The financial costs of the project were calculated in Euros and respected the principles of economic efficiency and cost-benefit. The general and eligible cost of the projects was of 62,730 Euros.
All costs with the human resources were compared with the average wage in Romania to pay human resources, and all technical costs meaning the purchases of goods and services were charged similarly with other costs used in previous projects.
The persons proposed to be paid under the project were part of the project’s team and were directly involved in coordinating, organizing, and carrying out project activities. From the technical personnel, one could find one project coordinator to ensure the overall management of the project, an expert, which provided specialized expertise on public administration, an assistant coordinator, who supported the project’s coordinator, six local coordinators, representatives of the civil society, six lecturers providing training sessions and participating in the ongoing development of support materials, two authors for the study of perception and the compendium of good practices, one radio producer, one designer to design the leaflet and the poster for the project, an accountant who provided part-time financial management of project.
NACS brought to the project’s team one project coordinator, one key expert and two assistant experts.
To use these technical resources it was taken into account only the rent for spaces for the training sessions. The rent for the office was supported from other projects on administrative expenses.
For the office supplies were taken into account the costs required to support courses, conferences, public debates, press conferences, team meetings, including those with the volunteers.
Other technical costs included the publishing costs for the leaflets, the ad print, the study of perception of citizens on corruption, the compendium of good practices; it also included costs for audit, for translation and interprets, for the public debates, the training sessions, the press conference, the final conference and for protocol.
To mobilize the human and technical resources we used the specific experience of the partners. To ensure a good management of the team, we set regular meetings of the project manager with the team, partners and beneficiaries, and we offered assistance and support to the local project team. The most effective techniques to involve the human resources was the appointment of local coordinators for the project within each institution involved and of local volunteer coordinators for carrying out the responsibilities of local partners. We also constantly assessed the situation: by volunteer reports, discussing with citizens and civil servants.