The NEA has partnered with the People, Public and Private communities to engage and promote greater environment ownership in Singapore. One effort is the use of smart technologies to share environmental data (e.g air quality, public health and weather) with government agencies and public. Some key results are :
a. Government Agencies - NEA contributed to the development of 86 environment datasets and 17 spatial datasets to the Singapore Government datahub, SG-Data/GeoSpace, for inter-agency sharing. These datasets include weather information such as air quality, weather forecast, heavy rain warning, climate change, location of recycling bins.
b. General Public /Community - NEA contributed 75 datasets and 8 map layers to the Singapore Government’s one-stop portal service,, for public use. These datasets have resulted in the creation of applications (e.g. weatherlah, sg@weather) and the enrichment of OneMap (the Singapore Government map portal) data points from the Singapore Land Authority. NEA has also collaborated with the Public Utilities Board to provide integrated environmental information (e.g. water level information, sms alerts for flash flood and heavy rain warnings) to the public via mobile applications.
c. Schools/Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) - NEA has contributed much to nurture the youth to protect and cherish the environment through education programmes and partnerships with schools and IHLs. For example, NEA works with several IHLs to develop a gaming platform, Operation MACE (, to create awareness among the youths on how they can better fight dengue. This initiative has won the Distinguished Award at the International Convention of Quality Control Circles (ICQCC) held in October 2011 at Yokohama, Japan.
d. Application Developers - Using smart phone technologies, NEA has co-created several mobile applications with private sector partners through crowd sourcing ideas from the public to promote greater environment ownership and provide real time information on environmental conditions. For example, X-Dengue provides real time sms alerts on the formation of new dengue clusters using data points. A point & shoot app, Clean-Lah, is another example where public can report lapses in public cleanliness and hygiene matters. This application is integrated with the NEA’s feedback system so that these environmental lapses can be addressed efficiently.
e. Research Communities - NEA has been able to bolster its climate change capabilities which have positioned Singapore as one of the Data Collection or Product Centres (DCPC) in the region under the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) umbrella. Such information includes the sharing of meteorological datasets (such as rain, haze, tsunami warnings) to aid countries in the region to better handle environmental crisis or issues. To safeguard Singapore and the region from the impact of climate change, NEA has also established partnerships and linkages with local and international research institutes to enhance its capabilities in climate and weather research.
To further engage the people and private sectors, NEA is organising a Hackathon event, as part of the Clean and Green Singapore campaign. The Hackathon aims to bring mobile app developers, users and NGOs to co-create applications that can further promote environmental ownership among communities.