Before establishment of PSH, Ministry of Justice made dramatic changes in public service delivery process and established One-Stop-Shop principle in all its structural units who were delivering public services. However, it was obvious that such type of service delivery was not enough for rapid changes in the public service efficiency. Hence, it was decided to go further and make much more simplification of service delivery process and make it more customers oriented. Founded on a client-centric philosophy, MoJ aimed to help public services become more flexible and cater better to individual needs. In particular, this shift toward a delivery-based philosophy has been aimed to encourage changes that would move the civil service from being a body giving policy advice to one that assures the availability of quality public goods and services.
This has dramatically affected the Georgian citizens and the government structures alike by providing safe, less time and resource consuming service. Comparing to previous experience, consumers have a possibility to submit the applications without dozens of required documents. Aiming to accommodate the public will in the information age in the most efficient way the Ministry of Justice introduced absolutely new concept of public service delivery – “Everything in One Space” principle through Public Service Hall, implying not only mechanical unification of several structural entities under one roof, but ideological and systemic unification of service-oriented institutions, thus providing the customers with cross-enterprise one-stop-shop service.
Creation of Public Service Hall, so called “Georgian Innovation”, helped Ministry’s policy makers to see citizens as customers and perceived the benefits of applying marketing tools and strategic marketing planning in order to ‘sell’ policies to citizens. PSH combined all its structural units delivering more than 250 services to citizens, from the following MoJ structural units: Civil Registry Agency, National Agency of Public Registry, National Archive of Georgia, National Bureau of Enforcement and Notary Chamber of Georgia. Furthermore, appropriate agreements were made with MOF Service Agency and Revenue Service of Georgia in order to include services from above mentioned institutions at PSH. Since the establishment of PSH, online services are extremely encouraged by MoJ. Hence, customers have possibility to access PSH via web page and get diverse services in online regime, therefore saving their time and financial resources.
Impact of PSH creation is daily measured quantitatively, by a special queue electronic monitoring system (i.e. average customer waiting time is 0.48 min; average service delivery time is 6 min) and qualitatively, by a special service quality management tools, such internal monitoring groups (weekly visits per branch), also by actively conducting mystery shopper (twice a year in each branch) research, and customer satisfaction survey (once a year in each branch). In addition special Quality Committee has been established consisting MoJ departments, MoJ structural units, HR staff, Marketing division team, PSH branch managers and internal monitors aiming to monitor branch’s efficiency and timely solve all possible obstacles and difficulties that might appear at PSH.