Before the implementation of CART, reconciliation averaged 42% (annually). A review of CART was conducted in October 2011, slightly more than a year after its pilot period. Based on available sample size of closed cases, a comparison of the reconciliation rates before and after the implementation of CART revealed that reconciliation rates increased by 18 percentage points. This suggests that CART can achieve its primary aim of increasing the chances of reconciliation for divorcing couples.
In addition, the 3 pilot VWOs also shared that the information captured in the revised registration form had greatly assisted them to customise their intervention with the divorcing couples.
Through CART, SYC has also managed to identify service gaps to take service standards and outcomes to a higher level. For example, with the information captured, both SYC and the VWOs are able to note the volume of high, medium or low risks cases when allocating its resources. Couples who have been identified as high risk for instance, would require more resources to minimise the impact of divorce/marital issues on them or their young dependents, thus ensuring that families remain stable despite the final outcome.
Through CART, SYC is also able to use it as a platform to work on the paramount interest of young dependents in divorce cases. More information can be gathered to assess the suitability of a joint or sole custody and divorcing couples are also able to tap on the expertise of the marriage counsellors on children’s issues before commencing divorce proceedings.