Led by the Chairman, SAI immediately embarked on restructuring the organisation to meet the new roles. This included the need for the development of the various aspects of oversight mechanism and more focus on the objectives SAI attempts to realize, notably the due protection of public funds and ensuring the economic, efficient and effective use of resources. The reformed SAI are empowered to conduct financial and administration audits in all fields including financial audit in its according and legal aspects, administrative audit, performance audit, decisions made with regards to financial contraventions, investments and all accounts of government entities and private companies (in which government has more than 40% shareholding instead of 51%) as well as other functions assigned by His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos Bin Said.
Based on an Administrative Order by Chairman of SAI on 4 Jul 2011, a Department of Social Community (DSC) was also established to enhance the relationship between SAI and the community in their bid to enhance public services and protection of public funds. DSC key functions includes collating, registering, tracking and monitoring of public feedback, concerns and complaints through various channels such as emails, online forms, hotline, online forums and chat rooms, newspaper, social media networks (forums, FaceBook) as well as face-to-face interviews.
In addition, 3 new Directorate of Audit was established in 3 major cities. This is to ensure that the SAI actions can be implemented and follow-up ensuring more thorough and comprehensive work done at the SAI.
Through the SAI portal, members of the public can submit their complaints, feedback or concerns with attached documents. They can also contact the SAI via dedicated Hotlines, complaints windows, special emails and DG of Social Committee also used twitter and social media networks to reach out to the public. These feedbacks or complaints are logged and categorized into 5 separate categories; abuse of power, administration and financial fraud, delay of services, improper tendering process and others. These feedbacks are then channeled to the respective departments for further actions and investigations.
As a result of this initiative, a total of 377 feedbacks were registered since the establishment of DSC and the launched of the electronic feedback/compliant system in July 2011. Since then, the reformed SAI conducted a total of 350 audits which is 98% more audit as compared to 177 entities in 2009/10. These audits were more effective as they were more targeted audits based on the feedbacks received. To date 35 cases were prosecuted under the new law and a total amount of approximately 1 billion OMR (2.6 billion USD) of public fund was also recovered. Most importantly, the SAI successfully restored transparency and accountability in the government entities, thus boosting public confidence.