The urge to achieve improved transparency, speedy information dissemination, higher administrative efficiency and improved public services while disbursing the Post Matric Scholarships is motivating enough to design and develop ePASS (Electronic Payment and Application System of Scholarships). ePASS is web based G2C (Government-to-Citizen) and G2G (Government to Government) service, administering the online transfer of Post Matric scholarship money to below Poverty Line students. The social welfare Department being the nodal agency for implementation, Prl Secy, SW Dept is spearheading the project, His Inspiration, Support and guidance at all stages has enhanced the commitment levels of the implementing officers, enlivened the team spirit and garnered the support of all the stakeholders. The PMU team is headed by another IAS officer, who has vast experience in implementing e governance projects. The project Managers are Dy Directors drawn from implementing Departments. The members are a part of almost every process starting from the role-delegation, goal setting, problem solving as well as the evaluation and overview. After detailed discussions consensus is arrived and the suggested processes /workflows are implemented. Their outcomes are also monitored to bring in corrections/ changes if any. The common goal of reaching the stakeholders’ requirements is the adhesive factor for uniting the team. The project is built on open source. A dedicated team is kept at Centre for Good governance (CGG) for development and maintenance of the project.
The following have contributed towards the design, development and implementation of the project
1. Mr Raymond Peter, IAS, Prl Secy, SW Dept, Being the main change agent has provided the Inspiration, Support and guidance at all stages
2. Dr M Padma, IAS – Head, ePASS PMU. Overall incharge of the Software application.
3. Mr Chakradhar, Dy Director, Project Manager, ePASS PMU, CGG – Coordination from CGG (centre for Good Governance), the service provider
4. Mr Madhusudhan, Dy Diretor (SW) ePASS PMU, Commissionerate, Social Welfare – Coordination from Department for domain expertise and handling the call centre.
5. Mr. Srinivasa Reddy, District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO), Social Welfare Department – Coordination from the Department and attending to the calls of the stakeholders.
6. Mr. V.Pratap, consultant, Team Leader, ePASS, CGG – responsible for the software application 24/7.
The following are the stakeholders
• 5 welfare Department users – Social Welfare, tribal Welfare, Backward classes, economically backward classes welfare & welfare, Disabled welfare.
o 350 field officers, 100 District welfare officers, 40 treasury officers,
o Monitoring officers of all the 5 depaertments at various levels varying from District to State level.
• 26 lakhs students belonging to the above 5 categories who have applied for sanction of scholarships and their parents
• 12000 Colleges wherein these students are studying.
• 2000 college attached hostels
• 790 Department attached hostels
• 60 Universities/Boards.
• All banks
• Citizens interested in knowing the welfare schemes