With the new initiative, people receive a speedy service at around the clock at their convenience as the problem rises. They can file complaints, check up and follow up with the hotline number 1132 or phone number 054-237200, or through internet at www.lampangcity.go.th without physically appearance to file to grievance.
There is a chain of command and system of delegation which can be pinpointed and identified for follow up to ensure completion according to key performance index. (KPI)
KPI enables the city to have clear goals and objectives which have been met with satisfaction. Such as in 2009 KPI, 1 day completion was at 94.5 percent, 2 days completion 95.38 percent, 3 days completion 96.81 percent, 7 days completion 88.94 percent, giving us overall completion at 91.00 percent.
As compare to 2010, 1 day completion is 97.11 percent, 2 days completion 98.58 percent, 3 days completion 91.52 percent, 7 days completion 77.47 percent, giving us overall completion at 91.70 percent.
We are able to save cost of travel for the people to deal with their problems. Some 39.80 percent request their needs by telephone and 20.38 percent use the internet.
We increase efficiency in solving public lighting by allowing private sector to handle the problem. We are able to save the cost of purchasing of electrical supply 1,068,732 baht per year, reduce the personnel from 14 to 2 persons and save 947,520 baht per year.