Super Service System
Uskudar Municipality

A. Problem Analysis

 1. What was the problem before the implementation of the initiative?
As a Uskudar Municipality we give service to 530.000 people with 2.556 people (from the major down to the cleaning staff). There are 23 departments provide service in different buildings belonging to the municipality. Before the introduction of Super Service System the citizens had to come to the municipality personally and submit their demand to the relevant department. Must write a petition and make an application personally. Only a few number of wishes and demands were met through telephone / fax. There were no alternative means of communication through which the citizens could submit their demands to the municipality. He had to ask and learn which department he had to apply to for submitting his request. It was very difficult for those who resided at a place away from the municipality or those with a low socio-economic status to submit their proposals to the municipality and make use of the services of the municipality. One had to submit both his request to the municipality and also follow-up its fulfilment. People with a high educational or socio-economic status and those who were personally acquainted with the officials working in the municipality knew the department to which they should apply and how to write a petition and consequently it was easier for them to have access to the municipal services. The Municipality services had no standarts.It was not certain when a definite work would be completed and how it would be finalized since there were no definitions and standarts of duties and work – flow schemas. The finalization of the works done was differing from person to person. Service providers were using their personal initiatives. We were not able to measure the works done. No statistical data could be obtained about the incoming requests and satisfaction of citizens. Planning of and reporting on the investments directed to future was impossible to be made. No feedback was supplied to the citizen about whether the works have been completed or not. For example, in cases where the request of the citizen could not be met for legal reasons the citizen had to wait for a long time for learning the result of his request because he was not informed about it and could be informed about that result only when he went to the municipality and asked about it personally. The performance of our employees could not be measured. It was not evident how much volume of work was done by any employee in a definite department, nor was there any standard of work. Sound reports based on numbers could not be taken from the municipal departments.Performance and reporting showed differences depending on the initiative of the department chiefs. While information based on data were kept in electronic environment in one department, it was kept in written form in files in other departments. The communication between the departments was insufficient. It was an ordinary practice that the same work was done by different departments since the work could not have been completed fully.

B. Strategic Approach

 2. What was the solution?
Super Service System is a project which has been proposed by Support service Manager Salih Uzun. He submitted his project to major. The services provided in the private sector and in five star hotels were examined. We accepted the customer satisfaction which is experienced by the citizens when they stay in a hotel for holiday, as a measure for ourselves. We wanted the citizens to experience the same kind of satisfaction when they come to the municipality to make use of our services. Purpose of the SSS is to enable the citizens to use the channels of communication that they prefer while submitting their demands to the municipality, management of all the demands collected through a single point, follow-up of all the requests of the citizens by the municipality and the ability to measure the performance of the institution instantly. Our target mass is all the citizens and take into consideration the needs of everybody and all social segments. A call center has been established for handling the requests of people with low income or educational level. Alternatives were offered to the “Y” generation, who likes to forward their messages through social media or the internet page of the municipality. On the other hand, SSS which provide face-to-face service for the “X” generation who likes to do their works themselves and use wet signature. On the other hand, for people with low socio-economic status, disabled and disadvantaged people as well as for people with a very high level of income and for people whose formalities are followed up by their employees, a field communication team has been set up which visit them in their homes and receive their requests. Besides, all officials of the Super Service Team have taken sign language traning to remove all obstacles front of communication. Besides the communication channels the services began to be provided from a single point. The citizens may submit their request without going from department to department. This unit also informs the applicant about the process through which his application shall be handled and when his demand shall be fulfilled, according to the method of communication he prefers. The institution may carry out all follow-up formalities and feedback on behalf of the applicant. Forexample the citizen personally came to municipality and wanted an equipment for the prevention of the parking of vehicles. to be set up in front of his home. The super service officer enters request in the system, informs the applicant and an information message shall come to the mobile telephone “Mr. Can, your request for the prevention of parking September 4, 2013 has been entered with 100-789. The fulfilment is three days. You may follow-up with code Q2w3t67 or call SSS. After the request fulfilled a second message sent to the citizen and quality team call the citizen and Mr. Can you had requested parking barrier on September 4, 2013 with reference 110-789. May I ask you several questions? Are you satisfied with the person who received your application, the personnel who performed the works, the department which undertook the works and do you have any other request from municipality? Whatever the communication channel through which the applicant submits his request the citizen will be provided feedback and an inquiry about the level of satisfaction shall be made for all requests unless the applicant does not want any feedback. All answers are entered in the system and we prepare our reports on the basis of these data. Those reports are regularly delivered to all departments and determine the investment plans of the institution and the results of performance

 3. How did the initiative solve the problem and improve people’s lives?
The most innovative aspect of Super Service System is the easiness that it provides for the communication of the requests of the citizens to the municipality as well as the high level of performance of the institution that it provides through feedback. Communication channels have been established which can be used by everyone according to their age and socio-economic situation. The citizien informing about the process during a request is handled. After the request has been fulfilled the applicant is called and asked whether he is satisfied with the quality of the service, personnel and department. Democracy is used in an effective manner in this way. The data which are obtained through the feedbacks made and the inquiries on satisfaction form the basis of the reports to be issued. The performance of the personnel is measured instantly in this way. It is possible to see instantly which service is demanded the most by a definite quarter, the kind of investment which is to be made in a definite quarter and this makes it possible to realize the investments in an effective way. It becomes easy to plan the investments in the future since the resources are used effectively.

C. Execution and Implementation

 4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
The implementation of the project throughout all the units of the municipality has been accepted by the major. A presentation has been made to the major and deputy major and directors about the steps to be taken throughout the process of the implementation of the project, what is to be done and the benefits that the project shall provide to the institution. An official letter has been sent to all departments. They were requested to submit a definition of the works performed in their departments and state that has done which works in which period of time and the documents used for the works that they have performed. All this information, which has been collected, has then formed the basis of our software. Both the project coordinator and the software specialist have visited all the departments one by one and have informed the department staff about the SSS to be established. Views and proposals of the personnel have been taken into consideration regarding the performance of the works. This made it possible to set forth the most updated work plan. Awareness has been created about the Super Service System within the body of the municipality before the introduction of the system, in this way. A very careful study has been made to select the personnel who will be the addressee of the citizens and use the Super Service System which has been set up for the purpose of creating a service satisfaction of the citizens and ensuring a high level of performance of the personnel. Firstly the committee, which is to select the personnel, has been set up: The committee has been formed with the participation of personal development specialist, psychologist, Project founder and project coordinator. The project owner and the project coordinator have made selection by making face-to-face talks with the candidates. The final round has participated in a meeting in which all members of the committee attended. The selected candidates were first subjected to training on the software of SSS and were separated into groups of two individuals and worked in all the departments within the framework of a pre-determined plan. They underwent training and learned their job not on the table but in site. They have been informed about the manner in which the works were being carried out in the departments. In short they learned technical and the public language. While training activities continued in the departments one official from each department made a presentation about their department to the super service team. They confirmed the new information and completed the missing information. At the same time they received training on personal development in the subjects listed below: - Relations with the citizens - Corporate culture - Communication by phone - Diction and correct use of Turkish - Trained on sign language - Ability to cope with difficult people - Management of customer experience - Ability to develop positive feelings in business life - Know the rules of courtesy and manners - Ability to set up an effective team - Quality management of the whole - Professional intelligence & professional behaviour The team which will use SSS and the team which shall investigate the satisfaction of citizens with this service have started working. Following the completion of the requests and the entrance of the data into the system by the quality control team which furnished feedback to the citizen the reports on the super service began to be obtained. Reports related to the departments were regularly sent to them every month. The performance of the personnel began to be instantly measured by means of the

 5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The biggest contribution to the implementation was the employees, citizens, private sector and other public establishments. The employees have reviewed the works and facilitated the functioning of the system to the benefit of the citizen in accordance with the purpose of the system. They changed the work-flow schemas according to the incoming reports. The basic stakeholder of the SSS is the citizen since the results obtained from inquiries on satisfaction and the rates in the demands serve as data that determine the investment and business planning of the municipality in the future. Besides new communication channels have been added to SSS according to the demands from the citizens. The software specialists from private sector have established a new system in public sector software in conjunction with the SSS. They developed the software by blending the proposals both from the citizens and the employees with their own ideas. We have established a common communication platform with other public establishments in an electronic environment thanks to the SSS. We have made mutual talks with the metropolitan municipality, district municipalities, natural gas administration and water Works administration for entering the requests related to our institution into the SSS. In this way we received the requests of other institutions from our municipality and mutually forwarded them to one another. Thanks to the easiness of submitting requests to the SSS the relationships of the municipality with the non-governmental organizations have been strengthened. We have followed up the developments in the private sector before establishing the SSS. Private sector companies have sent trainees to our municipality after establishment SSS. Private companies which provided call center services have measured the service quality of the super service team and we received training on communication from them. We received awards in the call center competitions organized among private companies.
 6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
PHYSICAL SPACE A modification has been made in the site where the citizens are first welcome in the institution. This site has been designed at the standards of the lobby of a five star hotel in order to let the citizens enter our institution in a spacious atmosphere. Hot and cold tea and coffee service has been provided. Care was taken for all kinds of details. For examples the tables were designed not with corners but in a round form and soft colours have been used etc. Approximately 6.000 TL TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Touch-operated and two-sided screens were bought in order to offer the best and speediest service to the citizen. This enabled the citizens both to follow-up all the steps during the transaction and pay their taxes by entering their own ciphers and they were included in the system in this way. Approximately 15.000 TL IP telephone has been preferred. Telephones which had many features such as recording all phone talks, the appearance of the name of the calling person etc. have been preferred. The earlaps which are sensitive to voices in the environment have been bought in order to let the employees to work and provide service more effectively. Approximately 6.000 TL 200.000 TL has been spent for the software which ensures the joint operation of the software with the other units, communication channels and telephone system in the municipality. TRAINING OF THE HUMAN RESOURCE The team have been selected among individuals who like communication, are able to express themselves properly and have the necessary knowledge and are endowed with the necessary skills. The team have worked in all the departments in the municipalities for a period of 5-6 weeks before starting to work in their jobs. They worked for 1 to 4 working days in each department depending on the intensity of Works in the relevant department. They examined the services provided by each department in site. They took training in the departments. They received their salaries before starting to work in the super service unit and throughout the compliance program that has lasted for two months. The gross cost of an official of super service for the municipality has been 2.500 TL They participated in many technical and personal development courses in order to provide the best service to the citizens. They also participated courses on the hearing impaired, consumer rights, municipal laws and regulations etc. 20.000 TL have been spent for the beginning courses. The team wear uniforms after they have started working. They are given new clothes two times a year. The annual expense of a super service official for uniforms and shoes is 1.000 TL. We bought service from an establishment which trains the call centers in order to measure the quality of speaking of the super service officials. That establishment calls us under the disguise of a secret client and measures our quality of service. We annually pay 6.000 TL Our cost items listed above are covered by the budget of the municipality.

 7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
A) Management of the services from a single point Before the SSS the citizens had to go from one unit to another within the institution. Work management system was different in each unit.It was impossible to provide equal and timely service to everybody due to personal initiatives. SSS provided to everybody in the same way and at the same level irrespective of the socio – economic situations of the individuals. B) Increase of the Means of Access to the Municipalities Everybody had access to the municipality by using the means of communication that he has chosen personally. This has facilitated the means of access to the municipality and also led to the increase of the requests from the citizens. Apart from their demands the citizens also begin to submit their proposals, thanks and admirations easily. The relationship of “institution /citizen” has turned into a relationship of “citizen fan/friend. Subject headings like the most liked municipality /major began to be opened through the social media. C) Transparency and the form of work based on time. All services provided within the body of the municipality have been defined in terms of by which department /personnel are the services provided, the period of time required for the completion of the services, how the services are provided and which documents are used for that purpose. Such reasons as the reporting the requests which have been fulfilled in a period of time longer that the defined period of time as the delayed work and the acceptance of that delay as an indicator of personal performance and review of the reports both by the citizen and the top management have ensured that the employees perform the works more carefully and rapidly. Feedback has strengthened the team coordination. D) Feedback As soon as the citizen submits its request to the municipality he shall be informed about when the request shall be finalized and about the relevant processes. Training of the SS Team about the entire functioning of the municipality and their being capable of answering all the questions that may be asked by the citizens has led to the increase in the confidence that the citizens have for the institution. E) Instant Reporting Thanks to the system we may instantly see which personnel deals with which works Such a measure facilitates the instant follow-up of the works and ensures a sound measurement of the performance of the personnel.

 8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The software of SSS automatically sends reports to the managers every day. The following information on his screen: number of delayed requests, who is responsible for that delay, the deadline of the request, the results of the surveys on satisfaction, etc. The personnel has behaved more carefully regarding the information which he must enter in the system when he is handling the request thanks to the instant reporting and the transparent structure of the SSS. Cooperation has increased and been accelerated both within the directorate and among the directorates. As a result of the increase of the means of access to the municipality, follow-up of the requests on behalf of the citizens and supplying information of the citizens about every phase, the number of demands submitted to the SSS which was 22.998 in the year 2011 has been doubled in the year 2012 and rose to 45.202. The number of requests that we have received as of September 1, 2013 has been 45.595. Feedbacks submitted following each request as well as the information obtained as a result of the satisfaction survey of the applicants form the basis of the system report and direct our service quality. The call center of the SSS participates in the quality league, which is run by the establishment mentioned above and in which call centers compete each other in terms of their service quality. Every month we compete with the foreign/ local call centers which are members of the quality league, have hundreds of seats and active in Turkey. Our service quality score was 77,51 % in February when we had become member of the quality league and increased to 91,23 % in August, 2013. The training of the human resources according to the requirements of the job, letting them gain experience in the work environment and the organizations for motivation made during the working hours has increased our personnel efficiency. Our success has been facilitated by the fact that we have software which has been designed taking into consideration the requirements of our work and is possible to be updated according to the technological developments and innovations. We have achieved these results thanks to the dedicated efforts of the founder of the SSS, Mr. Salih Uzun who coordinated all the positive developments described above by adding his experiences in the public sector and managed all the related activities with the sensitivity of a maestro.

 9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
Managers resisted against SSS because they had thought that they would not be able to do their duties, that their personal initiatives would disappear and that their relationship with the citizens would be cut off. The employees had thought that the super service team could not dominate the functioning of all the departments in the municipality and that super service system could not take the record of the whole system. They further thought that it was impossible for the super service team to call the citizens for providing feedback about every request that has been submitted by them and perceived the calls which were made for securing quality as a form of interrogating the personnel. All these prejudgements naturally led to exhibiting a negative attitude against the new team. They claimed that such a transparent system could not function and that the officials of the municipality would fall into a difficult situation against the citizens. The employees was further annoyed by the fact that the correspondence made by the personnel, who is in charge of entering the requests in the SSS by means of the software of the system, with the personnel members of the department during the handling of the request would be seen by the major and the citizen who had submitted the request. The ability of the system to report on the performance of the department personnel instantly and the ability of the top management to see these reports instantly has given rise to an uneasiness of the personnel members. The principle of transparency, i.e. the ability of the personnel, citizens and top management to see all the details related to the request, which was criticized at most at the beginning, later became the most liked aspect of the SSS because the personnel began behaving more carefully regarding the performance of their duties and knowledge sharing in a platform which is open to everybody. It became easier to carry out the activities and formalities. Team work has been strengthened. Thanks to the SS reports it became possible for the department heads to report all kinds of works and activities carried out in their departments and submit those reports to the top management. The habits prevailing in the institution have changed and the functioning of the whole institution has been accelerated thanks to the fact that the operation of the system was compulsorily based on time and feedback.

D. Impact and Sustainability

 10. What were the key benefits resulting from this initiative?
The increase in the number of communication channels led to the increase in the number of requests. We had received 22.998 requests in 2011 however 45.202 in 2012. The diversification of the channels of forwarding a request has also changed the habits of the citizens and they began to come to the municipality less frequently. We have received 41.449 requests in the first eight monthly periods in 2013. 48 % from call center, 23 % were forwarded from field communication team,% 18,from internet %10 personal applications and 1 % from social media/ smart phone. Since the system is open to development it is designed in such a manner that makes it possible to integrate a form of communication that may emerge in the future into the system. After SSS the process has become facilitated from the point of view of both the citizens who submit requests and the employees in the departments who handle those requests. It was no more necessary to know which department would handle his request. On the other hand the employees of the relevant departments caught the opportunity to intensify on their duties and use their time more efficiently since they were not disturbed by the citizens who called them by phone or personally came to their Office to ask the result of their requests. All the services carried out in the municipality have been made transparent. The citizen is able to follow-up the process of handling of his request instantly as well as supervise how it is managed and through which budget it is realized. The screen which the citizen sees while following up his request is the same screen that the directors, personnel and the top management see. Such details as when and by which personnel has the request been received and his explanations about the request are shown in the screen. Thanks to the software screens the directors are able to control such information as the number of requests submitted to their departments, the delays in and completion of the fulfilment of their requests, how many tasks had been realized by a certain personnel member etc. All kinds of information included in the Super Service System may be measured instantly. Upon the fulfilment of the request the quality control team calls the citizens by phone and carries out a survey on the level of satisfaction regarding the service provided for the fulfilment of the request. An inquiry on satisfaction is made for every request unless the citizen says that he does not want to make any feedback. The data for the year 2012 are as follows: 45.202 requests have been received, 21.220 (47 %) interviews on satisfaction regarding the handling of the requests have been made and 13.123 people (62 %) have said they were satisfied while 7083 (33 %) people have said they weren’t satisfied and 1.019 people (5 %) have made no evaluations. The applicants about whom an inquiry on satisfaction has not been made (53 %) include those who don't want feedback, those who were not available even though they were called for three times during the prescribed time and those who had given wrong communication details. Since SSS functions basing on feedback, an information message must be sent according to the form of communication preferred by the citizen when the request has been received and finalized. These contacts and feedback has brought about a great contentment in the citizens. Thanks to this achievement the customer satisfaction which is seen in the private sector has been carried over to the public sector. The citizens can forward their expectations, ideas or requests directly to the municipality during the contacts and talks that have been made and this activity makes democracy even more effective. The results obtained from the talks which have been made to measure the satisfaction form the basis of the SS reports. Thanks to these reports it is possible to measure which services are demanded from which quarter, which services are people not satisfied with etc. The citizens are capable to direct the investments to be made by the institution. All these information facilitates to determine the real needs and the preparation of the investment plans for the future.

 11. Did the initiative improve integrity and/or accountability in public service? (If applicable)
The transparent understanding of service and the instant measurement of the services / performance of personnel had made it possible for the institution to want to implement SSS. SSS is based on writing the transaction carried out in the institution, enabling all stakeholders to see that information and instant measurement. This system may be implemented in an institution which shall begin to provide services for the first time on the basis of the logic defined above as well as in an institution which is already providing services. The first group of personnel with which the individuals shall contact must be trained about the services provided by the institution, the department which provide those services, the personnel employed in the departments, the process and form of realization of the services. And then, that training must be supported by courses on personal and technical development, communication etc. depending on the manner in which the services are provided by the institution. After the system has started to be used, updates which must be made and methods which must be adopted according to the results obtained are determined. This structure is suitable for application in all local and international institutions. After having started to implement the SSS in our municipality we have seen that good quality service is contagious. The citizens who made use of our services wanted to have the same quality of services when they went to institutions providing services which are similar with ours. Other institutions visited our municipality for that purpose of examining the SSS in site. We supplied information and documents about the system to all of them. A private company which is engaged in the provision of international services sent interns to our institution for the purpose of examining our system better. Some municipalities have tried to copy our system with all its features including the name of the project, personnel uniforms and the design of the application desk while some municipalities have examined our system in site and implemented the project by integrating it into their existing systems. The number of municipalities which examined our system in site are around seventy. Our project has been selected as the project which must be implemented in the other municipalities by the general directorate of the local administrations of the ministry of internal affairs which is the umbrella organization of the local administrations. This project is planned to be implemented in all regions with a population of over 20.000 all over Turkey, with the approval of the Administration Development Authority of the ministry of internal affairs. The project has been examined by the inspectors sent by the ministry of internal affairs. We have won two awards in international organizations. The reasons stated above account for the sustainability of our project. They had led us to work on the project more intensively. At this point we believe in the importance of the information sharing between institutions or countries. Our success today may be accounted for by our openness to sharing information.

 12. Were special measures put in place to ensure that the initiative benefits women and girls and improves the situation of the poorest and most vulnerable? (If applicable)
Management of time We have defined all the Works, for the performance of which we have used the SSS, according to time and learned to provide equal and standard service to everybody. We have learned to manage the requests, which we had received from different communication channels, from a single point. Feedback We learned to send feedback to both the citizens and the personnel of the other departments of the institution and share information with them at each stage of the work. This situation led to the approach of the personnel members to each other, increased our coordination and ensured the works to be carried out more rapidly. The satisfaction of the citizen has increased our success. Our performance as an institution has increased as a result of the satisfaction of our employees. Transparent reporting The prosess of request to be seen both by the citizen and employees have all thought us to work transparently. The instant measurement of the performance of the personnel becomes possible. The real needs were determined. Correct investments were made in correct sites. Waste of the sources was prevented. We began providing services which could be measured instantly. It became easier to prepare the investment plans for the future. Sharing of information We examined the good examples which were realized in each institution. We shared our information with all the institutions who wanted to come to our municipalitiy and make examinations. We have been awarded the 1st prize among 1100 projects in the competition “the best application “organized by the ministry of internal affairs in the public sector in our country. We organized seminars to the institutions which wanted to set up SSS. Thanks to the awards (Republic of Chilli, “Perfectionism in local administration: Success stories”. WEGO World e Government Organization: The Outstanding e-Government Prize in Efficiency category.) we also had the chance to present information about the SSS to the public establishments abroad. We learned that sharing our experiences with other institutions would make more contributions to us. SSS has been recommended to be implemented in the municipalities with a population of more than 20.000 and consequently our responsibility increased even more. Recommendations The success of SSS depends on team work. You must be careful to choose individuals who are open to development, willing to learn, inclined to share knowledge and well-equipped as members of the team. The individuals who shall use the system must be trained well and you must invest in their training. They must love their job and they must also be happy if the citizens are satisfied with the services provided to them. You must determine the quality of the service that you will provide to the citizen. You must have a software program prepared which would fulfil the requirements of your work, meet the expectations of the citizens and coordinate all the works carried out within the institution from the same center. There is no obstacle which is insurmountable if you a good project design and good team motivation.

Contact Information

Institution Name:   Uskudar Municipality
Institution Type:   Government Department  
Contact Person:   Salih Uzun
Title:   Support service Manager  
Telephone/ Fax:   +905497754459
Institution's / Project's Website:  
Address:   Mimar sinan m Hakimiyeti Milliye cad No:35 Üsküdar
Postal Code:   34672
City:   İstanbul

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