First action was taken within the "internal environment" of the Court. Specifically, activities of offices have been organized into work flow processes, identifying specific "process owners" and mapping activities. This has lead also to partially reduce timing in performing office activities.
The Court identified core processes by analyzing closely services and activities, as:
Request for suitability for international adoption; Clearance of lawyers and consultants’ fees; Action filed by parent for custody and visitation of his/her minor child, Action for withdrawing parental rights and responsibilities etc.
These proceedings were monitored in conjunction with relevant stakeholders, with the aim of an improvement based on measured efficiency, effectiveness and results. The involvement of stakeholders lead to a profitable re-organisation of processes with no extra cost.
With the aim increasing confidence of citizens in Juvenile Courts, a Service Chart was issued, stating the commitment of the Court towards citizens. Beside, a complaint management system was designed to monitoring activities and triggering a «virtuous loop» for continuous improvement.
Attention was paid then to «external environment». The main aim was to ensure a simpler and more effective interaction between Citizens and Juvenile Court.
This purpose was achieved by designing three different IT tools, which enable user to perform by simpler actions complex activities.
First tool was designed specifically for the benefit of prospective adoptive Parents. As a matter of fact, adoption proceedings have relevant impacts on young people involved. The Salerno’s Juvenile Court manages around 450 adoption applications per year. Time to get the final adoption sentence is on average around 3 years. Such a long time puts adult and young people involved in high stress and emotional situation. Therefore, this stage was the first one the Court wanted to improve.
More in detail, the IT tool created enables citizens who submit application for adoption to accede to a restricted area of an ad hoc portal in order to check the proceeding status. Users are also enabled to access to some files, info on next proceeding steps and time to end the adoption process. Moreover, in order to make information more intuitive, a graphic display will be given on information (GANTT).
This process will generate a positive effects also on the Court workflow, as it spares time on providing information physically to users. This saved-time is then addressed to more value added activities.
Recovery of efficiency and result effectiveness for users will be afterwards measured for Corporate Social Responsibility. Once this tracking process is fully tested and measured, the Courts aims at gradually extend the process on tracking civil and criminal proceedings. For instance, in the criminal this allows attorney and technical consultants to know the status of their fees liquidation.
Steps forward to ease some basic processes are achieved with another IT tool, designed to perform electronically a multi-task for submitting information. Social Web is a tool that enables Social Agencies to submit documents to the Court and to access to specific Court files on adoption proceedings. With Social Web users supply proper info in terms of quantity and quality, standardizing information and speeding up decision making process.
This approach enables also the transit from the e-government to the open-government, with consequences – among other, in fast clustering operations, social accountability and possibility to focus on higher value-added activities.