support the dissemination of good practices and the construction of knowledge. The project is based on active participation and collaborative involvement of public bodies, central and local, private entities and citizens, from Portugal but also from other Portuguese speaking countries, who wish to participate, especially on issues like modernization, innovation and administrative simplification.
RCC helps build and develop the knowledge society, promoting the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices within the public administration, for a more effective public service, with more efficient solutions and with a greater ability for cooperation between different ministries and their own citizen. It’s an instrument that helps to provide a common perspective on the activities of public administration in order to help create standardization and similar quality standards in different services.
The main values of this network are: (1) Sharing - experiences, solutions, tools and interests; (2) Innovation- in the way people participate, contribute and evolve; (3) cooperation – in the construction, promotion and development of solutions; (4) and belonging – as part of the project and the process.
RCC's strategy is the dissemination of information concerning the modernization of public administration, the sharing of practices and management tools, translation and publication of various EU texts to English, making them accessible to a wider range of bodies and people. To this end, provides a directory of initiatives, selected according to quality, applicability and diversity of practices, organized by themes and entities, and a media library with carefully selected resources. In parallel, RCC supports formal collaborative networks and knowledge in several areas of Administrative Simplification and Modernization, Information Technology and Communication and Citizen Services, providing: (1) a stimulated debate on public policies and ways of their implementation at local, regional and national levels; (2) participatory decision making from groups of interest or communities of practice; (3) a contribution to the strengthening of relationships between the various stakeholders; and a (4) coordination of information sharing.
Launched on June 18, 2008, the Common Knowledge Network (RCC) is available at The collaborative platform is only available to those registered and members of one of the groups or communities of practice.
RCC was specially created for public sector but there are private entities and universities that have also joined the project and contributed with best practices, articles and solutions in different areas. The accession of other Portuguese speaking countries, like Cabo Verde, Brazil and Angola, has also been significant.
In the long term, RCC aims to be a platform that helps the establishment of a regular practice of sharing knowledge in regional and national public institutions, so that they can create, access and disseminate relevant knowledge that leads to a Public Administration with high standards of excellence.