The discussion over the Act of law on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work was focused on both legal aspects – regulations concerning civic sector and relations with public administration, and financial and educational at the same time. In institutional sense, there are provisions concerning rules and forms of inter-sectorial cooperation enclosed, accompanied by the institution of civic dialogue – the Public Benefit Works’ Council. Another instrument introduced was the mechanism of donating 1% of the personal income tax to Public Benefit Organizations – a category of non-governmental organizations with both certain privileges and obligations. After passing the Act, there was made a decision to create an additional instrument for other entities acting in the 3rd sector, with a view of achieving symmetry in the sector in question. The status of the instrument – in the form of a fund – was under discussion. There was a special fund considered, however finally a fund from a purpose reserve in the form of governmental long-term programme was agreed.
The results of research on the condition of civil society in Poland, measured by the commonness of federating, dynamics of common actions, participation in self-governmental elections and other manifestations of social activity, clearly indicated, that there is serious shortage and barriers in its development.
In order to change this situation there was considered a possibility of creating a fund aimed on stimulating local initiatives.