What is the initiative about? (What was the solution?)
Creation of New profession work
The method details of integration all fields of knowledge to improve ability of each children which the highest goal is children helping themselves as much as they can with individual disabilities as follow:
2.1 Designed a pushcart for 4 children instead of picking children up one by one with normal wheelchair from their ward to physical therapy.
2.2 Physical Therapy divided to 2 groups
2.2.1 Dependent children with disabilities
Physical therapist and Physical Therapy staffs play a main role of treatment: massage, mobilization, heat, handling, and special techniques to decrease muscle spasm, increase flexibility, relax the body and also facilitate children development such as supine lying to side lying, prone lying with head control, creeping, crawling, sitting, standing and walking which doing again and again for children memorize and learning until they can do by themselves.
2.2.2 Almost independent children
Physical therapy treatment will focus on making children more movement by themselves for example locomotion by using assistive device, using prosthetic or orthotic and enhancing their ability to move by physical therapy equipment such as bicycles, treadmill by physical therapist and staff.
Creation of new service
To save time and staffs, Bann Feung Fah coordinates with special physicians to come to the home: pediatric, orthopedic and surgery from Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health and Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Centre for assessing and planning treatment of individual cases once per two months. Each time physicians can come they look at 10-15 children’s cases that mean they will have more time to assess and plan the treatment, also suggesting to physical therapist and involved staff directly.
Applying new technology for physical therapy service
Practicing in a pool known as hydrotherapy, where designed new modern, antique and proper swimming pool for children with disabilities. The pool has 3 steps to go down, jet stream to make waves under water and eddy current like a spa, more than buoyancy the pool also has parallel bars to help children standing and walking in water. In the corner of the pool has a place to sit and jet stream for massaging children back and lower limbs.
Stimulating brain function and neurology system with Snoezelen is a new standard technique which mostly accepted to be good for improving brain, neurological system, and all senses across the body such as tactile, proprioceptive, visual, vestibular, taste and smell to all types of disabilities.
Furthermore, all new technology also helps improving physical and psychological development in the better way. All these creation service and treatment will make equal improvement between body and mind.