Jeju special self-governingprovince jeju city

The Problem

○ Perspective of citizens on living waste prior to Clean House:
- The downtown area was poorly hygienically maintained by the previous waste discharge system. Living waste was discharged haphazardly in front of house gates and neglected overnight until collected in the morning by a garbage truck and some tenants did not bother to clean up the discharge spot on the street.
- Due to the problems listed above, conflicts often occurred between neighbors in regard to garbage discharge spots. Also, dumped garbage was scattered by animals like dogs and cats or was blown away by wind. Both defiled the appearance of the street and the noxious stench threatened good hygiene by attracting insects and vermin (flies, rats, cockroaches, etc.). These reasons exacerbated the problem and increased the inconvenience of living.

○ Perspective of cleaning services administration prior to Clean House:
- Under the previous garbage collection system, garbage was discharged haphazardly around house gates and it caused problems regarding hygienic maintenance, garbage collecting times, labor force, and garbage trucks.
- Due to the necessity of running of garbage trucks all the way to the downtown area, there were increased risks of accidents such as frequent traffic accidents and accidents involving dangerous and sharp shards of garbage falling into traffic.
- The implementation of a Monday – Friday 40-hour workweek for street cleaners led to difficulties with weekend cleaning services.
- A solution was needed to support the global resort city of Jeju and numerous civil complaints were filed because of disregard for the designated waste discharge time (after sunset).

○ Jeju has to meet the challenge of finding a new method of clean and rapid waste discharge, as it is a home to 410,000 citizens and gateway for 5,000,000 tourists.

Solution and Key Benefits

 What is the initiative about? (the solution)
○ In 2005, when Jeju manufacturing business were vulnerable due to geographical concerns and primary industry was facing challenges because of the ageing and shrinking labor force, Jeju focused on the service industry, which occupies more than 70% of gross regional product (engaging more than 5,000,000 tourists) and formed a bond of regional sympathy to support the city as a global resort city.

○ In order to support Jeju’s new status as a resort city, there was an urgent need to maintain a clean downtown area because it is a center of special culture, clean resources, and accommodation.

○ Under the previous system, the street environment was defiled by discarded garbage bags and stray dogs and cats. It destroyed the tenant's comfortable living environment and also weakened the city’s status as an attractive city for domestic and foreign tourists.

○ To solve the problems, Jeju city implemented a new policy that designated clean discharge spots with a specific way of rapid garbage collection that prevents the problem of unattractive waste in public areas.

○ The core of this policy is that citizens place garbage in a designated area (Clean House) so garbage trucks can collect it efficiently rather than the previous system of door-to-door garbage collection.

○ To function efficiently, the new policy has cooperate with (and reduce complains from) those tenants who reside close to Clean House area and who need to walk further to the area. The administration has to rapidly collect garbage from the area and keep the area clean.

○A clean environment was established with the introduction of auto load/unload cleaning cars and a garbage odor removal facility. Eventually, a research report revealed that 93% of citizens agreed on the new policy and it ended up saving 2.32 billion won a year through the reduction of labor forces (105 to 72) and garbage collection cars (35 to 28).

Actors and Stakeholders

 Who proposed the solution, who implemented it and who were the stakeholders?
○ The solution was proposed and implemented by the administration and the final success was made possible by citizens’ impressive spontaneous activities during the process until the settlement.

○ Especially considering bad financial circumstances, Jeju city has endeavored in securing more government expenses. By virtue of this efforts, Jeju city has successfully persuaded the central ministry who have not been very positive on the on-site collect system(Clean House Project) into securing funding support.

○ The city of Jeju is a combination of rural and urban communities composed of 19 dongs and 7 towns and villages. The business of the Clean House installation in Sam-do 1 dong was first advanced as a demonstration to the 19th installation for five years (2005 to 2009) and the towns and villages were planned for three years (2010 to 2012). The key facilities of the Clean House project were a rain shelter, various collection containers, electric installations, CCTV, and an odor removal facility that were installed over an 8-year period with a cost of 15.3 billion won. (4.1 billion won secured as government expenditure)

○ Installation of Clean House was not just an administrative business plan that moved forward on a fixed budget, but instead progressed with constant communication from and the cooperation of citizens.

○ Tenants were involved in discussions about Clean House location selection and tenant complaints were considered even after installation. The tenants accepted the Clean House as their duty by recognizing its important function without any initial inconvenience that they may have felt. Citizens and the administration continued their efforts to develop better ideas.

○ The Clean House installation included a wisteria vine that climbed up to the roof, which makes a nice landscape and the wall of the Clean House, which displays photographs of regional tourist attractions, offered a distinguished decorative space in each village. And some Clean Houses turned into downtown rest areas with placement of flowerpots.

(a) Strategies

 Describe how and when the initiative was implemented by answering these questions
 a.      What were the strategies used to implement the initiative? In no more than 500 words, provide a summary of the main objectives and strategies of the initiative, how they were established and by whom.
○ The core of this policy was the introduction of a new effective system which citizens place garbage in designated areas rather than door-to-door garbage truck collection so that the downtown area can be kept clean.

○ The rain shelter, which leaves 100m of space in every direction, was installed and the collection containers for garbage, recyclables, and food waste were arranged, Then, CCTV, an odor reduction facility, and an electric installation were installed to have an on-site collect system and it was named “Clean House”.

○ From 2004-2005, the Clean House project had a period of internal administrative investigation, involving the stages of program design, review, and announcement. Then, in 2006, 32 facilities were initially installed as a test operation at Sam-do 1 dong, home to 15,000 people.

○ 730 places throughout 19 Dongs of the downtown area were completed from 2005 to 2009. And the installation was accelerated from 2010 to 2012 for towns and villages to reach a total of 2193 places by November 2012. The new infrastructure was accessible to Jeju citizens.

○ Some citizens, who used to discharge garbage right at their door, complained about the farther distance and trouble in separating trash after the introduction of the on-spot collect system. Other citizens, whose homes were installed as Clean House, complained about NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) Syndrome.

○ However, positive effects were found around the test operated area at Sam-do 1 dong. Through citizens’ spontaneous activity, neglected garbage bag and stray cats disappeared and the remarkably clean downtown environment surprised citizens.

○ Since then, citizens have requested the extension of installation around the area which has had obviously positive effects on reducing the budget and improving the efficiency of the cleaning administration. So the installation extension was expanded and finally all areas in Jeju city would have Clean House installation completed by November 2012.

(b) Implementation

 b.      What were the key development and implementation steps and the chronology? No more than 500 words
○ The Clean House development process
(1) Build sympathy between administration and citizen for innovative cleaning administration
(2) Active Administrative effort and strong advanced policy
(3) Citizen’s positive response, participation and cooperation
(4) Creation of common profit between administration and citizen
(5) Extension to other areas

○ 2004, when the introduction of Clean House was decided, was the 10th year that Jeju had implemented the volume-rate garbage disposal system. The system has been promoted under the causer pays principle. Despite of its positive aspects (like fairness of prepaid fees, fairness of charging fees and spread of awareness of garbage disposal fees), there were troubles with the constant rise of cleaning costs for the destroyed environment, an inefficient collection system that involved the complicated separation of waste, and devices and manpower involved in door –to-door garbage collection.

○ To solve those fundamental problems of living waste, a complex method which resolves from all aspects of waste collection (from root cause to collection to transfer) was needed. The new system was designed to install Clean Houses at certain places like parks, car parking lots and vacant lots for citizen to discard garbage.

○ Jeju city decided the direction of the policy (2004.10.18), and quickly announced the model (2005.1.17), started designing
(2005.8.12), selected a demonstration area (sam-do1dong), opened presentations for tenants and solicited positive response and cooperation (2005.9~2005.12, 8 times), then installed 32 Clean House locations (2005.12.16~2006.2.16) for the intial operation.

○ Soon after, neighboring tenants requested the extension of installations, and an additional 86 Clean Houses were installed throughout three Dongs in 2006.

○ The success of this new policy can be measured by the level of citizen satisfaction. Citizens and natural grown organizations conducted various activities everywhere a Clean House was installed for a hygienic Clean House. Research showed 93% of citizens were satisfied with the new project. (2010.7.5~7.20, 411 citizens).

○ Each local government in Korea had same problem with living garbage disposal, so more than 3000 people from 82 organizations and communities from Seoul and Busan traveled to Jeju for benchmarking the Clean House project. The Minister of Environment had a great interest as well. Now, 19 local governments all over the country are piloting the Clean House initiative, and it this is a good sign for more installation.

(c) Overcoming Obstacles

 c.      What were the main obstacles encountered? How were they overcome? No more than 500 words
○ The primary task of innovative cleaning administrative process through Clean House was to alleviate budget problems in consideration of the country policy standard and uncertainty of citizen cooperation.

○ In 2005, the standard of the Ministry of Environment was as follows: 68.3% door-to-door garbage collection, 31.3% on-spot collection, and 0.3% residents’ load. There was no government expenditure support until 2006 and progressed exclusively at local expense.

○ Securing government expenditure in consideration of inferior financial affairs was necessary for the constant growth of the business model. Therefore, related departments negotiated based on the results and effects of two years of business from 2005. Finally, Clean House business could progress with 4.1 billion won in government, 30% of total business costs, from 2007 to 2012 when the business was completed.

○ Citizens’ cooperation was necessary to switch from door-to-door collection into on-spot collection.

○ Soon after the introduction of the new collection system, some citizens relatively were bothered by the distance and complained about separating trash. Also NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) Syndrome was troublesome.

○ To solve the problem, administration organized continual presentations before the new installation and participated at neighborhood meetings and village meetings to explain the background and necessity of Clean House. Also, Clean House actively solicited and reflected local resident’s opinion before the selection of a new location.

○ Furthermore, citizens’ complaints would be constantly reflected. To relieve the noise at discharge, double lids and a center hole for bottles were made on containers in Clean House. To reduce odors, microorganisms was constantly put in containers.

○ All citizen engagement was not negative, however. Members of autonomous citizen organizations and town leaders persuaded local residents and put their efforts on curbing illegal trash dumping and environmental arrangement to keep Clean House clean. Local media reported with great interest and helped to smooth the path and remove obstacles for the new initiative.

(d) Use of Resources

 d.      What resources were used for the initiative and what were its key benefits? In no more than 500 words, specify what were the financial, technical and human resources’ costs associated with this initiative. Describe how resources were mobilized
○ For the successful proposal of Clean House, budgets and organizations were organized effectively.

○ Installation of Clean House was in process from 2005 to 2012. In the meantime, 15.3 billion won of system construction costs were invested.

○ Automatic load/unload garbage cars were introduced when Clean House was installed, reducing labor forces and cars and thus lowering the cleaning administrative budget. Other problems like garbage scattered by animals and wind were solved and thus offered a better quality of life within the urban environment.

○ After the installation of Clean House, the amount of living waste was reduced from 375.9 ton ('05.8) to 329.7 ton ('06.8), at 12% of reduction. The reduction of garbage collectors (105→72) and garbage collection trucks (35→28) saved 2.32 billion won.

○ Henceforth for three years (2013 to 2015), 130 places (2.3 billion won) of Clean House will be additionally installed within the newly planned city development business district. The construction of infrastructure is on pace to make every citizen comfortable with the use of Clean House.

○ A new exclusive charge organization was created for the effective installation and operation of Clean House.
- Exclusive charge of Clean House operation (1 person in charge, 3 staff, 2006.7.1day)
- Exclusive charge of repairs (1 car, 3 people in 1 group)

Sustainability and Transferability

  Is the initiative sustainable and transferable?
○ Clean House is a system of constructing organic cooperation between the administration and citizens that continually gathers and reflects citizens’ opinions with the aim of constant innovation.

○ Jeju city patented Clean House design and chartered its unique and excellent technique.
- 24 November 2005. Patent in『burglar alarm and media device set Clean House』
○ Clean House was externally commended as an innovative case.
- In 2006, Clean House won the grand prize of local administration excellent innovative case. (awarded by Jeju special self governing province)
- In 2006, Clean House won the grand prize of local administration excellent innovative case. (awarded by the Minister of Government Administration)
- In 2006, Clean House was selected as one of 100 businesses building a good region for better living. (awarded by Ministry of Government Administration)
- In 2007, Clean House was selected as a local administrative innovation brand business (awarded by Ministry of Public Administration and Safety)
- In 2011, Clean House was selected as an excellent regional development case (environmental sector) (awarded by presidential committee on balanced national development).

○ Developed monitoring and guiding right discharge of garbage by citizen volunteers exclusive charge operation of Clean House.
- 17 April 2007. Hold 124 local residents commission.

○ Since the start of business in 2005, more than 3000 people, from 82 organizations and communities from Seoul and Busan (including the Minister of Environment) traveled to Jeju
- Now, 19 local governments all over the country are under the test operation of Clean House, which is a good sign for future installation.

Lessons Learned

 What are the impact of your initiative and the lessons learned?
○ Jeju city, expecting10,000,000 tourists (year 2012) as well as 430,000 citizens, introduced a innovative living garbage discharge system, Clean House. It is for eliminating fiscal deficit on cleaning administration and promoting comfortable living for citizens and tourists.

○ There were three reasons summed up why Clean House could be installed in Jeju with citizens’ support.

(1) Utility of development strategy by stages.
- Demonstration in a certain areas minimized resistance and tried to apply a more practical system utility with an extension of application by stages.
(2) Constant efforts in innovation like the introduction of a new technique for high quality of policy service.
- To relieve noise, double lids and center hole on containers was made.
- To eliminate odors, a microorganism was placed.
- To maintain a hygienic Clean House, exclusive cleaning cars were operated.
- To establish order in garbage discharge and garbage separation, CCTV was installed. (CCTV installation also prevents crime around the area and helped to establish public peace)
(3) Efforts put to resolve reasonable problems by using shared information and private partnership.
- Citizen participation rose through the citizen exclusive charge operation of Clean House
- Presentation for residents was held before installation of Clean House to gather citizen’s opinion.
- Flexible administration on relocation when tenants reasonably requested.

○ Since the installation of Clean House in 2005, 3050 people including Korean Minister of Environment, relevant public officials and local autonomy committees from 82 local governments have come to learn about the program. So far, 19 local governments have introduced the system and 166 spaces are installed in operation. Also, extended implementation is underway for the future.

○ In Korea, the door-to-door garbage collection system is still kept at 70%. However, Jeju first installed and operated Clean House by spending a significant amount of its budget, and finally can save the budget on cleaning administration and improve the downtown environment innovatively for better quality of living for everyone.

○ The innovative change was made possible by the determined will and dedicated hard work of the administration as well as the active and spontaneous cooperation of citizens.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Jeju special self-governingprovince jeju city
Institution Type:   Government Agency  
Contact Person:   Sang Oh Kim
Title:   Mayer  
Telephone/ Fax:   064-728-2212 / 064-728-2219
Institution's / Project's Website:
Address:   JeJu City Hall, Gwang yang 9gil 10, Jeju city, Jeju special self-governingprovince Korea
Postal Code:   690-071
City:   Jeju city
State/Province:   Jeju special self-governingprovince

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