For the purposes like establishing the Ministry of Interior’s own infrastructure during the period of e-Turkey transformation, reaching the Ministry structure level that has transferred its services to informatics environment, making use of the public sources efficiently anf effectively by providing all the software requirement of all central and provincial units of Ministry and special provincial units through single system; it was ensured that the process and procedures of 21 central units of Ministry of Interior, 81 Governorates, 81 Special Provincial Administrations and 892 district governorates are carried out in electronical environment.
It is considered that the project has these advantages below:
• Costs of time, communication and personnel are retrenched by providing the public and citizens with that important service through a central system without the necessity of separate investments of each governorate in order to complete the transition to e-government services.
• High costs for maintenance of separately operating softwares and security of every single information on the established database are prevented.
• Communication costs of Ministry of Interior which has intense data and work flow between central and provincial units are minimized. Economization has been accomplished thanks to reduces in paper, envelope, toner and posting costs. Considering that the project is given to other ministries free-of-charge, they will also achieve saving by not making same expenses.
• Quicker and cheaper delivery of citizen-oriented services will contine with extended e-government implementations.
The project is used by 45.739 ministry personnel now. The developed project has reached 114 modules, 2750 interfaces, 3.5 million codeline, 5 TeraBytes data volume and process rate of 1395 per second. by now. There has been 80 GB data increase weekly.
Through the electronical document management system which is the most actively used module; 10.000.000 incoming, 4.000.000 outgoing documents are registered into system and 62.500.000 actions (initials, signature, transfer, post, etc.) are processed on them. Average annual e-signature process number is 10.000.000.
Thanks to the electronical document management system being just one of the modules in project, it became possible to complete all the processes of a document in just 5 minutes unlike the previous at least 3 days period from issuance to receiver. In addition to that, 10 Million $, with a rough calculation, are saved annually, only with the use of electronical document management system. It is also believed that the other public institutions which were given the project free of charge experience the savings according to the rate of their correspondences. Furthermore, it was facilitated for supervisors with signing authority to carry out their proceedings non-spatially with the implementation of mobile signature application.
Numerical scales such as “User numbers”and “usage status”, “process numbers”, “electronical signature and initials status”, processes, incoming and outgoing “document numbers” are reported, published and viewed as periods like instantly, weekly, monthly and annually. After the evaluations on whether the modules are being used or not, the reasons are investigated. Besides; dynamic, detailed and visual reportings are ensured to be made with Decision Support Module developed in the scope of institutional Business Intelligence Project.