Efficient property of land services
Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch

The Problem

The main problem is the dissatisfaction of customers, expressing via verbal action, facial expression, body language, or written complaints. The dissatisfaction is caused by delay delivery or length of process, even though the officers put their entire effort into it. The reasons of slow process come from the system, old working style, limit office space, complicated and many working steps. The main duties of the Department of Lands are related to various laws and regulation; any practice of the officers must be legal. Meanwhile, number of the officer serving is very low as affected by public sector staff reduction policy. As a result, it takes a long time for the clients to wait and eventually creates dissatisfaction and service complaints. Moreover, we also have to face other problems such as corruption, in transparency, lack of people’s participation, low economic situation, lack of capital flow, unemployment, staff with inadequate background in computer and afraid of changes, outdated service tools, lack of technology for service materials. There are over 60 million people of Thai citizen. The official land ownership documents are more than 6 million copies. Everyone must be serviced at the Land Office either as contact partnership or as stakeholder, authorized person or attaché. Everyone in the country is counted as our all clients. The Department of Lands approximately 14,000 officers, meaning that 1 officer is responsible to serve 4,285 clients or หรือ 1/4,285. This is a very heavy working load. On top of that, Land Officer must be responsible for other services in another half of their workload as well. Equally, they are in charge of 8,570 clients. According to Department’s timeframe, 1 officer can serve 9 clients each day. In reality, Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch has 3 officers who serve 90 clients a day, meaning that 1 officer serves 30 clients and higher than the timeframe by 3.33 times.

Solution and Key Benefits

 What is the initiative about? (the solution)
Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch applies new technology in service and human resource development, problem solving, and computer program innovation as following.
1.1 Develop Land Office Forms as the second program if the main program fails in case of disaster such as blackout, flood, etc. This program can serve continually and takes shortest time than any other.
1.2 Develop Boundary Program to calculate fee and tax which reduces time from 1 minute from 30 minutes to process.
1.3 Develop Authorization Letter Sample Program which can be printed out in 1 minute and reduce wrong copy of document problems.
1.4 Develop Fee and Tax Invoice Report Program and reduce calculation time from 2 hours to 20 minutes.
1.5 Develop Budget Monthly Report Program and reduce time from 5 days to 1 hour.
1.6 Develop Office Work Progress Watch Program which cuts down process time from 2 hours to 10 minutes.
1.7 Develop Sub-division Budget Report Program, which reduces time from 1 hour to 20 minutes.
1.8 Develop Land Measurement Fee Deposit Program which can control 100% of money deposit and withdrawal.
1.9 Develop Case Registration and Case Follow-up Program which took 5 minutes to register and 3 hours to search for information. Now, both steps take only 1 minute.
1.10 Develop Inbox and Outbox Letter Program, from 5 minutes registration and 3 hours information search to 1 minute for both steps.
1.11 Develop Officer Schedule Program which will send notification to remind the appointment to officers.
1.12 Renovate surroundings both interior and exterior.

Benefits from project:
A.100% satisfaction from the clients.
B.33% more of service area.
C.More than 50% of service time reduction.
D.Economic situation recovers with 10% more of budget flow, as a result of faster working pace which support investment.
E.Create 10% employment which solve unemployment problem.
F.Solve staff shortage for 50% by replacing with computer technology.
G.Prevent corruption for 100% with transparent service.
H.80% of officers are educated in office computer and programs with positive attitudes to the changes.
I.Develop and initiate computer service programs for 100%.
J.Apply Knowledge Management theory by providing information to every other Land Office nationwide.
K.No service complaints and officers can serve without stress.
L.Clients can participate and audit all process.
M.Create positive image to the office.
N.The beneficiary is the clients, then officer and family.

Actors and Stakeholders

 Who proposed the solution, who implemented it and who were the stakeholders?
Mr. Chayut Sriroengla, Land officer of Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch brainstormed with public sectors, private sectors and customers to solve problems. Mr.Kree Kantiyanara, Land Technical officer, Professional level (expert), brought out the solution to develop computer programs and is proposed as the officer for this excellence service. Mrs. Pin-Anong Tanasriwattana, a general management officer, was the coordinator. All the stakeholders include service providers, agriculturists, businessmen, financial institutes, private sectors, customers, the disabled and the disadvantaged. All these people will gain maximum satisfaction.

(a) Strategies

 Describe how and when the initiative was implemented by answering these questions
 a.      What were the strategies used to implement the initiative? In no more than 500 words, provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom.
The strategies used in this project were the concept of “Self Development, Personnel Development, Task Development for an Excellence Service”
Self Development means always to learn new things for self development, research new innovations, study problems and seek solutions.
Personnel Development means to develop staff with the same level of ability so that they can provide good service for the customers. Cultivate the concept that all the customers are benefactors and that the department will provide them services as if they were family members
Task Development means reduce work time and task procedures, improve services and image, improve indoor and outdoor landscaping, to build up a good atmosphere in which to work, develop computer technology which covers all types of work in the office.
All the developments need cooperation for a successful development and excellent service delivery.
Successful development. Amid a shortage will develop. And is in critical condition. A result of the development problem in many areas.

(b) Implementation

 b.      What were the key development and implementation steps and the chronology? No more than 500 words
1. Analyze problems that delay work and find out solutions
2. Created computer programs for implementing improved work flow and reducing working time
3. Tested the computer programs in other offices of Department of Lands to improve the programs
4. Trained internal and external staff for implementation at no cost
5. Assessed the actual implementation by using questionnaires
6. Invited private sector groups to participate in assessing every process
7. Improved indoor and outdoor landscaping to look modern, clean, neat and ready for providing a full capacity of services.

(c) Overcoming Obstacles

 c.      What were the main obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? No more than 500 words
1. Internal obstacles and solutions
Officers still cling to old attitudes and working styles so they refused to accept changes and protested silently by not following the new systems. The main reason for being afraid was losing their benefits. Therefore, the solutions were:
1.1 Testing and proving the innovations could bring in good results in every aspect. The examples are reducing working steps and time, increasing customer satisfaction and 100% reduction in complaints.
1.2 The output shows efficiency in excellent level
1.3 The involved organizations accepted the new systems
1.4 Private sectors gave full support
1.5 Supervisor have confidence after seeing the results which led to working at providing excellent service
1.6 The office set up a customer satisfaction project by having a service contest and giving awards and recognition certificates monthly.
2. External obstacles and solutions
The Office had service projects to build up good understanding, appreciation and trust with customers:
2.1 Improve knowledge in projects by active approaches to provide legal information and a good understanding to the public
2.2 Express service for the disadvantaged customers
2.3 Star Service Provider Award by encouraging customers to score service level for each staff member
2.4 Special facilities projects including building special restrooms, ramps and providing wheel chairs for the disabled, the disadvantaged, patients, pregnant women and senior citizens.
2.5 Office General Information Project by providing a handout of the required documents for doing business with the office in order to save time.
2.6 Satisfaction Survey Project by making a questionnaire to improve the services.
2.7 Fee Transaction Monitor Project by installing monitors to show every transaction for increased transparency.
2.8 Computer Monitor Project by installing computer monitors to check the progress of each process.
2.9 Decentralized Project by giving decision making power to “One Stop Service Officers” for better service.

(d) Use of Resources

 d.      What resources were used for the initiative and what were its key benefits? In no more than 500 words, specify what were the financial, technical and human resources’ costs associated with this initiative. Describe how resources were mobilized
In 2010, Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch received 280,075 baht financial support from the government to run the following project:
- Purchasing more new computers.
- Upgrading the existing computers to support services.
- Training 250 internal and external staff .
- In 2011, more than 200,000 customers benefited from this new system.
In 2011, the office received 438,440 baht in financial support from the government to spend on:
- Creating backlog control programs to be continually used with good service programs.
- Creating financial control programs that can be checked by anyone in order to prevent corruption.
- Training 1,600 internal and external staff to extend the good service system which will benefit more than 580,000 customers.
- Outdoor landscape improvement using supportive budgets from private sectors and government sectors to.
1. Renovate the exterior surroundings by building pavilion, garden, parking lot for cars and motorcycles, highlight road lane and direction signs, build restrooms for handicap, children, pregnant, create service and complaints direction signs, build handicap ramp as well as exhibition corner of the king and royal family.
2. Renovate interior surroundings by installing air-conditioners, seats, changing standing counter to sitting counter, open express line and waiting lounge for the disadvantage, queuing screen, cable television during queue waiting, cool drinking water machine, computer screen for fee payment, opinion box, computer for internet and progress follow-up, process direction signs, queue announcing machine, and closed circuit camera to prevent corruption in authorization.

Sustainability and Transferability

  Is the initiative sustainable and transferable?
The duty of Department of Lands is to provide good service for customers in the Juristic Act and Right Registration and issue Certificates of Title in order to provide a sustainable economic framework for society. The statistics shows that in 2010, the number of customers were 12,703,142 from whom the office could earn 47,525,197,129 baht. In 2011, the number of customers increased to 13,636,572 and the income was 67,767,177,180 baht. If all Department of Lands improve themselves to become a Five Stars Service Office by 2012 there would be more than 15,000,000 customers a year who would receive satisfaction from good services and the country may earn 100,000,000 baht. The Five Stars Service can build up a lot more satisfaction from customers and can prevent corruption for 100% which definitely results in developing the country. Furthermore, all the computer programs can be applied with any kind of business such as financial businesses in the country level or international level.

Project Sustainable :
To make the project sustainable and transferable, Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch has
1.Regular Customer Satisfaction Surveys to improve the services and to meet the customers’ needs by using the problems and customers needs as a basis for action.
2. For sustainable knowledge, the officers are educated and share their knowledge among staff. The knowledge is compiled and produced in many forms such as handbooks, books and CDs. The staffs are encouraged to follow the handbooks and standards. They also realize about service culture by regularly attending the training course organized by the office.
3. Create the belief of accepting transparency and fair service system in both internal and external organizations in order to prevent corruption.

For extending the project to other organizations, the office has done the following:
1.Promoted the projects of the Department of Lands via internet
2.Invited other Departments of Lands to visit the Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch.
3.Sent the staff to train other officers both in provincial inbound and outbound upon request.
4.Distributed the handbooks and CDs program via mail or e-mail.
5.Replied to problems via telephone or internet 24 hours a day.
6.Submitted the project to complete the department level contest and received the 1st prize 2 years in a row (2011-2012).
7.Submitted the project to complete the national level and received the excellence award.

Lessons Learned

 What are the impact of your initiative and the lessons learned?
After proceeding with this project, trust and optimistic attitudes of the customers were increased which creates the good image for the Department of Lands? In addition, Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch, has regularly improved services for becoming the example for other Department of Lands offices. The office is also sharing the computer programs and educating service improvements to local offices for developing themselves as a Five Stars Service Office Services improving can create a good image for the organization. Customers also participate in the service and are able to check every process. The operations have also been developed by using high technology and the customers received equal services which bring out maximum satisfaction.
The lesson learned from this project is the supervisors have good intentions and determination to provide good and equal service to the public. They are role models. They tried very hard to adapt officers’ attitude in accepting new innovation for work achievement. The results are the officers are proud of themselves and work happily. This shows that receiving honor and admiration are worthier than receiving money.
The officers try very hard to develop themselves in order to improve service quality to meet the customers’ needs and build up equal service for everyone including senior citizen, the disabled, the disadvantaged, the rich or the poor people. The rewards they receive are the customers’ satisfaction which is guaranteed by 2 years (2010-2011), Best Service Award from the Department of Lands with 97.73% high score. We are the first Five Stars Service Department of Lands in the national level. In the near future, we hope 6,000,000 lands would be legally possessed by Thai citizen.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office, Chum Phae Branch
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Chayut Sriroengla
Title:   Land officer of Khon Kaen Provincial Land Office,  
Telephone/ Fax:   +(66) 0 4331 1277
Institution's / Project's Website:  
E-mail:   kree.k@dol.go.th  
Address:   18 Moo1
Postal Code:   40130
City:   Chum Phae District
State/Province:   Khon Kaen
Country:   Thailand

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