The BLIS programme started in mid 2010 and a RFP was called for consulting services to provide review of end-to-end CR and Licensing process and landscape in Bahrain with recommendations to improve the CR and Licensing processes and a set of RFP specifications for BLIS system implementation in the next stage.
The BPR exercise started with a Strategic Business Review (SBR) with senior management and leaders of MOIC, EDB and eGA to determine the vision, strategic directions and desired outcomes from the programme. From the BPR exercise, MOIC, EDB and eGA had completed the landscape survey of the licensing environment in Bahrain, the technical analysis of the current systems in MOIC and a business process re-engineering exercise (BPR) of 15 pilot licenses from 12 Licensing Entities.
A set of To-Be processes were determined for MOIC and pilot Licensing Entities to simplify and improve the process of obtaining a commercial registration and licensing requirements that revolve around this process.
A RFP was called by eGA in mid 2011 for a turnkey IT solution that includes system design, development/customization, supply, installation of infrastructure (Hardware/Software), implementation of BLIS solution, service integration, support and maintenance, data migration, change enablement and training of BLIS. The expected result is a one-stop, online integrated system for investors to apply and renew CR and related licenses in Bahrain, enhance investors’ experience in delivery of service, and improve operational efficiency with streamlined CR and Licensing processes promoting Whole-of-Government approaches in the Information age as well as to promote gender responsiveness in the delivery of public services.
With the BLIS IT system implementation Tender closed and awarded in 2012, the BLIS IT system implementation was officially kicked-off in Jul 2012 and project is currently in progress with the first stage rollout.
The first stage of BLIS will see the launching of pilot 15 licenses integrated with CR processes and key national ICT initiatives, i.e. National Gateway Infrastructure(NGI), National Authentication Framework (eKey) and National Payment Gateway (NPA) in 2013, to provide business investors (foreign or local) a one-stop, online integrated BLIS eServices Portal with simplified and seamless CR and licensing processes.