The Creativity workshops occurred in August 2011. For 3 Mondays of the month, 40 attendants developed 6 new services and enhancements to the Library. One of them was “Programa +60”.
In January 2012 the project was initiated, with the step PREPARE. The goal was to connect people who would be involved and inform them the idea, the roles, agendas and the method.
A headquarters of Instituto Tellus was set up in the Library, so the work could be done in parallel to the operating activities of day-to-day library. In addition, the "Innovation Team" was composed by some library staff who had dedicated 5 hours a week.
Between February and April it was the UNDERSTANDING / WATCH stage: a long period of research to learn about the context, difficulties, needs and dreams of seniors.
Interviews with experts, elders, library staff, similar cultural agencies were made and compiled with analysis on our Blog. Conducted visits to nursing homes were important to empathize attendants for the purpose of the Project.
A highlight was the uses of an experiential outfit to public servants feel the what is like to be an elderly. These clothes simulated a number of limitations of elder people by having weights, elastic, neck brace, goggles and gloves. The experience was valuable and created a very strong connection with the purpose of developing special services for the elderly population.
The workshop of DEFINING the Challenge was in April. The initial challenge of the project was to create a cultural service for the elderly population. But after diving into studies and experiences, the team could have the real understanding of the public. From this new insight, the challenge has been redefined to create services that stimulate and promote participation of people over 60 years.
Also in April, the staff move to the stage of CREATING IDEAS. The workshop brainstorm was the big event of co-creation of the + 60. It gathered a large number and variety of participants representing various stakeholders and resulted in more than 400 ideas created.
In May, everything was organized following the library’s user journey, and 92 ideas were prioritized.
Between May and July, the team co-implement ideas with the mindset of making mistakes fast and cheap and getting the maximum learning from mistakes and successes. This was the phase of PROTOTYPING, TESTING AND INCORPORATION. During this stage the ideas became actions. Of the 92 ideas, many evolved enough and were implemented. Others have been discarded. As a final result, a set of interdependent and cohesive solutions were implemented. Not just a silver bullet single solution.
In July the “Instituto Tellus” handed Programa +60 for the library staff.
The "Innovation Team" has become the "Attendants Team +60", responsible for continuing the project internally. Between July and November the Library staff manages the program and is achieving better results.