Turkey is a country which has the most intensive population in its region in respect of the population and for that reason has excessive number of cases. Within this intensity, a very detailed control of the certain acts at all stages for the acts carried out by the judiciary units. Apart from this, as all citizens have no information on law and do not assert their rights, due to very simple mispleading or ill-wishers using civil lucidities, serious unjust treatments have been experienced. For example, a lawsuit brought against the person results against the person due to an undue service to his address, this person can only be notified of this matter when he is suffered juristically. Another problem is that parties are informed after the proceedings are realized and this situation eliminates the reliability and transparency of the jurisdiction.
A working group consisting of the judges, engineers and executive officers of the Information technology was established in 2008 to remove the complaints from the citizens and abuses leading to these complaints and make the jurisdiction more transparent and controllable. Requiring no additional investment of the solution, its commonly usage, easy to use function and requiring no additional personnel for operation of the system are adopted as main principle. According to the research, it is stipulated that transmitting of any act carried out in the judiciary units automatically via SMS to the parties of the file with a feature to be added to UYAP Informatics System which is used by all judiciary units will constitute the required solution.
To determine the impacts and advantages of the system, it is monitored transiently how many people examines the cases via SMS, to how many people automatic SMS are sent, how many SMS is sent by the user on UYAP screens. In average 2.000 new users are included into the system ever day. Moreover, to send the demands and opinions of the parties using this system, a module was formed in UYAP Help Desk; www.sms.uyap.gov.tr and uyap_sms@adalet.gov.tr e-mail address is activated. The system has been developed constantly in line with data received from statistics screen and recommendations from SMS users. For example, although when the system initiated in 2008 it only covered first-instance courts, the Court of Cassation participated in the system in 2010 according to the demands.
Not only citizens but also lawyers for their case files and the institutions for cases to which they are parties can utilize from these produced legal protection. So that all natural person or legal identity parties to any judicial issue are allowed to utilize from this system. At the same time, sending SMS to the mobile phones of the parties by judiciary units directly from UYAP screens are ensured.