In 2009, the RICD developed the TDSI. In 2010, the RICD conducted a research study to find the norm of normal Thai child development in Chiangmai Province where the RICD is located.
In 2011, the RICD expanded this research study in all provinces of Thailand. After that there was an evaluation on the effectiveness of the manual for parents and health personnel on promoting child development. The RICD also developed materials, computer programs, and a website for screening and assessing child development as well. The parents, health personnel, nursery caretakers and kindergarten teachers were educated and trained on this issue.
The strategy used in this project is called TMC-CSP together with 2F 1N as driver, motivator, and behavior changer, as below:
TMC-CSP stands for:
T is an abbreviation for Tools that are standard, safe, interesting, up to date, easily to use, and can access by everybody.
M is an abbreviation for Man who are empowered on knowledge, attitude, and skills. They are students, general public, personnel who work with children, and experts.
C is an abbreviation for Communication through various channels, such as, printed media, radio programs, TV programs, internet, online radio, Face book, web-site, conferences, journals’ articles, VDO conferences, VDO presentation, E-book, computer program that can be downloaded to mobile phones and tablets, etc. which are up to date and can access by everybody.
C is an abbreviation for Cooperation in every issue, such as, human resources, places, materials, budget, and management, among various group of people, such as, parents, village health volunteers, nursery care takers, kindergarten teachers, personnel from local administrative authorities, health personnel in the hospitals and health care facilities, provincial public health offices, National Health Security Office, foundations, and international organizations.
S is an abbreviation for System that are screening and assessment system, early intervention system, referral system, treatment and rehabilitation system, data and information report system that connect among public health services system, other services system, and community to cover all children groups; normal group, risk group, and delayed development group; in every area of the country.
P is an abbreviation for Policy that support this project to expand widely by providing manpower, budget, equipments, and technologies. Bottom-up policy can solve the local problems and can sustain the project in the long run.
2F 1 N
F is an abbreviation for Fraternity
F is an abbreviation for Friendship
N is an abbreviation for Network
The RICD works as the coordinator among these groups of people, provides them knowledge, tools, and materials, then support them to work together and help each other solve child development problems.