Integrated State Finance SystemMinistry of Finance Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2014 The Joburg Landfill Gas to Energy Project: City of JohannesburgImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 The Mobile Driving License Service Unit Directorate of Traffic, Jakarta Police StationImproving the delivery of servicesIndonesia
2014 The National Complaints & Suggestions SystemeGovernment Authority Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 The National Contact Centre eGovernment Authority Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2014 The Office of Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and CooperativesThe Office of Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and CooperativesFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 The Pact for Education: a Strategy Focused on ResultsPlanning and Management SecretariatImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2014 The Parental/Family Support Programme (PFSP)Gauteng Department of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2014 The road name address facility projectMINISTRY OF SECURITY AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 The Royal Suksala clinics of Border Patrol Police SchoolBorder Patrol Police BureauImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 The Royal Suksala clinics of Border Patrol Police SchoolBorder Patrol Police BureauImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 The Social Media Center (SMC)New Media Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 The Social Media CenterSMCNew Media Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2014 The TEAM model: the Community-Based Correction Integrated ModelThe Department of Probation ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 The Virtual Hospital (VH)Tan Tock Seng Hospital Pte LtdImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2014 TOURIST VISAS FACILITATIONENIT – Italian National Tourist BoardImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2014 TRACK SMARTCOLLECTORATE VADODARAImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 Transformación y fortalecimiento de las condiciones de atención del Programa OportunidadesPrograma de Desarrollo Humano OportunidadesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2014 Transformation Of National Anti Drug Agency (NADA)Agensi Anti Dadah KebangsaanImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Transforming and Streamlining the Issuance of Building Permits through Advanced TechnologiesMinistry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning/ eGovernment AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 Transforming and Streamlining the Issuance of Building Permits through Advanced TechnologiesMinistry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning/ eGovernment AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 Transforming Birth Certification Issuance through Advance Technologies (eBirth)Ministry of Health/ eGAImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 TRT OKUL (SCHOOL)Türkiye Radyo Televizyon KurumuImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2014 UAE National Validation GatewayEmirates Identity AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 Ubat Melalui Pos 1Malaysia (UMP1M)Ministry of Health MalaysiaImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 UCIRMUskudar MunicipalityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsTurkey
2014 UNUNImproving the delivery of servicesUganda
2014 Un Buen Gobierno, para el fortalecimiento a la Gestión Pública MunicipalHonorable Ayuntamiento de NaucalpanFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2014 Union Information and Service CenterLocal Government DivisionImproving the delivery of servicesBangladesh
2014 United Nations TestUnited NationsImproving the delivery of servicesUnited States
2014 UPP Social ProgramPereira Passos Municipal Institute of UrbanismPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBrazil
2014 Upper Austrian Winter Sports WeekRegional Government of Upper Austria, Directorate for Education and Society, Family Affairs Departm.Improving the delivery of servicesAustria
2014 U-Pustaka: The Malaysian Ubiquitous Library Pilot Project ( U-Pustaka)NATIONAL LIBRRAY OF MALAYSIAImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2014 Uruguay ConcursaOficina Nacional del Servicio CivilPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUruguay
2014 Use of ICT to improve Service DeliveryThe District of Moka and FlacqImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2014 Using Webcam Connected Microscope to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy and Reduce Malaria Treatment Delay Office of Diseases Prevention and Control # 10 Chiangmai Improving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Using Webcam Connected Microscope to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy and Reduce Malaria Treatment Delay Office of Diseases Prevention and Control # 10 Chiangmai Improving the delivery of servicesThailand
2014 Vienna ChartaMunicipal Department 17 – Integration and DiversityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsAustria
2014 Water Resources Capability Enhancement through Participation and Local Wisdom Knowledge management Royal Irrigation Department Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2014 Wmap 9.12 GIS Application for Pipeline Mapping Provincial Waterworks AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2014 Women in Technology Transfer : BTC - Shetech ApprochBuilding Technology CentrePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2014 Women InitiativesMinistry of Social DevelopmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2014 XGN-e-Governance for Environmental Management Gujarat Pollution Control BoardImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2014 XLN - Xtended Licensing, Laboratory & Legal NodeFood & Drugs Control AdministrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeIndia
2014 Система межведомственного электронного взаимодействияМинистерство связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской ФедерацииPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRussian Federation
2014 إخلاء طرف مقاول حفرأمانة منطقة الرياضImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 الحرم الجامعي الالكتروني المتكاملجامعة الملك فيصلImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 الخدمات الاستباقيةالمؤسسة العامة للتأمينات الاجتماعيةPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 الخير الشاملوزارة الشؤون الاجتماعيةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 الشراكه التحصليةولاية شمال دارفورImproving the delivery of servicesSudan
2014 المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني و المهني المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني و المهني Improving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 برنامج القروض الاجتماعي الالكترونيالبنك السعودي للتسليف والادخارImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 بوابة أمانة الإحساءأمانة محافظة الأحساءImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 تأشيرات العمل الإلكترونيةوزارة الخارجيةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 تطوير الإدارات المحليةوزارة الدولة للتنمية الإداريةImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2014 تطوير فرص التجارة دائرة مراقبة الشركاتImproving the delivery of servicesJordan
2014 تعزيز الجاهزية لحماية المستهلكوزارة الصحةImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 تعزيز الجاهزية للوصول لرضا المتعاملين من خلال تراخيص البناءوزارة شئون البلديات والزراعةImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2014 تقديم خدمات وزارة الداخلية للأفرادوزارة الداخلية - مركز المعلومات الوطني Improving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 حافزصندوق تنمية الموارد البشريةPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 خدمة التقارير الطبية الإلكترونية لفحص العمالة الوافدة " إفادة"وزارة الصحةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 خدمة كبار السن وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصةوزارة الداخليةImproving the delivery of servicesQatar
2014 فرصتيوزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مبادرة المجالس المجتمعية القيادة العامة لشرطة دبيFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مبادرة إعادة هندسة العملياتبرنامج الشيخ زايد للاسكانImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مبادرة برنامج بداياتغرفة تجارة وصناعة عجمانPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مبادرة تحسين الخدمات للافراد iDubaiبلدية دبيPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مبادرة حقوق الإنسانوزرة الدخليةPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مراكز الخدمة الشاملة - تمبلدية المنطقة الغربيةImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مراكز الخدمة تسهيلوزارة العملImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2014 مسار العمرة الالكترونيوزارة الحجImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 نظام ابتعاثجامعة الملك سعودImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2014 نظام الإحصاء الذكيمركز دبي للإحصاءPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2014 نظام صوت المواطنوزارة الصحةFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2014 وطن وصناعةالهيئة السعودية للمدن الصناعيةImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2013 ‘Foot Soldiers’ of LTALand Transport AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 “Reaching School Children with Portable Dental Units to improve access and prevent Tooth Decay”School Oral Health Program, Kuwait-ForsythImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2013 1-GOV.netGalaxy BackbonePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeNigeria
2013 Abu Dhabi Government Contact CentreAbu Dhabi Systems & Information CentrePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2013 Access to Justice by Direct Enquiries SystemIT Department of Turkish Justice MinistryImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2013 AEDFCS, ASSNFS and IPFAEthiopian Civil Service UniversityPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEthiopia
2013 Agenda Digital Bilbao 2012Ayuntamiento de Bilbao - Bilbao City CouncilImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2013 Aktionsprogramm Perspektive Wiedereinstieg (PWE)Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und JugendPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesGermany
2013 Alliance for Corporate Excellence (ACE)Ministry of FinancePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2013 ALTA SEGURIDAD"UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE NUEVO LEÓNImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 Alternate Site Collection for Singapore Passports (ASC)Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Amélioration de la prestation de servicesDirection Régionale de casa portImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2013 Anti-Corruption Clean Construction SystemSeoul Metropolitan Infrastructure HeadquartersPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRepublic of Korea
2013 Asuport: A Comprehensive Self-Support Program for Welfare RecipientsSaitama Prefectural GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2013 ASYCUDA World Implementation ProjectCustoms and Excise DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesGrenada
2013 Auslandsservice Application (Foreign Service-Application)Federal Ministry of European and International AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2013 Business Licensing Integrated System (BLIS)eGovernment AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2013 Catalogo Orientador de Gastos Politicas de Equidad de GeneroMinisterio de Finanzas EcuadorPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEcuador
2013 Category 2Tanzania Food and Drugs AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2013 CETED-Womens’ Centre : The AB Model in GenderCentre for Technology and Development (CETED)- Womens’ CentrePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2013 Child First – Work Together (CF-WT)Rajanagarindra Institute of Child DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Child Protection CenterMinistry of Social DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2013 ChileAtiendeMinisterio Secretaría General de la PresidenciaImproving the delivery of servicesChile
2013 Civil Service ReformCivil Service Commission under the President of the Republic of AzerbaijanPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceAzerbaijan
2013 Clubs for managing large numbers of patients on ARVsWestern Cape Provincial Health DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2013 Co-creation of creative solutions through eGov initiativesNational Environment AgencyPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2013 Communal Ablution Blocks for Informal SettlementsE’Thekwini Metropolitan Municipality Water and Sanitation ServicesImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2013 Community Empowerment Agricultural InitiativeFederal Capital Territory Millennium Development GoalsImproving the delivery of servicesNigeria
2013 Complains WindowState Audit InstitutionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceOman
2013 Court of Cassation Information System(CCIT)Court of Cassation of the Republic of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2013 Daliya Jalao (Rescue and Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers)District Administration BudaunImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 DBAS:Korea's Integrated Financial Management Information SystemThe Ministry of Strategy and FinancePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2013 Developing New Water Supply Connections within 24 HoursMetropolitan Waterworks AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Development of Pediatric HIV DisclosureSiriraj Hospital, Mahidol UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 DriveBCMinistry of Transportation and InfrastructureImproving the delivery of servicesCanada
2013 Dubai eGovernment Electronic Shared Services (ESS)Dubai eGovernmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeUnited Arab Emirates
2013 e-Building Permit (eBP)Muscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2013 Eco-mileage, a program to engage citizens in GHG reductionClimate Change & Air Quality Management Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2013 Effective and Efficient Service Delivery to the Public(EESDP)Documents Authentication and Registration OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesEthiopia
2013 Egypt's ICT indicators portalInformation CenterFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsEgypt
2013 Electronic Revenue Accounting System (eRAS)INLAND REVENUE BOARD OF MALAYSIAImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2013 Electronic Tourist Refund Scheme (eTRS)Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Employment Support for Career-Interrupted WomenMinistry of Gender Equality and FamilyPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 eNaebCouncil of RepresentativesFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2013 e-ParkingMuscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2013 e-policeRoyal Oman PoliceImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2013 e-RLDepartment of Motor Traffic - Western ProvinceImproving the delivery of servicesSri Lanka
2013 Estrategia impulso relación electrónicaAgencia estatal de Administración TributariaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2013 eUparjan (eProcurement of foodgrains)Department of Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection, Govt of Madhya PradeshImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 Excise Office of Chiang Mai, Muang Chiang Mai branchExcise Office of Chiang Mai, Muang Chiang Mai branchImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 EXPRESS AUTORINSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL DERECHO DE AUTORImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 Federal Chancellery of AustriaFederal Chancellery of AustriaImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2013 Fomento a la Inversión en la Propiedad Rural / FIPPProcuraduría AgrariaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 FOOD COUPON SYSTEMSmartSwitch Botswana (Pty) LtdPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBotswana
2013 Fostering a High-Quality Educational CitySeogwipo City hallFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2013 Fundación BiscayTIKFundación BiscayTIKImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2013 GEAMinistry of Public Administration and SecurityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2013 Generale Directorate of Social AssistanceGenerale Directorate of Social AssistancePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2013 GRAAMIN HAATWomen and Child Development Corporation (WCD)Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2013 GRLIGender Unit Department of labour PunjabPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesPakistan
2013 Health Disaster Coordination Center (SAKOM)Turkey Ministry of Health, Emergency Health Care General DirectoratePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2013 Homeless 2 Home (H2H)Housing SA, Department for Families and Social InclusionImproving the delivery of servicesAustralia
2013 Hope Care SystemHope Care CenterImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 I Quit Movement – Celebrating QuittersHealth Promotion Board, SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 IASDistrict Administration, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 Improving Civil Status ServicesDirectorate of Refugees Affairs at the Ministry of Interior and MunicipalitiesImproving the delivery of servicesLebanon
2013 Improving delivery of preventive medicine services through innovationRegion of CreteImproving the delivery of servicesGreece
2013 Improving Lives through Community Procurement of Pump-sets for IrrigationAssam Rural Infrastructure and Agricultural Services Society (ARIASS)Improving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 Improving Outcomes for ChildrenPhiladelphia Department of Human ServicesImproving the delivery of servicesUnited States
2013 Impulsa un Emprendedor- Do boost an enterpreneurConsejería de Empleo, Turismo y Cultura de la Comunidad de MadridImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2013 Increased transparency in the decision-making processState ChancelleryFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMoldova
2013 INJAZ HallMinistry of Regional Municipality and Water ResourcesImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2013 INPS: Our fight and synergy against corruptionINPS Regional Management ( National Institute of Social Welfare), Apulia, BariPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceItaly
2013 Integrated Physical Therapy ProcessHome for Disabled BabiesImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Integrated Service Delivery Platform (ISDP)eGovernment AuhtorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2013 Integrating multi-agency building approval processes through the one-stop BIM e-submission systemBuilding and Construction AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2013 Integrity reinforcementRCARPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMorocco
2013 iOSHMinistry of ManpowerImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 JaldeepDeptt.of Cottage and Rural IndustriesImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 Jeju special self-governingprovince jeju cityJeju special self-governingprovince jeju cityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 Justice on Target (JOT)Ministry of the Attorney GeneralImproving the delivery of servicesCanada
2013 Justicia de VentanillaProcuraduría Fiscal de la Secretaría de Finanzas del Estado de PueblaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 Khon Kaen HospitalKhon Kaen HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 KidsREAD ProjectNational Library BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Korea Architectural Information SystemMinistry of Land, Transport and Maritime AffairsPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRepublic of Korea
2013 L’Intégration de l’Approche Genre dans le Plan Stratégique de Formation, de Renforcement des CapacitLa DFCAT du Ministère de l’IntérieurPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMorocco
2013 Mass Contact Programme(MCP)Chief Minister OfficePreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceIndia
2013 mGovMinistry of Finance / Infocomm Development Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Mini*Midi*Mef (MMM)Italian Ministry of Economics and FinancePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesItaly
2013 Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryMinistry of Economy, Trade and IndustryImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2013 Ministry of Justice and Public AdministrationMinistry of Justice and Public AdministrationPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSlovenia
2013 Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic - Women Health Outreach ProgramMinistry of HealthPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesEgypt
2013 Muscat Contact CenterMuscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2013 MyDistressHead of NKRA Secretariat, Selangor Police HeadquartersImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2013 National Contact Centre (NCC)eGovernment Authority/ Ministry of Cabinet AffairsPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeBahrain
2013 New Step of Public Animal Health ServiceNational Institute of Animal Health, Department of Livestock DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Nikumbuke-Health by MotorbikeNikumbuke-Health by MotorbikePromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesKenya
2013 No Filing Service (NFS)Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Notification of movePopulation Register CentreImproving the delivery of servicesFinland
2013 Oman eGovernment Architecture Framework: Sultanate of Oman (OeGAF)Information Technology AuthorityPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2013 One Region, One Big hospital (OROBH)Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 One Stop Shop for Government Business ServicesMinistry of Commerce and IndustryPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeOman
2013 Online Asset Declaration System OADSCivil Service Bureau of GeorgiaPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceGeorgia
2013 ORS (Online Recruitment System)Civil Service Bureau of GeorgiaImproving the delivery of servicesGeorgia
2013 Pacto Pela Vida-PPVSecretariat of Planning and ManagementImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2013 PGETIC - Global Strategic Plan to Rationalize ICT Costs in Public AdministrationAMA - Agência para a Modernização Administrativa IP (Agency for the Public Services Reform)Promoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgePortugal
2013 Philippine Community eCenter Program (PhilCeC Program)Information and Communications Technology Office - National Computer Center Field Operations OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2013 Plan Nacional de Obsevación del Territorio/PNOTInstituto Geográfico NacionalPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSpain
2013 Planning for Land Transport Network (PLANET)Land Transport AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Prasrimahabhodi Psychiatric Hospital, Department of Mental HealthPrasrimahabhodi Psychiatric Hospital, Department of Mental HealthImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Programa + 60Instituto TellusImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2013 QR CodesAGENCE URBAINE D'ESSAOUIRAPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeMorocco
2013 Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development Wheelchair Project (RICD Wheelchair Project)Rajanagarindra Institute of Child DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 RD7 Service CenterRegional Revenue Office 7, The Revenue Department of ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Reporting On Site(ROS)Ministry Of Public Administration And SecurityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2013 Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Department of Information TechnologiesRepublic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Department of Information TechnologiesPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTurkey
2013 Rural Electrification Program (REP)National Electrification AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2013 SakalaDepartment of Personnel and Administrative Reforms, Government of KarnatakaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 Satellite Workshops in District Hospitals for SustainableProstheses Foundation of H.R.H The Princess MotherImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 Servicio atención a Personas con Movilidad Reducida - PMRAena / Aena AeropuertosImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2013 Singapore Land Authority and Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeSingapore Land Authority and Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeSingapore
2013 Sistema Estadual de Participação Popular e Cidadã / SISPARCIGoverno do Estado do Rio Grande do SulFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2013 Smart Urban Transportation:Ulsan Intelligent Transportation SystemUlsan Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 Social Security Information System(SSIS)Korea Health and Welfare Information ServicePromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeRepublic of Korea
2013 Somjai LuevisadpaibulThe Public Health Office UbonratchathaniImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 SOS Public Relief Service for the Safety of Children and WomenMinistry of Public Administration and SecurityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 Speeding up Building Plans and Construction Permits ApprovalBuilding and Construction AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 SupervizorCommission for the Prevention of CorruptionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSlovenia
2013 SWAVALAMBANDistrict Administration, DhanbadImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 The e-certificateThe Department of Business DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2013 The Establishment a Welfare Service Delivery System for infants and Families in PovertyMapo-Gu OfficeImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 'The Ondol for Hope Project':Taking Care of Neighbors through Public and Private Sector CooporationCommunity Welfare Support DivisionImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 The Participatory Urban River Regeneration Project: Taehwa River Regeneration in Ulsan, KoreaUlsan Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2013 The Re-invented VAT Refund for Tourists: A Collaborative Information System (Cloud-VRT)The Revenue DepartmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeThailand
2013 The Universal Welfare Standards enabled by and for the Citizens of Seoul(Seoul Welfare Standards)Welfare Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2013 Tienda Comunitaria como Unidad de Servicio a la ComunidadDiconsa, S.A. de C.V.Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 TradeXchangeSingapore Customs and Info-Communications Development Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Trámites digitales a través del Sistema Institucional de Autotransporte Federal (SIAF)Secretaría de Comunicaciones y TransportesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2013 TTBizLinkMinistry of Trade, Industry and InvestmentPromoting Whole-of-Government Approaches in the Information AgeTrinidad and Tobago
2013 Unified Vehicle Registration & Renewal ProgrameGovernment Auhtority/General Directorate of TrafficImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2013 waste application for smartphonesCity of Vienna- Department MA 48 - Waste management, street cleaning and vehicle flee´tImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2013 Women & Family Polict Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentWomen & Family Polict Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) SchemeCentral Provident Fund BoardImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Yellow Ribbon ProjectSingapore Prison ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2013 Youth Internet Addiction Prevention ProjectChildren & Youth Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2013 Zero Garbage WardPune Municipal CorporationImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2013 إتاحة فرصة التطوير الذاتي لموظفي القطاع العاممعهد الإدارة العامةImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2013 إدارة خدمة المتعاملين في شرطة دبيالقيادة العامة لشرطة دبي - Dubai Police General Head QuartersImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2013 مبادرات إجتماعية إنسانية لإدارة السجون النسائية بشرطة دبيDubai Police General Head Quarter - القيادة العامة لشرطة دبيPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2013 مركز الخدمات المتكاملة لمناهضة العنف الاسري /دار الوفاق الاسريمركز الخدمات المتكاملة لمناهضة العنف الاسريPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesJordan
2012 "e-cognocracia" “e-cognocracia: una democracia colaborativa y cognitiva para la toma de decisiones pUniversidad de ZaragozaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSpain
2012 “Use of Portable Dental Units to Improve Access and Prevent Tooth Decay among School children”School Oral Health Program, Kuwait-ForsythImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2012 • Creación del Centro de Apoyo a la Tecnología e Innovación (CATI).Oficina Nacional de la Propiedad IndustrialAdvancing knowledge management in governmentDominican Republic
2012 0-papierRégime collectif d'allocation de retraiteImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2012 A Corner Stone for Quality Education: Noor School ManagementMinistry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2012 A Management Model to improve the Delivery of ServicesSecretaria de Planejamento e GestãoImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2012 A Performance Audit on the Prevention and Mitigation of FloodsNATIONAL AUDIT OFFICE-TANZANIAImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2012 A proven formula for Transformation & acceleration of improved servicesYesser – Government of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of CIT, Yesser - e-Government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2012 AarogyamDistrict health societyImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 ACCESO ELECTRÓNICO COMPLETO DE LOS CIUDADANOS A LOS SERVICIOS PÚBLICOSDirectora General de Modernización Administrativa, Procedimientos e Impulso de la Administración ElectrónicaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 Advanced Techniques to Provide Efficient Services to Citizens in Conditions of Maximum SecurityCluj County Directorate for Person RecordsImproving the delivery of servicesRomania
2012 Advancing knowledge management in governmentForestry Service, Ministry of Agro Industry and Food SecurityImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Al Dur Water & Power PlantElectricity & Water AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Alternate Site Collection for Singapore Passports (ASC)Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Amélioration la prestation de servicesSecteur RugendabaliImproving the delivery of servicesRwanda
2012 ARMinistry of State for Public ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2012 ASAP Tagudin : The JourneyLocal Government Unit-Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, PhilippinesImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2012 Austrian Federal Budget ReformAustrian Federal Ministry of Finance & Austrian Federal ChancelleryPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesAustria
2012 Automated Traffic Violations Administering and Monitoring Project / ATVAMKingdom of Saudi Arabia, Min. of InteriorImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2012 Balelapa Household Profiling ProjectDepartment of Social Development :Northern CapeImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Bilbao ++: Modernización de la ciudad basada en el rigor económico y presupuestos estratégicosAyuntamiento de Bilbao – Bilbao City CouncilImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 BILBAO, TOLERANCIA 0 ANTE LA VIOLENCIA CONTRA LAS MUJERES Prog integral prevención e intervención VGAyuntamiento de Bilbao – Bilbao City CouncilPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSpain
2012 BISfederal ministry of Science and ResearchAdvancing knowledge management in governmentAustria
2012 BITACORA ELECTRÓNICA DE OBRA PÚBLICASECRETARÍA DE LA FUNCIÓN PÚBLICAPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Blended model to support entrepreneurship & SMEsBARCELONA ACTIVA SPM SAUImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 Building Permit SystemMinistry of Municipalities Affairs and Urban PlanningImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Bureau Integriteitsbevordering Openbare Sector / Office for promoting Ethics and Integrity in the PSBureau Integriteitsbevordering Openbare Sector / Office for promoting Ethics and Integrity in the PSPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceNetherlands
2012 Category 2Tanzania Food and Drugs AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2012 Chapeu de PalhaSecretaria Estadual da Mulher PernambucoPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBrazil
2012 Cloud Telephony and IVRS Based Daily Monitoring System:A Revolutionary Approach for Monitoring (DMS)Mid Day Meal Authority, Uttar Pradesh, IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 Community Development through Accessibility EnhancementTakayama CityImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2012 Community-Based Rehabilitation ProgrammePrison DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2012 Comprehensive Childcare Support Co-production Initiatives for WomenEdogawa CityPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesJapan
2012 Compulsory Attendence CentreMalaysia Prison DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2012 ConcilianetProcuraduría Federal del ConsumidorImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Consejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo SocialConsejo Nacional de Evaluación de la Política de Desarrollo SocialImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 CRECEDepartamento de AntioquiaAdvancing knowledge management in governmentColombia
2012 Customised Assessment Referral Tool (CART)Syariah CourtImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Cyber Counseling Center for YouthMinistry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea Youth Counseling InstituteImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Cyber Counseling Center for YouthMinistry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea Youth Counseling InstituteImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Daliya Jalao: Liberating Manual Scavengers and Moving Towards Total SanitationDistrict Administration- Budaun, U.P. IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 of Finance / Infocomm Development AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 DBAS : Korea's Integrated Financial Management Information SystemThe Ministry of Strategy and FinanceAdvancing knowledge management in governmentRepublic of Korea
2012 Department of Industrial Works,Department of Industrial Works,Improving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 DigiCards and Suandok Information System (SIS) Network for Seamless HealthcareMaharaj Nakorn Chiang mai Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 Disabled persons parking permitMinistry of interior affairsPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceNetherlands
2012 Donations Portal for Charitable Organizations: Sultanate of OmanInformation Technology AuthorityPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceOman
2012 DriveBCB.C. Ministry of Transportation and InfrastructureImproving the delivery of servicesCanada
2012 e-Building Permit (eBP)Muscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2012 Eco-efficient Municipal Waste ManagementPlanning & Coordination Office, Ulsan Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 E-Correspondence and Archiving SystemMinistry of InteriorAdvancing knowledge management in governmentBahrain
2012 E-entry University Submission (EEUS)Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesGreece
2012 Efficient property of land servicesKhon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae BranchImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 Egypt's ICT Indicators PortalInformation CenterAdvancing knowledge management in governmentEgypt
2012 eKasihImplementation Coordination Unit, Prime Minister’s DepartmentAdvancing knowledge management in governmentMalaysia
2012 e-Land Applications ServiceMinistry of HousingImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2012 Electronic Health Records / I-SehaMinistry of Health/King Hamad University HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Electronic Tourist Refund Scheme (eTRS)Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Electronic Unit Trust Investment Withdrawal (E-PPA)Employment Provident FundImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2012 Elternbildung - Parental educationFederal State Government of Upper AustriaImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2012 Emisión de Documentos vía internet con Firma Electrónica CertificadaDirección general para la Innovación de la Gestión PúblicaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 En Vivienda, todas las opiniones cuentanDepartamento de Vivienda, Obras Públicas y Transportes, del Gobierno VascoFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSpain
2012 Enabling Access for All: KSA’s National e-Government Strategy & Action Plan (2012-16)Ministry of CIT, Saudi Arabia's YESSER e-Government ProgramFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2012 Enabling Cross-Government Responsiveness to Public Needs: Yesser Consulting Group’s Enterprise ArchiMinistry of CIT, Saudi Arabia's YESSER e-Government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2012 Endorsement of Certificates eServicesMinistry of EducationImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Enhancements to NYCityMapNew York City Department of Information Technology and TelecommunicationsAdvancing knowledge management in governmentUnited States
2012 Enterprise Asset Management System (EAMS)Ministry of WorksAdvancing knowledge management in governmentBahrain
2012 Environmental Planning & Coordination OrganizationEnvironmental Planning & Coordination OrganizationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndia
2012 e-ParkingMuscat MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesOman
2012 ePASSProject Monitoring Unit, ePASS, CGGPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceIndia
2012 ePSH - AN ONLINE SYSTEM TO MONITOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF LIFELONG LEARNING (LLL) PROGRAMMEDepartment of Community College Education, Ministry of Higher Education, MALAYSIAImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2012 eService (Commerce) – Buy SLRB’s ProductsSurvey & Land Registration BureauImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 E-services DUODienst Uitvoering OnderwijsImproving the delivery of servicesNetherlands
2012 Establishment of NorthLight SchoolNorthLight SchoolImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Estrategia Estatal de Combate al Dengue en ColimaSecretaría de Salud y Bienestar SocialImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 e-Tendering SystemBahrain Tender BoardPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceBahrain
2012 e-Transparency InitiativeJeddah MunicipalityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2012 EXPRESS AUTORINSTITUTO NACIONAL DEL DERECHO DE AUTORImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 FISOPSSingapore Civil Defence ForceImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Fortalecimiento del enfoque de género en la operación del Programa de la Mujer en el Sector Agrario.SECRETARÍA DE LA REFORMA AGRARIAPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2012 FTMS using RFID (File Tracking & Tracing Management System using Radio Frequency Identification)Survey & Land Registration BureauImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Gender integration in the water sectorMinistry of Water and IrrigationPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesKenya
2012 geo.admin.chCoordinating agency for Federal geographical informationAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSwitzerland
2012 Georgian Electronic Government Procurement SystemState Procurement Agency of GeorgiaPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceGeorgia
2012 Gestión Electrónica (SIGE)Comisión Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de ServiciosImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Gewerbe-Online - an online platform for all business license mattersCity of Vienna, Municipal Department 63Improving the delivery of servicesAustria
2012 Global GoodnessThe Ministry of Social AffairsPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSaudi Arabia
2012 Green ParkingParking planning Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovermentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Guichet Unique electronique de facilitation des formalités du commerce extérieur et douanièresGIE GAINDE 2000Improving the delivery of servicesSenegal
2012 Gulf Countries Corporation Parliamentarian Women (GCCPW)Shura CouncilPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2012 Guyana Threshold Country Plan Implementation Project (GTCP/IP)National Procurement and Tender Administration Board of GuyanaImproving the delivery of servicesGuyana
2012 Happy Together Multicultural Families (HT)Daegu Metropolitan City, Women, Youth & Family Affairs DivisionPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Helping to Empower Litigants-in-Person – the Subordinate Courts HELP CentreThe Subordinate Courts of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Hope Care system(HCS)Hope Care CenterImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 iBudgetMinistry of FinanceImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Ilog Ko, Bilay Ko (My River, My Life): A River Development InitiativeDagupan City Local GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2012 IMAGINE MATSUDOMatudo CityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsJapan
2012 Immigartion and Passport DepartmentImmigartion and Passport DepartmentImproving the delivery of servicesGrenada
2012 Implantación de un Sistema de Control de Competencias en AESAAgencia Estatal de Seguridad AéreaImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 Implementation of Seoul City Safe Taxi ServicesTaxi and Logistics Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 IMPROVEMENT OF DELIVERY SERVICES, IDSCOMPANIES DIVISIONImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Improving Thailand Public Emergency Medical Service System through Meaningful Participatory NetworksEmergency Medical Institute of ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 Improving the Delivery of Public ServicesLaoag City GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2012 Improving the delivery of servicesWASTEWATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITYImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Improving the delivery of ServicesMauritius Prisons ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Improving the delivery of servicesCENTRAL ELECTRICITY BOARDImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Improving the delivery of servicesMinistry of Health and Quality of LifeImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 iMSSMinistry of ManpowerImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Increasing Stakeholder Participation in Higher Education through Academic Program Development& ReviwUniversity of BahrainFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2012 INFORMATICS SYSTEM FOR USERS OF JUDICIAL SERVICESMinistry of Justice of TurkeyImproving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2012 Information to AllNational News AgencyImproving the delivery of servicesLebanon
2012 Innovative Knowledge Management Approach to Alleviate River Pollution in Lebanon (IKMAAR)Ministry of EnvironmentAdvancing knowledge management in governmentLebanon
2012 Institución de Educación SuperiorUniversidad de GuanajuatoImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Instituto Nacional de las MujeresInstituto Nacional de las MujeresPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2012 Integrated Drought Prevention and Mitigation: The Mae Yom Operation and Maintenance OfficeRoyal Irrigation DepartmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2012 Integrated Government Resources Planning (IGRP)Núcleo Operacional da Sociedade de InformaçãoImproving the delivery of servicesCape Verde
2012 Integrated Knowledge-Based System (CRM)Muscat MunicipalityAdvancing knowledge management in governmentOman
2012 Integrated Social Welfare Management System(ISWMS)Korea Health and Welfare Information ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Integrated Workflow Management System (IWMS)eGovernment Authority/ Ministry of Cabinet AffairsAdvancing knowledge management in governmentBahrain
2012 Intégration de l'approche genre dans le systéme éducatifministére de l'éducationnationale de l'enseignement supérieur de la formation des cadres et de la reFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMorocco
2012 Intelligent Heart of Public e-Service (GIDC)Ministry of Public Administration and SecurityAdvancing knowledge management in governmentRepublic of Korea
2012 Introducing Government 2 Using Business Social Network Solution to serv Oil Sector Best PracticesKuwait National Petroleum CompanyAdvancing knowledge management in governmentKuwait
2012 Ir. Chalid BuhariCommunication and Informatic Department of SurabayaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsIndonesia
2012 IRAS e-Services (Suite of e-initiatives)Inland Revenue Authority of SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 ISANGE ONE STOP CENTERRWANDA NATIONAL POLICEPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRwanda
2012 ISO 9001: 2008 Standard for Local GovernmentDrakenstein MunicipalityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSouth Africa
2012 IT-supported procedure for drafting legislation (ITDL)Ministry of Public Administration of the Republic of SloveniaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSlovenia
2012 Jaldeep YojanaDeptt.of Cottage and RuralImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 Jaldeep Yojnadepartment of cottage and rural industry, government of madhya pradeshImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 JANMITRA SAMADHAN KENDRACOLLECTOR GWALIORImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 Jeslyn LeeMinistry of ManpowerImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 JETP : Your full text e-journals one stop center-UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA LIBRARYAdvancing knowledge management in governmentMalaysia
2012 Justice on Target (JOT)Ministry of the Attorney GeneralImproving the delivery of servicesCanada
2012 Kenya Open Data Initiative(KODI)Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Planning, Visions 2030 Delivery SecretariatFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsKenya
2012 KIA Automated Performance Evaluation System - KAPESKenya Institute of AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2012 Knowledge ManagementMinistry of FinanceAdvancing knowledge management in governmentAustria
2012 Knowledge Management FrameworkBahrain Centre of ExcellenceAdvancing knowledge management in governmentBahrain
2012 Knowledge Resource for Science and Technology Excellence of Malaysia ( of Science, Technology and InnovationAdvancing knowledge management in governmentMalaysia
2012 Korea Architectural Information System with Sustainable Process Innovation and Governance(KAIS)Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Korea Fair Trade CommissionKorea Fair Trade CommissionImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 KSA’s National e-Government Strategy & Action Plan (2012-16)Yesser – Government of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of CIT, Yesser - e-Government ProgramFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSaudi Arabia
2012 Kuyasa Clean Development Mechanism Pilot ProjectSouth African Export Development FundImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Learner Performance ImprovementMpumalanga Department of Basic EducationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSouth Africa
2012 Leasing of agricultural land and pasturesPayment and Control Agency for Guidance and Guarantee Community AidImproving the delivery of servicesGreece
2012 Licencia Federal de Conductor/LFCSecretaría de Comunicaciones y TransportesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Making it faster and cheaper to obtain construction permits through the one-stop online systemBuilding and Construction AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 Malaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionMalaysian Anti-Corruption CommissionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMalaysia
2012 Management of Proactive Oral Health Services Concerning Entire Stakeholders’ InvolvementDental Department, Sakaew Publichealth OfficeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2012 manual de Criterios y Trámites migratorios (MCTM)Instituto nacional de MigraciónPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Mauritius Business Growth Scheme UnitMauritius Business Growth Scheme UnitImproving the delivery of servicesMauritius
2012 Metro Vancouver’s Public Outreach and Engagement ProgramMetro VancouverFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsCanada
2012 México es CulturaConsejo Nacional para la Cultura y las ArtesImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Ministry of Economy, Trade and IndustryMinistry of Economy, Trade and IndustryAdvancing knowledge management in governmentJapan
2012 Ministry of Justice of GeorgiaMinistry of Justice of GeorgiaImproving the delivery of servicesGeorgia
2012 Ministry of Works eServices & Mobile PortalsMinistry of WorksImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Mise en place d'un système de management de la qualité certifié ISO 9001 version 2008/ SMQ-AUTAgence Urbaine de TazaImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2012 Modernización del Registro Público de la Propiedad y el ComercioRegistro Público de la Propiedad y el ComercioImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Molteno Railway StationDepartment of TransportImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Moohandolbom(Unlimited Care)Gyeonggi Provincial GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 MP Public Service Delivery Act 2010Public Service Delivery ManagementImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Clinic - Women Health Outreach ProgramMinistry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2012 my cpf – CPF Service TransformationCentral Provident Fund Board, SingaporeImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 MyIDMalaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning UnitImproving the delivery of servicesMalaysia
2012 Naamal - Training and Employment SchemeMinistry of ManpowerFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsOman
2012 NAO MauritiusNational Audit OfficeAdvancing knowledge management in governmentMauritius
2012 National Authentication Framework (NAF)eGovernment Authority/ Ministry of Cabinet AffairsImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 National Electronic Health Record (NEHR)Ministry of HealthImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (NEEREA)Ministry of Energy and WaterImproving the delivery of servicesLebanon
2012 National model for mergence women needsSupreme Council For WomenPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBahrain
2012 National Science & Technology Commission(NSTC)National Science & Technology Commission(NSTC)Advancing knowledge management in governmentRepublic of Korea
2012 New Step of Public Animal Health ServiceNational Institute of Animal Health, Department of Livestock DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 New urban infrastructure management in a matured metropolisOsaka Prefectural Government, JapanImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2012 NGO Support CentreMinistry of Human Rights and Social developmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2012 Nuevo Diseño OrganizacionalMinisterio Público de la Ciudad de Buenos AiresImproving the delivery of servicesArgentina
2012 Nuevo modelo de control y auditoría a la obra públicaSECRETARÍA DE LA FUNCIÓN PÚBLICAPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Nuevo Portal Ciudadano www.gob.mxSecretaría de la Función PúblicaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 NYC311City of New York 311 Customer Service CenterImproving the delivery of servicesUnited States
2012 OADSCivil Service BureauPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceGeorgia
2012 Office of Strategy Management (OSM)Yesser, Strategy & PlanningAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSaudi Arabia
2012 Oficina Nacional de la Propiedad IndustrialOficina Nacional de la Propiedad IndustrialAdvancing knowledge management in governmentDominican Republic
2012 Oman eGovernment Architecture Framework: Sultanate of Oman (OeGAF)Information Technology AuthorityAdvancing knowledge management in governmentOman
2012 Oman hereditary blood disorder associationOman hereditary blood disorder associationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsOman
2012 Online Feedback Forms used on the Vienna City Administration’s E-Government WebsiteVienna City AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2012 Online Vehicle RegistrationTurkish National Police (Emniyet Genel Mudurlugu)Improving the delivery of servicesTurkey
2012 Open Government Lab & setuden.go.jpMinistry of Economy, Trade and IndustryImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2012 Optimización de recursos para gestión hídricaGrupo Especializado de Ordenamiento del Consejo de Cuenca del valle de MéxicoImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Organisational Performance Management System(OPMS)Ehlanzeni District MunicipalityPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSouth Africa
2012 Otorgamiento de Apoyos en la Modalidad de Agencias de Desarrollo Local a través del Programa de OpciSecretaría de Desarrollo SocialImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Participación Social en Guarderías (PSG)Instituto Mexicano del Seguro SocialFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2012 Participatory Land Appraisal SystemPlanning & coordination Office, Ulsan Metropolitan governmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Participatory Regional SeminarsSecretaria de Planejamento e GestãoFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBrazil
2012 PATA-(Get Public Services Information)Directorate of e-GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2012 Plan de Accesibilidad UniversalRenfe OperadoraImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 Plan de Personalización de la atención en los centros hospitalarios y en los servicios de urgenciasDirección General de Atención al PacienteImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 Planeación Estratégica InstitucionalSistema Estatal de Promoción del Empleo y Desarrollo ComunitarioImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Plate-forme de Dématérialisation de la Commande Publique / PDCPTrésorerie Générale du RoyaumeImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2012 Political Science Library, Chulalongkorn UniversityPolitical Science Library, Chulalongkorn UniversityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 PPA's Halfway Houses (Bahay Silungan sa Daungan)Philippine Ports Authority (Gender and Development Focal Point)Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesPhilippines
2012 PPF MEMBERS’ CONFERENCEPARASTATAL PENSIONS FUNDImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2012 PPF TAARIFAPARASTATAL PENSIONS FUNDImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2012 Preventing and combating corruption in the public serviceIndependent Commission Against CorruptionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMauritius
2012 preventing and combating of money laundering and terrorism financingCentral Bank of BahrainPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceBahrain
2012 Preventing Diabetic BlindnessRajvithi HospitalAdvancing knowledge management in governmentThailand
2012 Proceso de simplificación y agilización de movimientos vehicularesDirección General de Transporte y de la Seguridad VialImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Procurement And Contracts PortalSaudi commission for tourism and antiquitiesPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSaudi Arabia
2012 Programa de Estancias Infantiles para Apoyar a Madres Trabajdoras / PEIsecretaria de desarrollo socialPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesMexico
2012 Programa de rendición telemática de las cuentas de las Entidades localesTribunal de CuentasAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSpain
2012 Programas Regionales Rutas de Aprendizaje para Latinoamérica, África y Asia-PacíficoCorporación Regional PROCASURAdvancing knowledge management in governmentChile
2012 Project "Fala Porto Alegre 156"Municipal Secretary of Local Governance - City Hall of Porto AlegreImproving the delivery of servicesBrazil
2012 PROMESE/CALPROMESE/CALImproving the delivery of servicesDominican Republic
2012 Promoción de mejores prácticas y políticas intersectoriales de Agua en cambio climaticoDiálogo Regional de Política (DRP) de Agua y Adaptación al Cambio Climático en las AméricasImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Promoting "Balanced Gaming" for "Balanced Life" via HealthyGamer.netFaculty of Medicine Siriraj HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 Promoting accountability for procurement of public projects through the Contractor Registry (CRS)Building and Construction AuthorityPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSingapore
2012 Promoting Quality of Life of Rural Thai through By District Royal Initiative Self Learning CenterDepartment of Provincial AdministrationFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2012 Protecting the FuturesSmall Projects FoundationPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSouth Africa
2012 Provision of NECC Crisis Management ArrangementsMinistry of InteriorImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Proyecto de Inclusión Financiera (PIF)Banco del Ahorro Nacional y Servicios Financieros S.N.C.Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Public Management Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPublic Management Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRepublic of Korea
2012 Public participation in peace processes – the UN SCR 1325 in BIH(Women,Peace,Security)Ministry of Security of Bosnia and HerzegovinaPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBosnia and Herzegovina
2012 Public Service Deliberation 24/7Gyeonggi Provincial GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Public Tender Information(PTI)Gyeonggi Provincial GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Public-Private Partnership Governance - A focus on Jeju Olle trails and Jeju global education citySeogwipo cityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 Reduce Childhood Mortality Rate: Infants and Children under 5 years of AgeMinistry of HealthPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesOman
2012 Reducing Vulnerabilities for Corruption: KSA's Government Service BusYesser – Government of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of CIT, Yesser - e-Government ProgramPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSaudi Arabia
2012 Registro Unico de Garantias Mobiliarias / RUGSecretaria de Economia (Mexico)Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Reingeniería del servicio de entrega de paquetería y mensajeríaSERVICIO POSTAL MEXICANOImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Rural Action ProgrammeNdlovu Care GroupImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Rural Electrification Program (REP)National Electrification AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesPhilippines
2012 Rural Sustainable Villages in the CHDMChris hani District MunicipalityAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSouth Africa
2012 of Premier and Cabinet, Government of South AustraliaImproving the delivery of servicesAustralia
2012 Saudi e-Government portalMCIT, Saudi Arabia, YESSER e-Government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2012 Seoul City Mayor's Online Inauguration and "Won-soon's Seoul Story"Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 Servicio atención a Personas con Movilidad Reducida - PMRAENAImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 shura.bhShura CouncilFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsBahrain
2012 Silah Gulf – National Contact CentreeGovernment AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 SINAPSakaeo Rajchanakarindra Memorial Psychiatric HospitalImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 Sistema de Administración de Proyectos para la innovación en el servicio público de México (SAPMGP)Secretaría de la Función PúblicaAdvancing knowledge management in governmentMexico
2012 Sistema de Declaraciones y Pago Electrónico "Declar@gua"Comisión Nacional del AguaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Sistema de identificación y firma electrónica para la AdministraciónFÁBRICA NACIONAL DE MONEDA Y TIMBRE – REAL CASA DE LA MONEDAAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSpain
2012 Sistema Electrónico de Información Pública Gubernamental CompraNet.Secretaría de la Función PúblicaPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Sistema Integral de Legalización, Apostilla y Certificación. (SISLAC)Dirección de Coordinación Política con los Poderes de la Unión.Improving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Sistema Integral del Programa de Becas, SIPROBEMSSecretaría de Educación PúblicaPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Sistema Nacional de Contrataciones PúblicasSecretaría de la Función PúblicaPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceMexico
2012 Sistema REDTesorería General de la Seguridad SocialImproving the delivery of servicesSpain
2012 SITXELL (Sistema de Información Territorial de la Red de Espacios Libres)Diputación de BarcelonaAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSpain
2012 Slemani Autism CentreKurdistan Save the ChildrenImproving the delivery of servicesIraq
2012 Smart Pen SystemsProvincial Department of Agriculture: Western CapeAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSouth Africa
2012 Smart Technology for Operating Rooms Management – STORMMorgagni-Pierantoni Hospital at Forlì Local Health AuthorityImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2012 Smartphone Apps for Petrol Stations, Medical Insurance, HR services and Employee Index in Kuwaitkuwait national petrolum companyImproving the delivery of servicesKuwait
2012 SMS Information SystemMinistry of Justice of TurkeyPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceTurkey
2012 SOHCO Amalinda VillageSOHCO Amalinda HousingImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Solicitud de publicación de documentos en el Diario Oficial de la Federación a través de medios remoDirección General Adjunta del Diario Oficial de la FederaciónImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 SOS Public Relief Service for Children's SafetyMinistry of Public Administration and SecurityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 South Australia's Strategic Plan Community EngagmentDepartment of Premier and Cabinet, Government of South AustraliaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsAustralia
2012 Spatially Enabling SingaporeSingapore Land AuthorityAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSingapore
2012 STR (Suspicious Transaction Report) TrackerMinistry of InteriorPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceBahrain
2012 Sugarcane Information System(SIS)Office of Sugarcane CommissionerImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2012 SupervizorCommission for the Prevention of CorruptionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceSlovenia
2012 Sustainable Rainwater Harvesting to Support Homestead GardeningEthekwini Water and SanitationImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 Taehwa River Regeneration ProjectPlanning & Coordination Office, Ulsan Metropolitan GovernmentFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 Tanzania Socio-Economic Database (TSED)Nationa Bureau of StatisticsImproving the delivery of servicesTanzania
2012 TawaslMinistry of InteriorImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 The Arts Hope ProjectCultural Policy Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 The Cata ProjectBorder Rural CommitteeImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 The Civil Affairs JurySuseong-Gu(District) OfficeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 The Community Youth Safety-Net (CYS-Net)Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Korea Youth Counseling InstituteImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 The expanded novel theory agricultural practice project in Khao Wong District, Kalasin, THAILAND1. Kalasin Provincial Agricultural and Cooperative OfficeFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2012 The 'Independent Town' initiative, a beautiful challenge that overcomes the crisisSeogwipo cityFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 the Integrity AssessmentAnti-Corruption and Civil Rights CommissionPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRepublic of Korea
2012 The Policy-market Research SystemOsaka Prefectural Government, JapanFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsJapan
2012 The Revenue Department of ThailandThe Revenue Department of ThailandImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2012 The Scandinavian Local Municipal CompassDenmark, Norway and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and RegionsAdvancing knowledge management in governmentSweden
2012 THE SERVICE NEAR TO THE CITIZENSAUTOMOBILE CLUB ITALYImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2012 The Spread of Saga Prefectural Parking Permit through Collaboration with CitizensRegional Welfare Division, Health & Welfare Head Office, Saga Prefectural GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2012 The use of ICT in improving service delivery in the DGIEDirectorate General of Immigration and EmigrationImproving the delivery of servicesRwanda
2012 The Vienna City Administration’s Open Government InitiativeVienna City AdministrationImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2012 TOP SKILLSSELORPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesBelgium
2012 Tracking Processes and Open-Government-Track-Gov.Juvenile Court of SalernoImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2012 Translation Services for Migrants ProjectCity of Johannesburg (Dept of Health)Improving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2012 TSUTAGRAMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry JapanAdvancing knowledge management in governmentJapan
2012 Ulsan Intelligent Transportation SystemPlanning & Coordination Office, Ulsan Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 Upper Austrian Family CardFederal State Government of Upper AustriaImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2012 UYAP (National Judiciary Informatics System)Ministry of Justice of TurkeyAdvancing knowledge management in governmentTurkey
2012 Va avec la force que tu asOffice de Gestion des Inffrastructures SportivesImproving the delivery of servicesBurkina Faso
2012 Victim Empowerment CentreHaenertsburg South African Police Services (SAPS)Promoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesSouth Africa
2012 Waste to Energy Project (WtE)Ministry of Municipalities & AgricultureImproving the delivery of servicesBahrain
2012 Web Section "Mobility and Disables PeopleAUTOMOBILE CLUB ITALYImproving the delivery of servicesItaly
2012 Welcome the World (WTW) Facebook PageCOMMUNICATIONS & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS DIVISIONFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsSingapore
2012 Word UpVerein Wiener JugendezentrenFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsAustria
2012 WWW.TUEMPRESA.GOB.MXSecretaría de EconomíaImproving the delivery of servicesMexico
2012 Youth Participation CommitteesMinistry of Gender Equality and FamilyFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsRepublic of Korea
2012 Youth’s Business 1000Business Incubation Division, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2012 YRPCommunity Action for the Rehabilitation of Ex-Offenders (CARE) NetworkImproving the delivery of servicesSingapore
2012 ZNFU4455Zambia National Farmers UnionImproving the delivery of servicesZambia
2012 Веб-портал "электронного правительтва" Республики КазахстанГосударственное учреждение "Министерство связи и информации Республики Казахстан"Improving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2012 Инновационные технологии профессионального развития государственных служащихФГБОУВПО "Государственный университет управления"Advancing knowledge management in governmentRussian Federation
2012 Информационная система "Государственная база данных "Е-лицензирование"Государственное учреждение "Министерство связи и информации Республики Казахстан"Improving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2012 Центры обслуживания населения - оказание государственных услуг по принципу «одного окна»Комитет по контролю автоматизации государственных услуг и координации деятельности Центров обслуживImproving the delivery of servicesKazakhstan
2012 إعتماد نظام إدارة الجودة إيزو 9001 نسخة 2008الوكالة الحضرية للرباط وسلاImproving the delivery of servicesMorocco
2012 الامانة العامة للأوقافالامانة العامة للأوقافFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsKuwait
2012 انتخابات دوت مصروزارة الدولة للتنمية الإداريةImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2012 تأمين الزمن المدرسيمديرية إدارة منظومة الإعلام - قطاع التعليم المدرسي -Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMorocco
2012 تبسيط الإجراءات وتحسين الخدماتتعاونية موظفي الدولةImproving the delivery of servicesLebanon
2012 تبسيط الإجراءات وتحسين الخدماتوزارة الصحة العامةImproving the delivery of servicesLebanon
2012 تجربة شرطة دبي في إنشاء الإدارة العامة للرقابة القانونية والنظاميةDubai Police General Head Quarter - القيادة العامة لشرطة دبيPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceUnited Arab Emirates
2012 تجربة شرطة دبي في رعاية حقوق الإنسان ، وتجربة شرطة دبي بإنشاء قسم الشؤون النسائيةDubai Police General Head Quarter - القيادة العامة لشرطة دبيPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2012 دائرة مراقبة الشركاتدائرة مراقبة الشركاتImproving the delivery of servicesJordan
2012 غرفة القيادة والسيطرة بشرطة دبيDubai Police General Head Quarter - القيادة العامة لشرطة دبيImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2012 مؤسسة التدريب المهنيمؤسسة التدريب المهنيPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesJordan
2012 مبادرة إدارة المعرفةدائرة محاكم دبيAdvancing knowledge management in governmentUnited Arab Emirates
2012 نظام إدارة وتقوية علاقات المتعاملينبلدية دبيImproving the delivery of servicesUnited Arab Emirates
2012 城乡公共服务一体化项目中华人民共和国成都市市政府Improving the delivery of servicesChina
2011 "Elternbildung" (Education for parents)Federal State Government of Upper AustriaImproving the delivery of servicesAustria
2011 "Removal of encroachments of structures of different religions-Maintaining communal harmony".Office of District Magistrate, JabalpurImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2011 "Sukusuku School" ~The After-school Project by collaboration between residents and local government~Planning Section,Management and Planning Department,Edogawa CityImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2011 “An Innovative 'Foot Pad' to improve Diabetic Health Care devised and offered by Surin HospitalSurin HospitalFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsThailand
2011 “Seocho Dental Clinic for the Disabled" by Seocho-gu Community Health CenterSeocho City Office (Seocho-gu)Improving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2011 “The STAIR model: a knowledge management tool for transforming Greek public bureaucracies to learninNATIONAL CENTRE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONAdvancing knowledge management in governmentGreece
2011 “开放式决策”杭州市人民政府Fostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsChina
2011 24-Hour E-Services for the PublicMinistry of Public Administration and SecurityImproving the delivery of servicesRepublic of Korea
2011 A New Integrated Veterinary Service to Control HPAI Outbreaks in Eastern Thailand.Eastern Veterinary Research and Development CenterImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2011 ACCESS RECORDSMINISTRY OF STATE FOR PUBLIC SERVICEImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2011 Acellerating eGovernment Adoption for Expanding Access to All Members of Saudi SocietyMin. of Communications & IT, Yesser e-government ProgramImproving the delivery of servicesSaudi Arabia
2011 Alberta Schools Alternative ProcurementAlberta InfrastructureImproving the delivery of servicesCanada
2011 Alternative Human Resources BankMinistry of Public Administration and SecurityPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesRepublic of Korea
2011 Antioquia en Buenas ManosDepartamento de AntioquiaAdvancing knowledge management in governmentColombia
2011 Antioquia Virtual Siglo XXIDepartamento de AntioquiaImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2011 Application of anti-corruption policies at the Prefecture of Bucharest - 'Together we shall succeed!The Prefecture of BucharestPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRomania
2011 Asambleas CiudadanasGobierno de Santa FeAdvancing knowledge management in governmentArgentina
2011 Austrian Federal Budget Refomr (Haushaltsrechtsreform des Bundes)Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium für Finanzen)Improving the delivery of servicesAustria
2011 baby stationschild support center of Itabashi cityImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2011 Beds of Hope CampaignUniversity of the Free StateImproving the delivery of servicesSouth Africa
2011 BRANDING OF LIBRARY SERVICESMinistry of State for Public ServiceImproving the delivery of servicesKenya
2011 Center for Coordinating Services and GrievancesLampang City MunicipalityImproving the delivery of servicesThailand
2011 Central Recruiting SystemMinistry of Civil ServicePreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceOman
2011 Centros Regionales para la Competitividad Empresarial en AntioquiaDepartamento de AntioquiaImproving the delivery of servicesColombia
2011 Certificación Laboral Juvenil para el TrabajoDirección General del Servicio Nacional del EmpleoImproving the delivery of servicesPeru
2011 Certification Human Resource in Sport (Software Platform PRODesporto)Sport Institute of Portugal (Instituto do Desporto de Portugal, IP)Advancing knowledge management in governmentPortugal
2011 CHILDREN AND RURAL WOMENMASARDImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2011 Cities without Corruption, Cities with FutureCraiova Local GovernmentPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRomania
2011 Citizen ShopsAgency for the Public Services ReformImproving the delivery of servicesPortugal
2011 Citizens' Relations Management – Towards Citizen-Centric ServicesMinistry of State for Administrative DevelopmentImproving the delivery of servicesEgypt
2011 Civic Initiative FundDepartment of Public BenefitImproving the delivery of servicesPoland
2011 Common Knowledge NetworkAgency for the Public Services ReformAdvancing knowledge management in governmentPortugal
2011 Community Advocacy for Urban PoorCENTRE FOR ADVOCACY AND RESEARCHPromoting gender-responsive delivery of public servicesIndia
2011 Comprehensive Bicycle ProgramPlanning Section,Management and Planning Department,Edogawa CityImproving the delivery of servicesJapan
2011 Construction Project Management Information System (CPMIS) and Construction Information SystemCivil Engineering Division, Infrastructure Headquarters, Seoul Metropolitan GovernmentPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRepublic of Korea
2011 Conversion of Dry Latrines and Rehabilitation of Manual ScavengersDistrict Administration Budaun- Uttar Pradesh IndiaImproving the delivery of servicesIndia
2011 Convocatoria ciudadana al concurso para identificar el trámite más inútilSecretaria de la Función PúblicaFostering participation in policy-making decisions through innovative mechanismsMexico
2011 Corruption Regards Us All!National Agency of Civil ServantsPreventing and combating corruption in the public serviceRomania
2011 Création d'un site Web et implantation d'un espace virtuel de formation à distanceCentre de Forma