Lack of a comprehensive database for the non-for-profit organizations of all types and classification in the Kingdom and lack of knowledge by the society members with services offered by the non-for-profit organizations to the poor, the orphans, the handicapped and others, This all leaded to less effectiveness and inefficiency in the society in terms of organizations and individuals alike in taking up social or humane programs directed to such sectors, whether such undertaking was material (monetary and/or actual donations), or moral (i.e., voluntary work with these sectors).
The inefficiency had been noticed in tracking illicit funding, as this occurred essential information to help in locating illicit funds. The most common asset-hiding techniques had to be discussed, as well as how to use analysis to identify unknown sources of income, money laundering and offshore banking in the great Saudi charity sector. Monetary practices embedded in Muslim culture, such as donating to charities and informal money-transfer centers, have compounded the difficulty in tracking down its financial links.
One of the pillars of Islam, Zakat, is the compulsory giving of a set proportion of one's wealth to charity. While most of these charities in the Muslim world exist to help the poor and spread the message of Islam, they have also been used, in few cases to finance other purposes.
There were no strategic or executive plans for the non-for-profit organizations due to individual initiatives and the lack of an organizational structure for the same the non-for-profit organizations.
There was a great need for performance indexes for the national product of the non-profit organizations in the Kingdom due to the lack of a system or mechanism that is interested and concerned with the non-for-profit organizations' efforts, activities, programs, revenues, expenditure, archiving, and then analyzing the same to extract such indexes and statistics in an updated and timely fashion to improve coordination and increasing efficiency.
Weak confidence of some members of the society in the non-for-profit organizations' activities and programs, as well as the lack of knowledge about the spending mechanism. Further, there was a lack of transparency and accountability in such organizations. One of the prime reasons for the lack of individuals' confidence in the organizations was the inability of the donor to trace his donation, know where, when, how it was spent, and what was the positive impact of his donation.
Duplicate efforts and similar projects for the non-for-profit organizations and lack of benefits from previous experiences in the field due to lack of agency to document all such experiences and the resulting wins or losses; both materialistic and mental (money, effort and time).
Lack of achievement speed for projects and the non-for-profit organizations' projects due to traditional pattern of fund-raising. Also, the staff of the non-for-profit organizations was committed to official working hours, that led to delay in executing the projects and lingering them, or in fact, the discontinuity of some of such projects.