With the integration of Romania into the European Union, a valid identity card is also a travel document within the states of the European Community, which resulted in a significant increase in number of the ID applications at the Community Public Services for Person Records. Consequently, the modernizing and improving of both the integrated communication system created in 2000 and also the working methodology regarding the activities for person records became a fundamental priority.
The application of the Virtual Private Network aims at creating a secure connection among the Community Public Services for Person Records in Cluj County, and also developing the activities of person records with regard to the integrated communication system and the working methodology.
The Virtual Private Network technology (VPN) aims at a secure data transmission throughout the entire common infrastructure, either by encapsulation or encryption, or by both methods (first, the useful information is encapsulated, secondly, it is encrypted). Thus, personal data from the National Registry for Person Records and the information that flows through the Virtual Private Network are protected by various security technologies (encryption, authentication).
Cluj County Directorate for Person Records in collaboration with Cluj County Office for Person Records and Database Management decided to create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to facilitate the connection between the existing Local Community Public Services for Person Records in Cluj County. Because, at national level, there are many companies offering communicating solutions in the field of modern data transmission, they tried to ensure that this Virtual Private Network should meet the characteristics of an effective implementation, namely: data privacy, data integrity, non-repudiation of the message sender and the authentication of the message. According to the above mentioned the Virtual Private Network runs since March 2007.
Due to the fact that a four month implementation of the network did not reveal major incidents to jeopardize or hinder the specific activity of the Public Services for Person Records connected to this network, they started since July 2007, the installation and the checkout of the access rights to the modules, and the testing of the RJEP.EXE application functions.
The implementation of the Virtual Private Network and because the necessary technical conditions for the RJEP.EXE application testing were fulfilled, Cluj County was chosen to test the pilot project regarding the on-line updating of both the National and the Local Register for Person Records, via the RJEP.EXE application. The testing period lasted three months until September 2007.
Every year, in January, Cluj County Directorate for Person Records elaborates the so-called “Cluj County Measure Plan for Issuing Civil Status and Identity Documents for Roma communities”.
Cluj County Directorate for Person Records and the institutions involved in identifying solutions for Roma citizens, such as Cluj County Council, Cluj County Prefecture and the municipalities within the county consider together the stage of the legal status of this category of people, in what concerns their civil status and identity documents, establishing thus measures of implementing legality, in this respect.