Web Section "Mobility and Disables People

The Problem

On 27 October 2009, the Italian Government approved Legislative Decree 150/2009 (the Reform Decree), implementing Law 15 of 4 March 2009 a comprehensive reform of the public administration encompassing a revision of all aspects related to the civil service, with a view to improving labour productivity as well as efficiency and transparency.
The decree entered into force on 15 November of the same year and concerns the organizations and bodies of the public sector, which involves 3.6 million civil servants.
The reform included three pillars: modernization of the public administration, innovation and digitalization within the public administration and throughout the country, and development of a relationship between the public administration, citizens and businesses.
ACI, in this context where the current economic recovery presented challenges and pressures for the government to deliver results and preserve performance while dealing with changing priorities, has created a initiative “The Portal of the disabled people” were has implemented some framework of the reform, better quality of services and more efficient offices serving citizens , in particular the type of citizen with of the problem , monitoring with indicators, customer satisfaction, transparency, equal opportunity for all the citizens.
The strategy of ACI with this Portal is the relationship between public administration, citizens and business, is to design a new digital administration.
ACI for create “The Portal of the disabled people” has studied all the about them and their mobility.

Solution and Key Benefits

 What is the initiative about? (the solution)
The Italian law recognizes to the people disabled mobility and autonomy.
In the course of time new regulations have extended their rights. Anyway the current italian legislative and administrative system is extremely fragmented and is divided up in more levels of competence.
This involves disabled people with that have extreme difficulty to find pertinent information for their problems.
The web section is destined to offer a total overview of benefits, services, news and events about the mobility of disabled people, both nationwide and in several local realities.
The beneficiaries are:
- disabled people and their parents
- disability associations
- other associations and social community
- public administrations and other public local authority
The Project has involved all local public institutions (Tax Agency, Local Health Authority, Provincial Administrations, Municipalities, the Government Office that issues driving licenses and registers vehicles) for facilitate accessibility of the disabled people .
For this reason the Automobile Club of Italy has already subscribed two protocol agreements with Local Authority.
In the web section for disability it is possible to find all the information about:
- Tax breaks
- medical acknowledgement of the disability
- Special driver’s license for disabled people
- Technical adaptations and modifications to vehicles
- Identification marks for the vehicles
- Public services
- Social and health services
- Travelling and touristic features that permit access to the handicapped
- Automobile sport
- Non-profit making organizations and associations
- Driving and transport with security
- Helpful link
For each theme it is possible to find all the information about:
- law and legal dispositions about disability
- administrative procedures
- directions for use and access
- set of forms
- agency and offices.
The section “Mobility and Disabled People” has already been realized on the website of two ACI Provincial Offices in Pescara (region: Abruzzo) and Catania (region: Sicily) and it will be repeated on the website of every ACI Provincial Office in Italy.
This web section is only a part of a wider project of the Automobile Club of Italy.
Our general plan is to set up the same section for disabled people on the national website www.aci.it
In fact, with a simple internet process (link between the national and provincial website) it will be possible for disabled people find any useful information about their mobility, both nationwide and locally.
-On the national website one will find published the whole law of national interest and there will be a link to the same section on the provincial websites for local information.
-On the provincial website, instead, all the information of the local interest will be available and there will be a link on the national website to the same section regarding general information.

Actors and Stakeholders

 Who proposed the solution, who implemented it and who were the stakeholders?
The disabled associations have been invited to take part in the meetings that have permitted to detect their exact specific to create the project.
This working collaboration with the local administration was done thanks to : meetings, electronic mail, phone, with a double aim:
- update the web section with newsness on the disability and mobility ;
- find further areas of interest that are may to add to optimize the web section.
For a total guarantee of accessibility to the service for disabled people has been planned a specific front office” inside the ACI Provincial Offices that have been involved in the project.
This way the same service is also provided by the activity of “Front Office”, with adequate competent staff prepared on disability themes.
In these front office is available the documentation published in web section.

(a) Strategies

 Describe how and when the initiative was implemented by answering these questions
 a.      What were the strategies used to implement the initiative? In no more than 500 words, provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom.
General objectives of the Automobile Club of Italy are:
- a Mission mainly orientated towards safeguarding human rights;
- to put into a social policy aimed to the protection of the population’s weaker class in order to make their life easier;
- engage one’s functions and duties, assigned as public institution, shooting for very high level performances and services;
Specific objectives of web section devoted to disability are:
- “coordinate “the national provisions with regional and local regulations;
- provide practical information about “where and how to apply for” a benefit or service;
- facilitate “accessibility”, for disabled people and their parents
make an administrative practice (for a benefit or service) without moving (staying at home).

(b) Implementation

 b.      What were the key development and implementation steps and the chronology? No more than 500 words
The section “Mobility and Disabled People” has already been realized on the website of two ACI Provincial Offices in Pescara (region: Abruzzo) and Catania (region: Sicily) and it will be repeated on the website of every ACI Provincial Office in Italy.
Principal events about project:
 the project was started in Pescara on 30 March 2009 thanks to the signing of a protocol agreement with the other Public Administrations and Local Authority (Tax Agency, Local Health Authority, Provincial Administrations, Municipalities, Government Office that issues driving licenses and registers vehicles). On 29 May 2009 the web section was published in network on the website of ACI Provincial Office.
 on 27 September 2010 the ACI Provincial Office in Catania has signed a protocol agreement with the other Public Administrations and Local Authority on (Tax Agency, Local Health Authority, INPS – Italian state body which coordinates national insurance funds, Provincial Administrations, Municipalities, Government Office that issues driving licenses and registers vehicles, Scholastic Provincial Agency).
This web section is only a part of a wider project of the Automobile Club of Italy: our general plan is to set up the same section for disabled people on the national website www.aci.it.

(c) Overcoming Obstacles

 c.      What were the main obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? No more than 500 words
Have all the information about the Italian mobility of disabled people;
- coordinating the national provisions with regional and local regulations;
- get over the fragmentation of information on the disabled people
- give at the disabled people a clear and complete information on the mobility.

(d) Use of Resources

 d.      What resources were used for the initiative and what were its key benefits? In no more than 500 words, specify what were the financial, technical and human resources’ costs associated with this initiative. Describe how resources were mobilized
TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT: the project hasn’t entailed any cost thanks to the exclusive use of resources inside the Administration.
It is possible to quantify numerically the achieved results with the activation of the new service in the website of ACI Provincial Office in Pescara thanks to the “Accessibility Function” of ACI
April 2009: 1535 accesses
May 2009: 33620 accesses

The same thing for the file download: three times more.
In short:
In the year 2008: total accesses n°18354
In the year 2009: total accesses n° 93862
During the year 2010, in numbers, accesses, file downloads, web contacts have maintained the same high levels, emphasizing a wide and constant satisfaction for this web service for disabled people.
During the year 2010 the total number of the accesses was about 48145.
A lot of headlines, TV header and network have promulgated ACI section web dedicated to the disabled people.

Sustainability and Transferability

  Is the initiative sustainable and transferable?
The solution is sustainable and transferable. In fact the way in which the service was built (teamwork, involvement of disabled people themselves, no charge) and the results achieved (increase in the number of performance, user rating, increased involvement of staff in charge of disbursement) show the possibility that this may be more widespread in the Italian and European territory .
The service has achieved sustainable and transferable benefits in fact has collected together the Italian associations of disabled persons and those of so-called disadvantaged for to work together about mobility.

In November 2011, the project was awarded the Best Practice Certificate EPSA 2011 - European Public Service Awards.

Lessons Learned

 What are the impact of your initiative and the lessons learned?
The importance of making the involvement of other local government in the country that provide services and / or grant facilities for the disabled to create a single information center.
The actions of the Automobile Club of Italy produce these effects::
- safeguarding human rights;
- protection of the population’s weaker classes in order to make their life easier;
coordination the national provisions with regional and local regulations;
- facilitate “accessibility” at the disabled people.

Contact Information

Institution Type:   Public Organization  
Contact Person:   Beatrice Bisogni
Title:   Director  
Telephone/ Fax:   +39.0649982203
Institution's / Project's Website:   www.aci.it
E-mail:   b.bisogni@aci.it  
Address:   Via Magenta, 5
Postal Code:   00185
City:   ROME
Country:   Italy

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