Yellow Ribbon Fund
Recognising that additional resources are required to achieve the vision of CARE Network, the Yellow Ribbon Fund (YRF) was set up by SCORE in June 2004 to complement the YRP’s efforts in raising community support for the rehabilitation and reintegration of ex-offenders. The YRF is the first national charitable fund devoted entirely towards the development and implementation of rehabilitation and reintegration programmes and services for ex-offenders and their families. Registered under NCSS, YRF was granted Institute of Public Character (IPC) status since 1 August 2004. To ensure good governance of the Fund, two sub-committees were formed to advise the YRF Committee on Disbursement and Fund-raising activities.
Passionate Core Team
Led by SPS and SCORE, the core team planned, conceptualised and executed the YR projects to ensure consistency in messaging. In addition, as key stakeholders of ex-offenders reintegration issues, the core team drove each YR project to a higher level as inherent ground knowledge and experiences were translated into workable community engagement campaigns.
Staff Buy-in
While some SPS staff are roped into event committees to organise YRP events, there are also those who contribute in small ways behind the scene throughout the entire event life-cycle. These include the inmates’ sharing of testimonies, supervision of inmates, transportation of inmate performers, security arrangement and handling of public enquiries. Despite the operational inconveniences that arose from running the YRP, staff took it in their stride because they believe in the message.
Publicity & Media Engagement
Effective brand positioning has also been instrumental to the success of the YRP campaign. The iconic yellow ribbon, together with its associated meaning, is easily identifiable and recognisable by Singaporeans from all walks of life. The success of the brand also lies with the consistency and discipline of the Yellow Ribbon message year after year.
YRP also leverages extensively on the media as a strategic tool for our campaign messaging. The public campaign is launched through a series of televised and printed advertisements, news and radio broadcasts, online mediums such as the Internet and websites. New social media, such as YouTube, Facebook, mobile phone messages and local internet forums, were also tapped to effectively publicise our events. In addition, YRP also enjoys wide media coverage from the Singapore media. It provides the media with a fertile spread of interesting story angles, such as highlighting anecdotal stories with a human touch, the arduous journey of rehabilitation undertaken by ex-offenders, as well as the impact it has on their loved ones.
Active Involvement of Inmates & Ex-offenders
Inmates and ex-offenders form an integral part of our campaign initiatives. Opportunities are given as much as possible to involve inmates and ex-offenders in our outreach activities. Our fundamental belief is that inmates and ex-offenders should not be just receiving but they should also be giving back as much as they can to others. Since the commencement of YRP, inmates have handmade more than 2,000,000 pieces of Yellow Ribbons for distribution and have also participated in community service projects. Ex-offenders have also pitched in by providing transportation and logistics assistance during events, distributing Yellow Ribbons and even putting up performances to showcase their talents and reformed ways.