A powerful 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan on March 11 2011, unleashing massive tsunami waves that crashed into Japan’s eastern coast of Honshu, the largest main island of Japan, resulting in widespread damage and destruction. After the earthquake, various support programs have been developed to support post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. To date, the number of programs developed by four affected prefectures (Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki) and each of the ministries and agencies totals about 500. But as these support programs are individually announced and provided by the ministries, agencies, and prefectural and municipal governments that created them, it was difficult for disaster victims, companies and employees of local governments to find the most useful information as it pertains to the damage they have experienced.
Booklets with information on support programs were distributed after the disaster, but it is difficult to add updated information to paper media. In addition, it is difficult to get the latest support program information issued by prefectural governments, ministries, and agencies from the front desk, we thought it is essential to build a database that could be used to provide a wide range of support information in a seamless manner.