The service was launched for citizens and lawyers first in 2008. The condition for access to the system was to have a legally valid e-signature so that e-signature holders would not need to go to the judicial units for information and documents they needed and they would be able to access all such information and documents online. However, the number of people who had e-signatures was very limited when the system was introduced. Therefore, temporary VPN certificates with a 1-year limit were generated for lawyers for free with a view to promoting the system. The certificates were not renewed after expiry and users were required to obtain e-signatures.
Separate portals have been developed for citizens, lawyers, companies and expert witnesses to access the system. Lawyers, representatives of companies and expert witnesses need e-signatures to use the services. E-signature is not obligatory for citizens although services and information available without an e-signature are very limited. Citizens without an e-signature can use their TR ID Number and the serial number of their ID card to access the system. They can select the court of concern and access general information about their case. However, they cannot see the content of the case file. On the other hand, citizens, lawyers, representatives of companies/institutions and expert witnesses that use e-signatures can access all content in their case files without any restriction.
The portal dedicated to companies and institutions was piloted in 2009 and officially launched in October 2010. Currently, 119 companies and institutions use this service. Some institutions have huge numbers of cases or enforcement proceedings (often hundreds of thousands or millions of files) to follow. In case they have the necessary organizational IT systems in place, they do not need to limit their system utilization to the system portal. Their IT systems can be integrated into the system and a specific web service can be created.
Judicial units often need expert witness examination in many matters. However, access to witness experts had its own limitations such as lack of experts in the area where the court served. Therefore, many units needed to send files to others to ask for examination. However, Turkey had the opportunity to incorporate the capability of online expert witness services now that the country already had a properly functioning online system which covered all the judicial units and all judicial transactions and procedures. As a result, a project for a new system was initiated in 2010 to efficiently solve the problems concerning expert witness examinations. Launched in 2011, the system is capable of assigning a case file to any expert in Turkey. The expert or experts, as the case may require, can examine the files online, develop and e-sign reports and electronically submit them to the relevant court.
11.571.721 online transaction has been realized through these services until now by citizens, lawyers, companies, institutions and expert witnesses that enable saving from money, time and labor forces.