It took more than five decades to re-construct the forest down from a post- battlefield. However, the project took shape in 2006 and its implementation has come into force on its full swing in 2011
The project aims to reconstruct the forest ecosystem of the site whilst safeguarding the historical ruins and values of the site in respect to conservation, ecological balance, eco-restoration, recreation, and biodiversity conservation using e-tools, environmental education, public awareness and collective approach of the forestry service through the local people participation in the design process.
What problems does the project solve and who benefit from it?
The project provides solutions to the cross-cutting root causes of deforestation through history whilst distinctively assembling historical monuments, cultural vitality, and enduring socio economic activity
There are three main free ecosystem services which the project of sustainable reconstruction of forest at Powder Mills provides for the kind benefits of the present and future generation of the region
The impact of the initiative was significantly been felt. The ecosystem services and recreational facilities combined with an illustrious historical heritage provided by the sustainable management of the site are intangible. A regular assessment survey of the forest, nature walks and impressive components of Powder Mills reconstruction of forest initiative indicate the favourable response of the public and is actually known as one of the island`s finest hospitability landmarks of the north
• Provisional services which reflect goods and services extracted from the ecosystem .some of them are: food, fodder for domestic animals, firewood, wood for crematorium Medicinal plants, ornamentals
• Regulation services which result from the capacity of the ecosystem to regulate climate, hydrological and bio-chemical cycles, earth surface processes and a variety of biological processes. Some of them are carbon sequestration, climate sequestration, temperature, hydrological service: regulation of the timing and volume of river flows, protection against floods, control of erosion and sedimentation, nursery service, pollution and protection against noise and dust
• Cultural services which relate to the benefits people obtain from ecosystems of the new forest at Powder Mills through recreation; cognition development; relaxation; and spiritual reflection
Some of the cultural services provided are a historical landscape, provision of cultural, historical and religious heritage; scientific and educational information and opportunities for leisure, recreation and nature based tourism