Supervizor is an online application that provides (by clicking) information to users on business transactions of the public sector bodies – all direct and indirect budget users (the bodies of all three branches of power, independent judicial and state bodies, local communities and their parts with legal personality, public institutes, public funds, public agencies, etc.). The data are monthly updated and provide the general public with proactive transparency in the field of public sector spending.
Online application for monitoring expenses of public bodies allows oversight over the average EUR 4.7 bn a year used for goods and services by the public sector. The application indicates contracting parties, the largest recipients of funds, related legal entities, date and amount of transactions and also purpose of money transfers (for all the services and goods payments over 4.000 EUR). It also enables presentation of data using graphs as well as printouts for specified periods of time and other.
Supervizor combines relevant data from different sources (Ministry of Finance, PPA, etc.) in a more user-friendly format. Supervisor did not require any law modifications.
Supervizor represents an important step towards more transparent state operations and will be further upgraded and improved by the CPC in cooperation with other bodies. The application enables insight in financial flows among the public and the private sector not only to the public, the media and the profession, but also to other regulatory and supervisory bodies. Supervizor is not only a tool for responsible journalism and responsible citizenship, however it is valuable source of information for law enforcement authorities. Application also shows ownership and management structure of the Slovenian companies and also some data from their annual reports. Since financial transactions and financial flow analyses are a vital part of the evidence-gathering process when investigating economic crime, public finance crime and corruption, the use of a tool where information on business transactions of public sector bodies as well as other information regarding recipients of public funds is in one place, is extremely useful.
Application Supervizor was launched on 23th of August 2011 at 11 a.m. Already during the first day, there were around 1.200.000 page views and raised up to 2.616.000 within only 6 days (bearing in mind that Slovenia is a country with only 2 million inhabitants and also access from abroad was limited for the first few days).
Supervizor implements the primary purpose of the CPC's mission: strengthening the rule of law, integrity and transparency and mitigation of corruption risks and conflicts of interest. Moreover, transparency of financial flows among the public and the private sector achieved through this application increases the level of responsibilities of public office holders for effective and efficient use of public finance, facilitates debate on adopted and planned investments and projects as well as decreases risks for illicit management, abuse of functions, and limits systemic corruption, unfair competitiveness and clientalism in public procurement procedures. In short: the principle of proactive transparency - provided by Supervizor - is strengthening the accountability of the public sector.