Cooperation, participation and teamwork form the basis of e-Government success, while this supports agencies to work together by integrating services, sharing information and techniques; it creates a shared commitment to provide better results. Therefore, cultivating a culture of participation and the sharing of information across government agencies is one of the most important challenges facing the transformation to e-Government environment. A coherent and integrated approach among governmental agencies is key to provide better and faster services.
1. Impact of comparable low technical orientation of government agencies. Development of processes, training, communications vehicles to educate and facilitate broad capabilities expansion. Creation of the Yesser Consulting Group to assist agencies in their project designs and strategies.
2. Financing of projects and resources. Creation of agency account managers who act as internal advocates for e-service development, design and funding requests as well as act on agency behalf to support acquisition of funding from multiple sources.
3. Impact of typical government protectionism among agencies has been reduced through two primary means: Organizational: Involvement of agencies in developing eGovernment strategies and action plans; the adherence to these plans and customer involvement in management of Yesser operation; Yesser as a agency advocate and always work to the benefit of agencies. For example, budgeting, public private partnerships, negotiation of National contract pricing and unified bidding on e-Government projects. Allow agencies to maintain ownership of their services and data but provide government-wide critical enabling technologies, strategies, support.
2007-Present: Specifications Guidelines - YEFI, Government Secure Network (GSN), Government Service Bus, Yesser Data Center National e-Government Contact Center, Capacity Building Initiative, Digital Certification, Consulting Services, eServices Framework, Government Modular systems Specifications, Saudi Portal, Single sign-on (SSO)
2008: Establishing and indexing of Saudi e-government initiatives and establishing central services information hub (
2009: Launching of the Saudi National infrastructure (Government Secure Network, Government Service Bus).
2008: Present Establishment of the supporting skills, specialists, strategies and processes to allow effective utilization of the above.
2009-2010:New National enabling services (eID, on-boarding processes, Yesser Consulting Group, Center of Excellence for Research and Development, Enjaz National e-government Achievement Awards, e-Government Capacity Building and Training