The main obstacles that could jeopardize the implementation of the projects can be divided into general risks and implementing the technological risks.
Key general implementation risks were inadequate staffing, limited financial resources, delays in the implementation of projects, inadequate legislation, which jeopardize the implementation of specific projects, inprecisely defined bussines business processes and business rules, delays with setting up, aligning and integrating key data sources as a result of insufficient resources or other priorities from the competent institutions, poor quality of some data sources and problems with coordination.
Key technological risks were: tehnology solutions to some sources did not provide adequate connectivity of the system, the problem of inadequate existing IT equipment performance at he Ministry of Justice and Public Administration.
Therefore, we adopted the following actions: we provided a high support of the management at the ministry level, ensure good coordination of the project, ensured regular reporting to the Programme Council and immediate response in a case of some problems. We used the right approach (flexibility, agile development methods, strong political support), to create connectibility between existing official databases (that are very heterogeneous technically, semantically and organizationally) and to boost creating potentially missing official databases, needed for decisions.