The H2H project was broken down into key development and implementation steps and spanned 727 days in total from June 2009 until March 2012.
The Cabinet process regarding the National Partnership took eight days in June 2009. An agreement was reached and the H2H initiative commenced at the end of that month.
The initiation phase spanned a little over nine months from June 2009 during which project governance was established with tracking and reporting structures created. Stakeholders from a cross section of agencies were consulted over a period of three months from July to September 2009. An Outline Business Case, along with the requirement specifications and high-level solution options, were delivered in this phase.
In phase two, the project team was formed comprising a variety of policy, strategy and training resources from the Homelessness Strategy Division and resources from the Information Communication Technology team at Housing SA.
In November 2009 the Housing Leadership Group approved a Solution Options paper which included a risk analysis, project delivery plan, funding options and ways to measure success. Governance plans were also developed including those of Project Management, Change Management, Communication, Quality Management and Risks, and Issues Management.
An Outline Project Management Plan was written outlining the project overview and structure, work schedules, organization and people, dependencies, risks and issues management, quality planning, financial and change management, and project management controls.
The Business Case was also developed in December 2009 that described the initiative, outlined strategic context and alignment, the relationship to other projects, market research, options identification and analysis, financial considerations, economic evaluation of all options, risk analysis, project delivery plan for preferred option, timetable, project management structure, change management, measuring success and assumptions made. The decision to proceed with the project was made Wednesday 20 January 2010.
The solution phase was from December 2009 until June 2011. In this third phase the Project Management Plan was finalised. Detailed requirements were gathered and finalised in February 2010. The approved solution was designed, developed and built from April 2010 to June 2011. The system testing was executed from May 2010 to April 2011 and user acceptance testing was supported from January to April 2011.
Training documentation and materials were developed from March to April 2011.
The Deployment Plan was developed.
Phase four saw the Implementation Plan developed and approved in June 2011 and training to users was provided from this date and is ongoing. Support documentation for the system was prepared.
A client (data) migration plan was developed in June 2011.