Aktionsprogramm Perspektive Wiedereinstieg (PWE)
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend

The Problem

The vast majority of women and men would like to have a fair and even balance between their work and personal life. But this is not the case in much of Germany, especially western Germany. Unlike their spouse or partner, many women interrupt their own career in order to raise a family or care for relatives. After an extended career break – between 7 and 10 years, on average – returning to the workforce can pose a complex challenge for women and their families. There has been a lack of structures for information, advice and support, as well as a lack of job opportunities tailored specifically to this target group of women who have had a career break lasting more than three years. But those who take responsibility for their family should not have to give up their career advancement; rather, it is essential that fair chances be given for them to resume their career. But the topic of re-entering the workforce is not only a subject that concerns gender equality policies; it also concerns the economy. In view of demographic change and the shortage of skilled workers, the economy cannot afford to neglect the resources available in the form of women returning to the workforce; after all, most of these women are highly qualified and highly motivated. Experience gained during the first phase of the ESF model programme ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’, supported by the Federal Employment Agency, shows that women all too rarely succeed in re-entering the workforce in a significant way after an extended family-related career break; they often find themselves in a part-time or marginal employment position (e.g. in a €400/month mini-job), which makes it very difficult to secure their own livelihood and safeguard their future after retirement. Nearly half of the women working a regular part-time job, and even two-thirds of the women working mini-jobs, would like to considerably expand their working hours. It pays to resume one’s career! If a woman resumes her career around the age of 40, she still has around 25 years to work towards her pension and to plan for her retirement.

Solution and Key Benefits

 What is the initiative about? (the solution)
The broadly based action programme ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ (‘Perspektive Wiedereinstieg’) supports both women and men who took a family-related career break of several years, providing them with favourable prospects for reintegrating into the career world and thus making a considerable contribution to fair income prospects in the person’s career life. Since March 2008, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend) has conducted the action programme together with the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) and other cooperating partners. The programme is also addressed to domestic partners as well as personnel managers in companies.

The action programme established low-threshold access to information, advice, training and other measures for integration into the labour market. Therefore a network of stakeholders and partners has been built up supporting the individual process of re-entering the workforce. Various components and initiatives have been bundled under the umbrella of the action programme:
The ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ network is a forum in which participants from the action programme can interact. The internet portal www.perspektive-wiedereinstieg.de offers a wide range of information, ideas and guidance related to the process of re-entering the workforce. In 2012 a cooperation with the online career platform Xing was added to the portfolio and a special online platform has been set up. In 2011 a “reintegration calculator” was integrated in the website as an innovative online tool enabling individuals to calculate the economic benefits of re-entering the workforce. The European Social Fund (ESF) co-financed programme ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ model programme started in 2009 and has since then successfully reintegrated a good number of participants into job positions suited to their qualifications.
The first phase of the ESF programme was monitored and evaluated by the German Institute for Employment Research (IAB). The findings clearly show that the project was both valuable and successful, since the support mechanisms provided a total of 17,300 women with information and advice on re-entering the workforce. Of these, 4,660 women took part in the intensive coaching programme, while many other women were enticed out of the hidden reserves of the workforce and given specific assistance in starting work again. Of those participants who completed the programme (n=3,645), a total of 2,504 were integrated into the workforce. This represents 69 per cent of participants. Sixty-five per cent of them found a job, 12 per cent became self-employed and 23 per cent began further training.

The findings also show that the satisfaction levels of programme participants (73%) was significantly higher than that of non-participants assisted only by job centres and social assistance centres (35%). Participants in the programme were also significantly more motivated to find work than non-participants (51% compared to 23%).

The action programme puts the issue of workforce re-entry on the political agenda, thereby promoting collaboration and networking with individual federal states and cooperation with networking partners, and enabling contact to be made with employers and human resources Managers.

Actors and Stakeholders

 Who proposed the solution, who implemented it and who were the stakeholders?
The action programme 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' is a complex programme that has developed and matured over time. It has been shaped by not only the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, BMFSFJ) and the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) but also in particular by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) as well as representatives of the equal-opportunities and labour market departments of individual federal states, the Council of German Women's Organizations (Deutscher Frauenrat), its affiliates and the German Catholic Women's League (Katholischer Deutscher Frauenbund, KDFB). A significant part of the basic structure, namely the definition of the target group and the formulation of goals, was based on the scientific research conducted by Prof. Carsten Wippermann of the Sinus Institute and DELTA Institute as well as the Social Science Research Centre Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, WZB). The BMFSFJ was assisted in implementing the programme's activities by PME Familienservice, GSUB social business consulting and the working party of the SPI Foundation, which manages the ESF. Within the framework of the ESF model programme, the projects sponsored at 20 locations in the first phase of the programme and at ten locations in the second were and are being put into practice by local authorities or non-profit organisations in association with educational establishments (incl. colleges and universities), local employment offices and job centres, federal state coordination bureaux and companies and/or employers' organisations (chambers of commerce).

(a) Strategies

 Describe how and when the initiative was implemented by answering these questions
 a.      What were the strategies used to implement the initiative? In no more than 500 words, provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom.
The 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ action programme is designed for men and women who took a family-related career break lasting several years, to support them in re-entering the workforce and therefore make a significant contribution towards helping them have fair income prospects in their career life. Companies and businesses should continue to be made aware of the potential of women and men re-entering the workforce, especially in view of the need for skilled workers. If they prove successful, the approaches to advice for those returning to the career world tested in the model programme should be implemented on a broader scale in association with the project's partner, the Federal Employment Agency. The overall objective is to create comprehensive structures throughout Germany offering assistance with re-entry into the workforce.

One important aim of the broad-based initiative is to improve the underlying conditions at the local level for re-entering the workforce, specifically by providing information and advice. Re-entering the workforce is a process, and one that doesn't only affect women themselves. The goal of the programme is to encourage men to actively unburden spouses/partners who are resuming their jobs or careers; assume responsibility for tasks within the family and the around the house; give spouses/partners the time to restart working by taking advantage of family support services; and therefore promote the kind of employment subject to national insurance contributions.

Comprehensive advice structures in Germany can only be established through broadly based partnerships. The action programme 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' was launched by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Federal Employment Agency. Important stages of the implementation are being discussed within the steering committee, a body which operates across ministries and institutions. The steering committee is made up of representatives of the Federal Employment Ministry, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the Federal Employment Agency.

(b) Implementation

 b.      What were the key development and implementation steps and the chronology? No more than 500 words
In March 2008, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, started the action programme 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' jointly with the Federal Employment Agency and other cooperating partners and partners. Since then various components and initiatives have been bundled under the umbrella of the action programme:

The ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ network is a forum in which participants from the action programme can interact. It promotes political networking and offers a platform for further parties in the field of career re-integration, such as initiatives and programmes on the state level. The service point of the action programme moderates and coordinates the exchange of knowledge among project participants of the action programme. With the goal of establishing comprehensive support structures, further networking processes are being developed with other parties on the federal, state and local level.

The internet portal www.perspektive-wiedereinstieg.de offers a wide range of information, ideas and guidance related to the process of re-entering the workforce. The portal provides further details on resuming employment, including contact information for relevant support centres and local events. Information is also available for the partners of the individuals resuming work as well as for personnel managers in companies. The portal draws attention to the support services offered by the Federal Employment Agency and gives practical examples from the employment world, providing ideas for implementation measures in a professional setting.

In 2011 a “reintegration calculator” was integrated in the website as an innovative online tool enabling individuals to calculate the economic benefits of re-entering the workforce. Besides determining a person’s anticipated gross and net salary, the reintegration calculator also calculates the pension a person is entitled to claim.

In 2012 a cooperation with the online career platform Xing was added to the portfolio and a special online platform has been set up within the context of the group ‘Perspektive Wiedereinstieg: Klick Dich rein – für neue Wege’ (‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce: Click your way back to the career world’). Personnel managers are also active in the group, contacting prospective candidates for employment in their company from among the group’s motivated individuals.

The European Social Fund (ESF) co-financed programme ‘Prospects for re-entering the workforce’ model programme started in 2009 and has since then successfully reintegrated a good number of participants into job positions suited to their qualifications. Currently, in the second phase of the programme that started March 2012, at 10 model locations of the project institutions provide advice and coaching to support (mostly) women in resuming their career; they also support employers searching for suitable skilled workers. The programme aims to facilitate the long-term successful reintegration of women in a (nearly) full-time job position suited to their qualifications, by activating the support of spouses, partners, employers, employment agencies and family support services.

From 2013 on, the Federal Employment Agency offers a regular coaching programme, which can be implemented on the regional level.

(c) Overcoming Obstacles

 c.      What were the main obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? No more than 500 words
Programme planning began with the aim of implementing innovative ideas for a new target group using existing structures and institutions. Knowing that existing structures and institutions generally tend to be 'conservative' and reluctant to consider change and innovation, we needed a cautious, expert and scientific basis for our arguments in the intense negotiations with representatives of the institutions and later partners of the programme.

The programme is based on the idea that stereotypical and traditional gender roles partly determine the division of labour within marriages and partnerships. Re-entering the workforce involves a move away from such traditional role models, at least in part. If support structures are to be developed for helping women or mothers return to work, overcoming traditional role models is one of the main objectives. The challenge was therefore to create consensual approval of this leitmotif among the various partners involved in the programme. Here too, a common understanding was achieved only through constant, intense communication with programme partners.

The specific implementation of the programme also faced a number of challenges. To activate the hidden reserves of the labour market, new, innovative approaches to addressing the target group are needed, as well as low-threshold local access to support. Existing 'off-the-peg' instruments, such as employment support and counselling, simply aren't effective in meeting the specific training needs of people returning to the workforce. The institutions involved in the ESF programme therefore worked together with the network partners to develop demand-oriented training schemes (e.g. including part-time courses and involving hands-on elements like placements).

In addition to this, women's self-esteem and self-confidence also often have to be given a boost. To some extent, the entire family system has to be reoriented and domestic responsibilities reorganised. Systematic individual coaching as well as group work provide support with this. Partners/spouses are also involved wherever possible.

Another hurdle is that many companies are almost completely unaware of the potential benefits of hiring women who are re-entering the workforce. Support mechanisms at the participating institutions have gradually been able to raise awareness about this among employers and therefore provide employment for well-prepared specialists.

(d) Use of Resources

 d.      What resources were used for the initiative and what were its key benefits? In no more than 500 words, specify what were the financial, technical and human resources’ costs associated with this initiative. Describe how resources were mobilized
€14 million in grants from the European Social Fund were used in the first phase of the ESF model programme involving 28 participating institutions at 20 locations. A further €7 million in ESF grants have been made available to 18 institutions at ten locations for the second phase of the programme.

In order to network the various players in the 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' action programme and coordinate collaboration and the exchange of knowledge, an advice and networking service point was set up for the programme. The 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' network enables participants in the project to exchange ideas and experiences with the action programme. This promotes political networking and offers a platform for other players involved in re-entry into the workforce, for instance federal-state initiatives and programmes. The service point of the 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' action programme moderates and coordinates the exchange of knowledge between those involved in the action programme. Networking processes are also being prompted and developed with other players at the federal, regional and local level with the aim of establishing comprehensive advice structures for men and women re-entering the workforce. The service point continues to present the 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' action programme at trade fairs and other events.

Sustainability and Transferability

  Is the initiative sustainable and transferable?
The first phase of the ESF-programme (01.03.2009-29.02.2012) was used to test tools and procedures for advising, training and reintegrating women re-entering the workforce, and included close involvement of participants' families, spouse/partner and companies.

To this end, 28 selected institutions at 20 locations across Germany were supported in carrying out the project. It became clear that in-depth advice and support by participating institutions, one-stop coaching, tailored continuing vocational training and matching with employers definitely helped many women re-enter the workforce.

The aim of the second phase, which began on 01.03.2012 and will continue until 31.12.2013, is to further develop the continued individual case management and to introduce new modules and innovative approaches. So the activation and increased involvement of partners and/or families to support the process of re-entering the workforce is promoted as well as raising awareness among men and women re-entering the workforce about the family support services that are available to ease some of their burden.
Cooperations with universities and colleges are set up to develop appropriate and continuing education opportunities for academics. And in order to raise their awareness about the potential benefits of women re-entering the workforce as well-qualified specialists cooperations with companies are encouraged.

The experiences within the ESF-programme are positive. It is therefore the aim of the Federal Government that women are not only supported in the model locations, but as far as possible in all regions during the re-entry. Therefore, it welcomes the fact that the Federal Employment Agency has identified successful modules of the programme of action and on this basis has developed the measure “Perpetuate prospects for re-entering the workforce” which is included in the Agency´s regulatory instruments. From January 1st 2013 on this measure can be implemented in every agency region. Local authorities and institutional bodies are encouraged to cooperate with the local employment agencies and conduct appropriate projects.

Lessons Learned

 What are the impact of your initiative and the lessons learned?
The ESF model programme, the cornerstone of the entire project, proved that the hidden reserves of women can indeed be mobilized for the workforce. However, the project also brought certain obstacles and challenges to light. For instance, it wasn't easy at first to even reach the target group that made up the hidden reserves and encourage them to re-enter the workforce. The lessons learned can be summarised as follows: low-threshold access to advice is extremely important. So too are target group awareness, decentralised support services in cities and mobile support services for rural areas. Broadly based public relations and target group-specific contact are also required.

The findings highlighted the necessity of basic and supplementary modules which take into account both the individual wishes of women re-entering the workforce and the needs of the employment market itself. These include basic modules (for defining the context, analysing skills and vocational orientation) as well as the use of specific methods and tools, group measures that enhance the learning experience as well as family weekends and partner workshops that support the process. In addition mployment market related integration measures through collaboration with companies and employers' associations and training measures, e.g. in association with colleges and universities, are key elements of a successful strategy.

Strong regional cooperation structures are also of great importance for the success of such projects because they act as catalysts for successful workforce re-entry. A broad network structure supports successful integration in a sustainable manner. This includes in particular close cooperation with job centres. Close local links to companies and employers' associations as well as collaboration with company personnel managers remain essential. Setting up project advisory boards and local steering committees with key players and stakeholders from the worlds of business, politics and the civil society is also effective.

Professional coaching is a key factor in successful advice for those re-entering the workforce. This means one-stop management of advice and implementation of the workforce re-entry process. Systemic coaching guarantees success because it enables questions to be addressed that often impede the process of re-entering the employment market. This includes analysing the family situation so that a holistic approach may be taken. Intensive and sensitive consultation can only be provided by skilled specialists who have both counselling and employment market experience.

The 'Prospects for re-entering the workforce' initiative is successful in part because the various players work closely together across ministries and institutions, because important stakeholders like the federal states, associations and organisations are drawn into the process, and because a network has been developed. As a result, the action programme has also enjoyed widespread success and raised awareness about the issue of re-entry into the workforce. Constant monitoring and the evaluation process are also important because they allow the effects to be measured and adapted, where necessary.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Thomas Fischer
Title:   Head of unit  
Telephone/ Fax:   +49(0)3018 555-41210/+49(0)3018 555-41210
Institution's / Project's Website:   www.bmfsfj.de/www.perspektive-wiedereinstieg.de
E-mail:   thomas.fischer@bmfsfj.bund.de  
Address:   Glinkastraße 24
Postal Code:   10117
City:   Berlin
State/Province:   Berlin
Country:   Germany

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