The essential stages of development and initiation can be divided into three stages;
Stage 1: Development Stage of web service and service application
As explained earlier, before the start of this project, local governments prepared windows to listen to opinions of citizens through their websites. However, citizens had to inconveniently search and visit the relevant website out of some 230 local government websites to appeal their requests.
Therefore, in 2010, as a pilot stage, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security built up a web site to enable single communication window, integrating the scattered windows of local government.
After that, rapid spread of smart phones enabled a new plan of integrating the web service to the smart phone service and transformed into a new smart phone service utilizing the most up-to-date IT technology.
Stage 2: Test operation stage of smart phone service
Ensuring the stability of the service and nationwide coverage preparation were main issues during the second stage. Through this pilot operation, problems were identified easily and ways for improvements were presented from the users’ and public officers’ perspectives on handling civil petitions.
In 2011, the service was test-operated in major regions including Gyeonggi Province, Busan, Daejeon and Jeju Self-Governing Province. The service process was simplified to asking for only name and telephone number to report a complaint, excluding lengthy sign up or verification process. In addition, user-friendly interface, as well as comfortable and bright colors for the design was applied through collecting user opinions.
Stage 3: Nationwide service coverage stage
During the third stage, MOPAS mainly focused on the nationwide expansion of the service and enhancement of service usage rate. In January 2012, the application was remodeled to be accessible anywhere in the Republic of Korea. Furthermore, various kinds of public awareness activities such as press release, social network service (SNS), and advertisement at public transportation including subway stations, were conducted for citizens to become aware of the service.
In order for the success of this system, gaining stability and enthusiasm of the public officers were necessary. To achieve this, related guidelines were distributed, and training and education for the new system were conducted for the public officers in charge of informatization and civil petitions. Moreover, on-line training materials were made available for smoother work transition and learning for people who are new to the service.
MOPAS endeavors to promote the service by continuously collecting responses from the users, and hopes to make the service satisfactory for every citizen in Korea.