Prepare State Action Plan on Climate Change
Develop Climate Change Cell into Knowledge Management Centre
Mainstream Climate Change concerns in policies/programmes
Effective Management
A three layered structure has been in place to ensure effective and efficient implementation. The details are as follows:
Project Steering Committee: This is chaired by Chief Secretary with Additional Chief Secretaries and Principal Secretaries of above defined departments as members. The committee provides policy level guidance to the project.
Project Implementation Committee: This is chaired by Principal Secretary, Housing and Environment Department, GoMP with Director, Town and Country Planning, Executive Director, EPCO, Secretary-Finance and State representative-UNDP as members. The committee monitors the progress of the project and provides required inputs for the successful implementation of designed outputs.
Project Management Unit: This is chaired by Executive Director, EPCO. Coordinator, CC Cell, Administrative Officer, EPCO, Additional Administrative Officer, EPCO and Accounts Officer, EPCO are members. The committee looks after project management aspects.
Identification of Nodal Officers in departments
Nodal Officers: For effective and efficient coordination from the climate sensitive departments, 2 senior officers from each department were appointed as nodal officers.
Scientific and participatory approach for drafting SAPCC
Review of Major Policies/ programmes of Climate sensitive sectors: Policies and Programmes of CC sensitive sectors were reviewed in light of climate change to understand the ongoing efforts and gaps if exist.
One to one consultation with departments: Consultation workshops were organized with ten sectors to understand ongoing efforts/ programmes of departments, future plans, understand climate change from their angle, general and CC related issues and recommendations for SAPCC. Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries, Senior Officers from departments, Academicians, Researchers, Media Representatives, Students were major participants of the workshops
Regional Consultations: Madhya Pradesh is divided into 11 Agro-climatic Zones. 13 consultation workshops were conducted in these ACZs to get the views of people at local level about climatic change and associated impacts in that region, recommendations and explore the opportunities of mutual interest in the near future. District Collectors, CEO- Zila Panchayat, Officers from different departments, Academicians, Researchers, Eminent personalities of the region, farmers, NGO representatives, Media representatives, Industries Associations representatives were major participants.
Networking with Academic/ Research Institutes: Networking with various academic/ research institutes across the country was done to understand ongoing research activities, knowledge base in these institutes, expectations of these institutes from CC Cell and explore areas of convergence.
NAPCC Missions Review: A close review of relevant National Missions was also done to streamline SAPCC with NAPCC.
The outcomes of policy review process, secondary research, departmental and regional consultation/ national mission review were fed in the SAPCC
The draft SAPCC prepared was shared with respective departments and subject experts for their comments/ suggestions. After incorporating the comments, it will be presented before Project Steering Committee. The final plan after incorporation of suggestions of PSC will be submitted to MoEF,GoI
A consultation workshop was also organized over draft SAPCC where Honourable Chief Minister expressed his views and appreciated EPCO’s efforts.