CETED Womens’ centre focuses on the involvement of women in technology transfer for human development. It has emerged as a model delivery system at the grassroot level for the transfer of technology from ‘lab to land’.
CETED’s modus operandy is development of CEEF technology products and processes and mounting advocacy functions for their acceptance. It promotes eco-friendly options in housing, agriculture, water management, health and food, transportation, industry, tourism and other related spheres through its integrating units in the non government and governmental sectors.
The achievements of the project include
40% cost reduction in construction of houses, containing of exploitative contracting system in housing, and imparting regular training to women in CEEF technology
Government has modified policies, and industry its processes, media their preferences, and planners their priorities favouring CEEF technology.
Through awareness generation and capacity building, the public are oriented to environment friendly living through organic farming, community health care, disease prevention.
Publications in the vernacular on eco-friendly technology and awareness generation campaigns among women and youth undertaken regularly.
Research is carried out in developing traditional knowledge and heritage science which suit the way of living ideal to the region.
The CETED network has been able to propagate appropriate technology in agriculture housing, healthcare, food processing, and water management for the last 20 years through appropriate delivery systems.
Institutional mechanism for training of trainers established in all districts. 213,000 artisans have been trained in low cost building construction alone.
Capacity building has been undertaken in women and their empowerment made effective by establishing women’s centres at the rural, regional and state level.
Eco-friendly technology which was confined to research institutions is steadily flowing to the field. A new generation has been groomed up who are oriented towards an environment friendly way of life, minimizing chemicals and energy intensive industrial products. Health care has improved through nature friendly medication and curative approaches. The message of CEEF technology accepted by all stakeholders like government, municipalities, industry, research institutions and the public. Over a period of 20 years the CETED’s mission has proved its sustainability and replicability.
CETED women centres provided support for stainable employment for women through a variety of action oriented projects which employ women in large numbers.
Womens’ centre supports women by providing a comprehensive package of inputs with special focus on training for skill up-gradation, marketing and credit linkages to ensure sustainable employment.
The sequence of activities envisaged under the programme is to mobilize women into viable groups, improve their skills,arrange for productive assets/access to wage employment, create backward and forward linkages, provide access to credit, arrange for support services and awareness generation, gender sensitization, etc.
The impact was evaluated by the Institute of Habitat Education.