Upon entering the Pernambuco State Government Executive Branch in 2007, the Governor reinforced his commitment to reverse the prevalent low rates for the quality of life of People of Pernambuco, as delineated in his campaign’s Government Program. In this sense, the goal was to overcome social deficits – in education, health and sanitation – mobilizing all available political, institutional and financial resources.
Based on his belief in modernizing Public Sector Management as the most effective means to improving public service delivery, the Governor delegated to the professional staff of the Secretariat for Planning and Management (SEPLAG) responsibility for developing a model for democratic and regionalized management, focusing on results and improving services. As such, in the second semester of 2007, the Secretariat for Planning and Management (SEPLAG) developed the “Everyone for Pernambuco” Management Model, which became the new way of governing the State of Pernambuco, producing more effective and quality services.
The conceptual foundation for the new Management Model is driven by: i) greater integration between planning and budgeting; ii) establishing agreements and commitments between the Governor, Secretaries and the public regarding planned actions; iii) utilization of a monitoring system based on indicators; and iv) contracting and capacity-building of human capital to guarantee dissemination, execution and development of all systematic procedures inherent to the Management Model among Secretariats and implementing agencies.
Since its implementation and through the process of refinement and development, results from the “Everyone for Pernambuco” Management Model have been evidenced in various ways, such as: i) through the efficient management of revenues and expenditures that enabled an increase of 2.5 times the annual investment capacity of the Executive Branch, reaching a total of R$2.3 Billion (Brazilian Reais) in 2011; ii) by the substantial increase in investments in Health, Education and Public Safety – translated into public works carried out – when comparing annual averages over the 2007-2011 period vs. the 2003-2006 period (139%, 284% and 86% greater per year, respectively); and iii) through the confirmation of important social indicators, verified by both external sources and internal state government sources, which showed considerable improvements over the past four years.
Further demonstrating the efficacy of the model to expand the State Government’s capacity to carry out public policies and deliver higher quality services, Public Safety has improved, as evidenced by 21 continuous months of reduction in the rate for intentional lethal violent crimes (CVLI), surpassing the annual goal of 12% as defined by the Pact for Life Program. In addition, Education has improved, with Pernambuco achieving results above the targets stipulated for the state by the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB), along with lower illiteracy rates and a greater percentage of the population attending higher education facilities. Health has improved, with increased child survival rates – according to the Public Health System Database (DATASUS), increased number of consumer goods in domiciles of low-income families and more homes connected to the water supply and sanitary waste systems. Average income has also increased among the population, along with the proportion of workers placed in formal employment.