Turkey started working intensively in 2000s on putting the advancing technology at the judiciary's service. Parallel to the project activities of the Ministry of Justice in this regard, the management of the Court of Cassation decided to develop a dedicated software for the Court.
The whole CoC organization contributed to the efforts for the development of the system. In particular, the pre-development analysis phase took nearly two years. This phase consisted of a review of all business processes at the Court, face-to-face interviews and was concluded by the development of the specifications. After taking delivery of the software developed in accordance with the specifications, the CoC IT Directorate directly and promptly addressed emerging issues and has constantly improved the system. All CoC personnel have contributed to the improvement of the system. The Government has provided the necessary resources for the project and the Ministry of Justice has offered assistance at every stage. The Union of Bar Associations and the Association of Notaries have encouraged the implementation of the system. Civil society organizations have supported the Court for the initiative.
The legislation was amended to enable recruitment of qualified personnel and implementation of new technologies and the establishment of the IT Directorate was incorporated in the Law on the Court of Cassation. CoC has worked in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, High Council of Judges and Prosecutors and the Constitutional Court in the implementation of the project. Besides, the issues which arose during software development were resolved through joint meetings with the coordination board comprising the representatives of the abovementioned institutions, in respect of the fact that the judicial activity is inseparable.
The case files from first instance courts are forwarded to CCIT through UYAP and all file records are transferred to CCIT electronically. In addition, the system allows XML-based data exchange with integrated units which are related to the judiciary. These units include first instance courts, Directorate General for Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs, the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center, Directorate General for Land Registry, Social Security Institution, Directorate General for Criminal Records and Statistics, Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Turkish Association of Notaries, Public Procurement Agency and Turkish Statistical Institute. Information and documents needed when the appealed files are reviewed including civil registries and address, passport, vehicle registration and driving penalty information, gun licenses, restrictions on visiting abroad, title deeds and social security records can be retrieved online through CCIT. This allows speedy and effective resolution of cases and, more importantly, proper flow of information from respective institutions.