The impact gain from this innovation can be narrowed down in terms of data handling, processing and analysing, cost reduction, timeliness, accuracy, productivity and efficiency. By implementing this ePSH system, the management and CCs officers found that data can be analysed quickly, easily and information integration are much easier and meet to the stakeholder needs (timeliness). Utility and postal cost was reduced as more communication is done online. Furthermore, it creates a paperless environment. The participants of LLL programme can also apply through online. This is much cheaper as compared to the application forms send via mail or submitted personally to the college. As to the officers in DCCE and CCs, ePSH system help them process the application in time and easy to make selection, access data profiling of LLL participants at their finger tip and do not consumes longer time. Officers can focus on other important tasks such as attending meetings, make plans, preparing presentation, preparing report / papers or focus on teaching and learning without being burden with clerical works. The lessons learned is nothing is impossible if there is a desire and will to do things. Besides that, the teamwork effort, commitment, capability and focus have benefited not only to the community colleges but to the community and other stakeholders as well. The innovation team was also very grateful to the acceptance and readiness of our DCCE and CCs staff to any changes and transformation done. It showed how resilient they are. Quoting from Steve Jobs , innovation is the ability to see change as an apportunity, not a threat and Woody Allen once said if you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative.
1. Cost Reduction (utility bill, paper usage, postage)
2. Timelines
3. Accuracy
4. Real- time information
5. Paperless environment
6. Increase productivity
7. Increase efficiency
8. Increase number of LLL participants (from 123,061 in 2010 to 188, 291 as 20th Dec 2011)
9. Increase accessibility (user-friendly online application system)
Total cost reduction (estimation) : RM450,000.00 a year
1. Department of Community College Education (DCCE) √
2. Community Colleges √
3. Community / Participant √
4. Other stakeholders (Minister, MoHE, EPU, LLL players etc) √