The Netherlands is a densily populated area in which space is scares. To increase the mobility in cities paid parking places are introduced. To accomodate the disabled people certain parking places are reserved for these people. One can park a car if the special european model parking permit for diaabled people is located behind the windshield of the car. These parking places enable the people to be mobile and most of the time free of charges. In the Netherlands there is misuse of these places due to no special parking permit is available or the show permit is no longer valid, due to expiration or theft. One of the measures to combat the misuse is an major increase of the parkingfines as per 2012. However, this measure will increase the benefits of the theft of permits from cars. A result of this risk of theft (including the damages to the car) is that disabled people no longer feel secure to park their car at the special reserverd places and stay at home. This will reduce their mobility. Currently the enforcement officer is not able to check the validity of the parking permit on the streat. This is due to the fact that a registration at the municipality office is lacking, or the registration is not shared with other municipalities.