Resources used
With limited resources the goal to establish RD7 Service Center to provide excellent services to the citizens was conducted with careful planning to maximize the utilization of resources. In this process RRO7 spent 4 million baht from 2012 budget to improve service areas, train and improve skills of 1,200 tax officers to serve 441,000 taxpayers and proceeded with:
1. Establishment of RD7 Service Center by refurbishing existing service areas in all 8 Area Revenue offices, 77 Area Revenue Branch Offices which add up to 86 offices to provide uniform service standard that has the following criteria
1.1 Clean and beautiful service area that is equip with comfortable seats and drinking water
1.2 Staffs give tax advises and consultation to taxpayers in person, by email and by phone
1.3 Provide tax news, communicate with taxpayers as well as receive feedback via high speed internet
1.4 Use interesting and easy to understand tax lesson by multimedia such as video on LCD screen
1.5 Provide books, printed matters, leaflets that contains tax knowledge information of Thai economy, politics, society and government agencies news
1.6 Place suggestion box at service areas to receive feedback and suggestions to evaluate what needs to be improved to provide better services.
2. Improve staffs competency according to their job description by organizing some 44 workshops, seminars and activities to help improve their potential in all aspects so staffs become highly capable, efficient, charming and ready to serve citizen like professional service provider to maximize benefits and exceed their expectation.
3. Publish manual for electronic services standard.
4. Organize knowledge sharing and relationship building between RRO7’s staffs and customers for instance Smile and Knowledge, Show & Share & Connect, RD go Campus, poetry, contest, service area competition unique taxpayers service experience by each of 8 Area Revenue offices as follows,
Pitsanuloak Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Care
Sukhothai Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Mobile
Tak Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Tax Consult
Utaradit Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Tax Family
Kampangpetch Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Delivery
Petchaboon Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Professional
Pichit Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Engagement
Nakorn Sawan Area Revenue Office, RD Smile Tax Planner