Public Service Deliberation 24/7
Gyeonggi Provincial Government

The Problem

○ Time Perspective: In these days, due to busy lives occupied with such activities as jobs, studies, and personal affairs, it gets more difficult for people to spare time to visit public administration offices on weekdays. Thus, they have to take day off in order to make personal visits to public administration departments. In order to resolve the issue of inconvenience, “Swift Administration” system is required so that visitors can receive public and administrative services on tap.

○ Space Perspective: Residents who live far distance from public administration offices and those who are unaware of locating the responsible administrative agencies and those who do not receive proper administrative services due to a lack of information (generally the marginalized people: the elderly, the disabled, and low-income groups) are disadvantaged.
Mobile Public Service Centers are required for those who fall in the blind spots of administrative service systems so that they can receive “One-Stop Administrative Service”.

○ Administration Service Delivery System: Since the demands of residents have become complex and diverse, the existing passive administration system and fixed office spaces expose the weaknesses of administrative service. Further, On line public service systems are not enough to fulfill civil complaints. The Gyeonggi Public Service Center, which is open 24/7, is easily accessible by those who need urgent administrative services. Gyeonggi 120 Call Center is to resolve existing phone public service inconvenient issues like frequent transfers of telephone inquiries to locate public officials in charge. It is a new service system which can resolve all civil complaints just by one call.

Solution and Key Benefits

 What is the initiative about? (the solution)
○ In order to overcome time barrier in nighttime, weekends, and holidays, the 24/7 Off-Line Public Service Center has been established for the first in the world.

- Results (since March 2010): Total of 91,303 cases [42,999 cases (47.1%) processed during nighttime, weekends, and holidays]

*Passport Service provided as well: Passport issuing service are 6,203 cases in 2011

- Results of customer satisfaction survey in 2011: Customer satisfaction rate of 96%

○ Micro loan financing, free legal counseling, and “Limitless Care” services for the elderly and disabled are provided.

-Results Public Service of the marginalized (since 2010) : employment information(17,781 cases), legal consulting (11,404 cases), taxation consulting(560 cases), health counseling(264,113 cases), and financial consulting from high-interest to low interest loans have been provided(5,173 cases).
* Results from high-interest to low interest loans have been provided : USD 22,545,000
① Public Service Centers were established in 5 different rail stations for those seeking public services and counseling while commuting.
- Stations: Suwon City, Uijeongbu City, Bucheon City, Pyeongtaek City, and Dongducheon City in Gyeonggi Province
- Results (since 2010): Total of 304,297 cases [141,498 cases (46.5%) processed during nighttime, weekends, and holidays]
- Results of customer satisfaction survey in 2011: Customer satisfaction rate of 98%

② Public Service Subway 24/7 for the first case in the world: One subway car was remodeled and a public service center was established in the car for the provision of public services.
- Results (since 2010): Total of 57,814 cases

③ “On-site Visiting Public Service Center” visits subway stations, bus stations, and city parks where large populations are concentrated, and provide administrative and public services to people, especially to marginalized individuals
- Results (since 2010): Total of 317,463 cases

○ Public service improvements by phone: The “Gyeonggi Call Center”, operating 365 days a year, allow people to directly connect to responsible officials and receive appropriate information, services, and complaint resolutions.

In addition, it is estimated that the number of smart phone users has rapidly increased from 470,000 (November 2009) to 10,000,000 (March 2011). Thus, the Twitter Public Service was established in order to provide 24-hour real time question-and-answer service.

- Rate of increase in the use of the Call Center (360% increase compared to 2008): From 334,358 cases processed in 2008 to 1,201,579 cases processed in 2010

- Present status of Twitter Public Service: Followers (10,226), Tweets (3,949), cases processed (1,067)

Actors and Stakeholders

 Who proposed the solution, who implemented it and who were the stakeholders?
○ Proposal: The Governor of Gyeonggi Province proposed this project with the slogans: “Whenever people need us, we will be there for you” and “Always Awakened Gyeonggi” .
○ Implementation: In order to address a wide range of civil complaints, 21 fully experienced civil servants the fields of transportation, environment, welfare, and city affairs were engaged for 3 different teams.

In order to visit residents for dealing civil complaints, Gyeonggi established the “On-site Traveling Public Service Center” and “Public Service at Subway 24/7”. For these, a total of 52 civil servants for 10 teams were mobilized.

In addition, for providing more comprehensive supports, the governance operation system and public-private-educational-industrial cooperation have been engaged.
※ 23 institutions & organizations network: Korean Bar Association, Korean Association of Beommusa Lawyers, Korea Association of Certified Public Tax Accountants, Korean Association of Realtors, Korea Certified Public Labor Attorney Association, Volunteer Center, Korean Medical Association, Korean Senior Citizens Association, Korean Hospital Association, Korean Department Store Association, Fire & Disaster Headquarters, Women’s Vision Center, Provincial Medical Center, Local Health Center, Traffic Information Center, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Housing Finance Corporation, Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Korea Electric Power Corporation, KORAIL, Credit Counseling & Recovery Service, Gyeonggi Research Institute

All the policies above will be implemented with the participation of fully experienced civil servants, inter-agencies and organizations, private organizations, and individual volunteers.

The ranges will be applied in every possible area, and the objects will be applied primarily for low-income recipients, the elderly, the disabled, and the unemployed. For these groups, a variety of services such as employment information, legal/taxation consulting, health counseling, and financial consulting from high-interest to low interest loans have been provided. As a result, many people have received benefits.

Every two years, a satisfaction survey is conducted, and the results are incorporated in the project plans for the following year.

(a) Strategies

 Describe how and when the initiative was implemented by answering these questions
 a.      What were the strategies used to implement the initiative? In no more than 500 words, provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom.
○ The purposes are as follow:

<Administration Paradigm Shift>

- Breaking the Time Barrier: Operating regular working hours of 9am to 6pm on weekdays ⇒ Operating 365 days a year
. Increase in leisure time with the advent of the five-day workweek → Demand for extending public service hours on weekends and holidays raised
. Regular office employees and students are difficult to visit during the daytime → Demand for extending operating hours at night raised
. By accepting civil demand for reinforcing provincial government’s credibility, Gyeonggi Provincial Government decided to operate the Public Service Center 365 days a year.

- Breaking the Space Barrier: Public Service Center in government offices ⇒ Expanded to public places where large numbers of people are concentrated (e.g. rail stations, parks).
. Lack of accessibility to administrative agencies → Demand for public service center relocation raised
. Lack of administrative benefits for the elderly, disabled, and marginalized → Demand for equality raised

○ Based on the purposes above, the strategies of each project are as follow:

- Anytime Public Service Center: Enables the resolution of civil complaints and provides public and administrative services anytime ⇒ Breaking the Time Barrier

- Public Service Centers at Rail Stations, Public Service Subway 24/7, and On-site Visiting Public Service Centers: In order to provide administrative services and various other public services to residents anytime, mobile administrative agencies are operated and counseling on legal, financial, employment, social welfare, health, and other matters is provided at no cost ⇒ Breaking the Space Barrier

- Call Center: The telephone number 120 works on tap. Through just one phone call, all civil complaints can be resolved.

○ Through the establishment of the governance system, a one-stop processing system was established.

※ One-Stop System Network : Korean Bar Association, Korean Association of Beommusa Lawyers, Korea Association of Certified Public Tax Accountants, Korean Association of Realtors, Korea Certified Public Labor Attorney Association, Volunteer Center, Korean Medical Association, Korean Senior Citizens Association, Korean Hospital Association, Korean Department Store Association, Fire & Disaster Headquarters, Women’s Vision Center, Provincial Medical Center, Local Health Center, Traffic Information Center, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Housing Finance Corporation, Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Korea Electric Power Corporation, KORAIL, Credit Counseling & Recovery Service, Gyeonggi Research Institute

(b) Implementation

 b.      What were the key development and implementation steps and the chronology? No more than 500 words
<Anytime Public Service Centers>
○ The necessity for the Public Service Center was raised
- January 2010: Report on the necessity for Public Service Centers operating 24/7

○ Establish the Organization
- March 2010: Establishment “The 24/7 Public Service Center”
- November 2010: Officially named “Public Service Deliberation Center 24/7”

<Public Service Centers at Stations>

○ Trial Operation
- February 2010: Public Service Center opened at Uijeongbu Station in Gyeonggi Province

○ Expansion and Settlement
- July 2010: Public Service Center opened at Suwon Station in Gyeonggi Province
- November 2010: Public Service Centers opened at Bucheon Station, Pyeongtaek Station, and Dongducheon Station in Gyeonggi Province

<On-site Traveling Public Service Center & Public Service Deliberation at Subway 24/7>

○ June 2010: First operation of On-site Traveling Public Service Center
(2 teams in total)

○ August 2010: Additional operation of On-site Mobile Public Service Center
(2 teams were added)

○ December 2010: Expanded operation of On-site Traveling Public Service Center
(10 teams in total)

○ November 2010: Public Service Center established in a subway car
(Public Service Subway 24/7)

<Gyeonggi Call Center>

○ Preparation for opening (2006-2007)
- October 2006: Establishment of promotional plan for the Call Center
- January to May 2007: Establishment of the Call Center system

○ Working Hours expanded (2009-2010)
- January 2009: Operation hours expanded (08:00-19:00 weekdays → 08:00-24:00 on tap)
- January 2010: Operation hours expanded (08:00-24:00 year-round → 24/7 on tap)

○ Call Center Service expanded (2011)
- May 2011: Gyeonggi Smart 120 Public Service Twitter (@ggsmart120)

(c) Overcoming Obstacles

 c.      What were the main obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? No more than 500 words
In terms of the number of personnel, effectiveness problems are posed; cooperative relationships with inter-agencies and organizations emerge as an issue; and personnel exhibit a tendency to avoid working 24/7 as well as a reluctance to work at on-site mobile public service centers.

○ Effectiveness problems for number of personnel

- The policies were criticized as being a mere display by the Gyeonggi Provincial Council and as ineffective projects by some personnel and residents.

- However, administrative agencies should prioritize public interests, and it is still worth providing equitable services to those who need such services even if there are few. The provincial governor’s determination, in particular, helped overcome those obstacles.

- Eventually, noticeable results and the passionate support of residents were obtained. Now, this initiative is deemed an outstanding model of public and administration service, and has become the subject of benchmarking.

○ Establishment of governance system with private and public cooperation & voluntary service of civic groups

- At first, when the public service centers in subway stations and a subway car were promoted, there were many difficulties with the Korean Railroad Corporation. However, after several discussions and consultations, active cooperation and support were secured.

- Korean Bar Association, Korean Association of Beommusa Lawyers, Korea Association of Certified Public Tax Accountants, Korean Association of Realtors, Korea Certified Public Labor Attorney Association, Volunteer Center, Korean Medical Association, Korean Senior Citizens Association, Korean Hospital Association, Korean Department Store Association, Fire & Disaster Headquarters, Women’s Vision Center, Provincial Medical Center, Local Health Center, Traffic Information Center, Korea Asset Management Corporation, Korea Housing Finance Corporation, Korea Gas Safety Corporation, Korea Electric Power Corporation, KORAIL, Credit Counseling & Recovery Service, Gyeonggi Research Institute. Through professional voluntary support from the groups above, a variety of service systems have been established.

○ Difficulties of Public Official Staff Recruitment
- Night time shift working system is the most critical factor in recruiting personnel. Thus, 3 working shift teams and incentives are adopted for easy recruitment of many seasoned public officials.

(d) Use of Resources

 d.      What resources were used for the initiative and what were its key benefits? In no more than 500 words, specify what were the financial, technical and human resources’ costs associated with this initiative. Describe how resources were mobilized
○ Anytime Public Service Center: In order to address a variety of civil complaints and provide counseling, 21 civil servants experienced in the areas of environment, facility, industry, and administration were engaged and assigned to 3 different teams. These civil servants work a three-shift day.

Financial resources: USD 80,000 in 2010 and USD 52,000 in 2011 (fully funded by the provincial budget)

○ Public Service Center at Rail Stations: At least 3 to 9 personnel work at each of the 5 stations, and professional counselors for law, finance, health, employment, and social welfare are assigned to the centers.

○ The On-site Traveling Public Service Center (46 personnel in 10 different teams) and Public Service Subway 24/7 (16 personnel in 4 different teams) are structured to provide a variety services and counseling for visitors. In particular, all personnel are specialists in such fields as the environment, facilities, industry, and administration. They work a two-shift day.
Financial resources: USD 442,000 in 2010, and USD 803,000 in 2011 (fully funded by the provincial budget)

○ Gyeonggi Call Center: 50 well-trained professional counselors are assigned to the call center and work 24/7.
From the plan for the establishment of the call center in October 2006 to November 2011, a total of USD 4,982,000 was utilized for construction and operation costs (fully funded by the provincial budget).

Procedures for recruiting counselors
Examination of applicants’ career documentation → telephone interviews → in-person interviews → preliminary selection of two or three counselors → final selection of counselors after one-week training and internship
Procedures for training counselors

The regular training programs are provided for one month, and a variety of training programs on new or important information relevant to the provincial government are regularly provided.

○ Personnel, dispatched from inter-agencies and organizations as well as volunteers, provide counseling in their specialties including medical, law, realty, finance, and so on, while civil servants are primarily responsible for public services that can only be addressed by administrative agencies.

Sustainability and Transferability

  Is the initiative sustainable and transferable?
○ The Anytime Public Service Center, Public Service Centers at Stations, On-site Traveling Public Service Center, Public Service at Subway 24/7, and 120 Call Center can be regarded as microcosms of the entire provincial government. Because appropriate solutions and services on tap are immediately delivered to residents who need help and services, demand for the services will increase.

○ In addition, it has been deemed a desirable administration service model for those who fall in the blind spots of administration and public services, including the elderly, disabled, low-income earners, and marginalized. Thus, many domestic and foreign institutions and organizations visit to benchmark the associated policies.

- Benchmarking by domestic organizations: Total of 36 administrative bodies including Seoul, Incheon, and Gangwon in Republic of Korea.

- Benchmarking by international organizations

•January 21, 2011 - Japan: Local Government Civil Servants (29 members)
•June 7, 2011- China: Liaoning Province Civil Servants (20 members)
•October 4, 2011 - China: Guangdong Province Civil Servants (20 members)
. October 17, 2011 - Japan: NHK Broadcasting Station Interview
. October 26, 2011 - Arirang TV Interview
•November 25, 2011 - Japan: Asahi TV Interview

- Awards

•Anytime Public Service Center: Selected as the outstanding public and administration
service center 2 years in a row (2010 and 2011)
•On-site Visiting Public Service, Public Service at Subway 24/7: Presidents’ Award (2011)
•Public Service Subway at 24/7: International Organization for Standardization 9001 [ISO 9001] Certified (2011)
•Call Center: KS-S Quality of Service Certification (Korean Standards Association, 2010)
. First Brand Grand Prize Awarded (Korean Economic Daily, Korean Consumer Forum, 2009)

○ The Gyeonggi Call Center, securing a standard counseling database, is a system which can handle diverse civil complaints by just one telephone call. In 2012, a variety of projects – including counseling services provided in 5 foreign languages, MMS (Multimedia Messaging Services) counseling services, direct connection with institutions of Gyeonggi Province, and the integration of business representative telephone numbers – will be implemented.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission, National Police Agency, Ministry of Health and Welfare Call Center, South Chungcheong Provincial Government, Gangwon Provincial Government, Chungnam Seosan City Hall, Siheung City Hall, KTCS Inc. and Art PQ Inc. in Kora have already benchmarked the system.

Lessons Learned

 What are the impact of your initiative and the lessons learned?
○ First, this initiative is being promoted under the Gyeonggi Governor’s dedicated leadership. The Governor conveys continuous interest and determination for the public service centers. Thus, the project can be promoted with the support and encouragement of the governor.

○ Second, this initiative is being promoted with consideration. In the past, all administrative and public services were passively promoted (people had to visit the relevant offices). However, a consideration attitude is promoted for residents (public service centers visit residents); thus, positive feedback and goodwill from residents can be secured.

○ Third, time and space barriers are broken. Through the removal of time and space barriers, regardless of weekends, holidays, and nighttime, residents can access administrative and public services anytime and anyplace (subway stations, parks and other public places).

○ Fourth, public administration service is promoted for the neglected. Services and counseling in various social fields, including the issuance of documents and counseling in the areas of law, health, employment, finance, and social welfare, are provided. In particular, a service window for the elderly, disabled, women, and those who live alone was opened so that a low-income bracket-oriented administration can be promoted.

○ Finally, 23 institutions and organizations related to the cooperation of the public-private-academic-industrial-R&D bodies joined the government system, and with the voluntary work and services of civic groups, an integrated social safety network for the low-income bracket has been established.

By running the Public Service Centers 24/7, and through direct visits to residents by administrative agencies and the resolution of civil complaints, the range of beneficiaries are broadened and ineffective administration service delivery systems are far more improved.

In addition, neglected segments of society become involved in the services, so that social imbalances are relieved, conflicts between social segments are reduced, and social costs are minimized. Previously, instead of a resident-oriented service, an administratively expedient service had been provided.

With the advent of globalization, informatization, and localization, Gyeonggi Province has actively tackled a variety of needs and demands from people and significantly realized qualitative development in their lives. To this end, Gyeonggi Province has contributed to the improvement of national competitiveness.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Gyeonggi Provincial Government
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Jung Ju Kim
Title:   Public Service Planning and Coordination  
Telephone/ Fax:   82-31-8008-2983 / 82-31-8008-2258
Institution's / Project's Website:
Address:   1 Hyowon-Ro, Paldal-gu
Postal Code:   442-781
City:   Suwon City
State/Province:   Gyeonggi Province

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