Elected governments are expected to provide accountable administration responsive to the needs of the people. The pressures on the public representatives to deliver goods to the citizen nay the voter is an essential feature of a democratic system which keeps it going. Having once provided a legal right to the citizen, the forces inherent in popular Government cannot be expected to go back on it. The peril of taking any such retrograde step is the root cause of sustainability and transferability of the initiative. This legislation puts citizen in the centre of Governance and therefore all successive popularly elected Governments can be expected to further strengthen the accountability and delivery framework of the public services.
It is indeed relevant to mention that following the Madhya Pradesh example, eleven other States in India namely Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Uttarakhand Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab and Karnataka have also enacted similar law that provide the right to public services to their populace. That the path breaking initiative of Madhya Pradesh has been emulated in the country by other elected state Governments is an evidence of transferability of the initiative.