The system is being sustained with the own financial and human resources of the MoJ. Even though regular budget is allocated to the system in each year for the maintenance costs, it is proved that using online means in judicial communication itself brings about huge amount savings. In the past it was spent at least 5 Euros as postal cost for each communication on average, today there is no such a cost. Everyday around 1,233,000 on-line searches and 1,110,000 on-line communications are realised in the system, preventing users making physical correspondence. As a result, daily saving of UYAP only for communication costs has amounted up to 11,715,000 Euros. In addition, the duration of these processes has decreased from ten days on average to seconds, and the labour force has been reduced significantly. Even though the value of delivering justice in a fast and effective way by UYAP cannot be assessed on costly bases, this example shows how system is sustainable and valuable. Proceedings have been prevented from being repeated and so time and work loses have been reduced. This makes judges and prosecutors more enthusiastic for benefiting from the ICT so that they can fight against crime more effectively. In sum, financial, social, cultural and institutional concrete benefits have been provided with UYAP and these benefits meet all sustainability criteria.
It is believed that UYAP sets up a very good example as a comprehensive e-justice system for other countries. (look at: J.Hunter; UYAP’s case and document management system and word processor software were designed to be easily used by other judicial systems. The software has been developed in line with the CMMI3 standards based on open source code. The Software Development laboratory is compatible with world standards since CVS and IBM Rational products are used. The main components of the UYAP have already been transferred to other ministries and institutions of Turkey such as Customs, Social Insurance Service and some universities in Turkey after making some minor modifications according to their needs. This kind of information sharing promotes the usage of document management systems in other sectors. It also improves harmonization and online exchange of data among the ministries and agencies. As a result, it is completely possible to import and replicate the components of the UYAP to other judicial organizations and countries. It also should be noted that, there have been cooperation activities so as to transfer some components of the UYAP to some countries such as Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, UAE, Jordan, Oman, Ghana, Syria etc. (look at: ). UYAP has been ready for the Xml based integration. Therefore, in this context, it is also aimed to establish links to the central databases of the EU members and the UN member countries’ systems. Achieving this goal will result in secure and swift transmission of international requests such as rogatory letters, extradition of criminals and transfer of sentenced persons, exchange of information that enable combating with the international crime and terrorism effectively.