• Problem 1 : Time consuming in journal searching
Currently, there are more than 300,000 periodical titles published around the world as indexed in ULRICHS Periodical Directory http://ulrichsweb.serialssolutions.com . 12,000 journals are indexed in ISI Web of Science, 10,000 are Impact Factor Journals indexed in ISI Journal Citation Reports and 18,000 are indexed in Scopus. They may be accessible in a publisher or vendor platform such as ScienceDirect, ProQuest, EBSCOHost, Taylor & Francis Online, JSTOR, Ovid, Sage and a lot of journals also free available in the Internet. The existence of too many sources in too many platforms will make our researchers confuse on what journal they need to read and to publish. This may cause time consuming in literature search because users need to use and familiarized different platform to find different journals. Our experience in UKM Library discovered that users spent about 25 minutes to find full text paper in a high impact journal.
• Problem 2 : High cost of journal subscription
Today, Malaysian academic libraries in public higher learning institutions are spending millions ringgit a year for subscribing full text electronic journals or online databases from various platform (website). This is because journals are one of the valuable sources for teaching, learning and research activities in a university. For example, in year 2010, about RM70 million has been spent in this business. However, there is an argument on the percentage of unique and duplicate journal titles subscribed by Malaysian Libraries. The fact is library cannot afford the increase of subscription cost from year to year. Cooperation between libraries in knowledge through service known as interlibrary loan may help university libraries in cost saving. Despite, it can be detrimental because of the sharing of information through interlibrary loan cannot be implemented efficiently if academic libraries keep high percentage of duplicate title compared to unique titles.
• Target Group Affected: More than 2,000 libraries are now established in Malaysia ranging from public libraries, academic libraries, state libraries, special libraries, school libraries, rural libraries and else. Malaysian population reaches 28 million and many of them are library users. Our project aim to enhance journal visibility, accessibility and usage not only for the higher learning communities but hope to bring a knowledge and social impact at national level.
• Key ideas:
The existence of too many resources (subscribed or free basis) need to be organized and put in single platform for researchers to do a quick one stop search and get the most relevant full text journal. The system need to allow users to identify those journals at each institution where full-text access available (combined with open-access journals) and journal impact factors would be useful for academicians choosing journals to submit papers. A simple system that identified these duplications would provide very useful information for libraries as journal subscriber when negotiating the price for these services, and allow alternative journals to be substituted.