In implementing ZNFU4455, while network operators were keen to support the service, the key stakeholders felt that there was not enough drive to embed this service in their existing packages. There were concerns that the network operators would not be deemed as credible enough to provide the service. Another source of concern was the patchy geographic coverage of the service which left out a sizable number of smallholder producers constituted a challenge.
To overcome the geographic coverage challenges, ZNFU4455 opted to use different means such as cellphone (SMS), internet and radio to disseminate agriculture and market-related information. By adopting this approach, the service reaches many more people through its radio programmes which are broadcast in seven local languages and in English.
To ensure good governance, ZNFU4455 as a service depends on two different institutions. ZNFU - the host institution - is responsible for uploading market data and to maintain integrity of services by screening buyers (something that the network operator was not incentivised to do). AfriConnect, is the content provider and is responsible for hosting the data, providing connection to the cellphone operators and guarantees the stability of the system by using its own infrastructure. This set up allows a 24hour, 7 days a week and a transparent service.