The Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the Water and Sanitation Program and the World Bank have been collaborating ona workplan, driven by the priorities of the Government of Kenya. The initiative has been undertaken using parntnerships and synergies. For example, the mentioned partners recognized the need for genderdisaggregated data that would inform evidence-based policymaking. The opportunity was seized when a nationwide survey for the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness
Program (KAPAP)costing US$475,000 was initiated. The partners were able to piggyback on this survey and integrate a water and sanitation module which will now
generate much needed gender-disaggregated baseline data
for the sector and inform appropriate responses to address identified gaps. Similarly, collaboration was evident in the capacity building workshops, enriched by substantive skills and perspectives from various ministries and organizations. The World Bank,
the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Development, the Ministry of Planning’s National Bureau of Statistics, the Water and Sanitation Program, the University of Nairobi, United Nations Environment Program, United Nations Development Fund for Women, the NGO Gender and Water Alliance, and consultancy firms all contributed towards the training initiatives.