4. In which ways is the initiative creative and innovative?
5. Who implemented the initiative and what is the size of the population affected by this initiative?
The Strategic Development Department of TRA designed the project and the EFQM Team which was established with the initiation of the Project, ensured the proper and timely implementation of activities, supervision and management of this Project.
The Consultant firm was responsible for the correct performance of all the tasks required in Terms of Reference.
The Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) and the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey (EUD) has worked in close cooperation with the TRA to ensure the complete and timely implementation of all activities and preparation of all technical, financial and administrative deliverables.
Project Executing Committee, Project Steering Committee was responsible with the monitoring of the Project.
Besides, the staff who were trained during the project to take part on specific teams had contributed to the implementation of specific activities.
Customer and people satisfaction surveys were subcontracted to a professional survey company.
6. How was the strategy implemented and what resources were mobilized?
The total budget of the Project was 1.184.300 €. %75 of the budget is funded by EU and %25 is funded by Turkish government. All financial, technical issues are regulated and implemented according to the contract between the consultant and the Central Finance and Contract Unit of Turkish Government.
TRA mobilized the in-house trainers during the project time scale although it was out of terms of reference in order to complete the awareness trainings all over the country as soon as possible.
7. Who were the stakeholders involved in the design of the initiative and in its implementation?
• Suggestion Improvement System is established for employees. The system is available for the whole administration staff all around Turkey. Through the system employees contribute to the innovation and process improvement. They can send their suggestions on tax payer service processes, legal issues and working environment.
• Complaint Management System is established for taxpayers’ to improve compliance with the tax system. This system is also accessible by all taxpayers all around Turkey. The tax payers can send both their suggestions and problems on services.
• The people selected for taking active part in Self Assessments process had got proper training and guided by experts to execute self assessment at the pilot offices. In that respect a team of 60 gained the required competency satisfactorily. EFQM Model has been accepted as the basic tool for the assessment of the strategic management quality of the administration. The self assessment team done a self assessment at the end of the project on the pilot areas and they continue to do self assessments in other cities and this works as a trigger to deploy the improvement activities.
• One of the improvable areas determined by the self assessment was the abcense of a general leadership term through out the organization. The improvement team working on the leadership issue, set a pilot implementation on 360 Degree Leadership Survey; which is a tool enables the leaders to evaluate themselves and enables them to get feedback from their subordinates, peers and supervisors. After the pilot implementation, TRA deployed its implementation to all departments within the headquarter and it is recognized as a basic tool for the evaluation of leadership.
• DYİAS is established as result of the works done by both improvement and process teams. It is a software that is being used in TRA, through which all the correspondences are done electronically within the Headquarter. It resulted in both time and paper saving.
8. What were the most successful outputs and why was the initiative effective?
The activities within the framework of the project were monitored through Project Executive and Project Steering Committees.
Project Executive Committee, was consisting three group managers, seven managers and representatives from the Consultant, was meeting every month. This Committee was responsible for monitoring the execution and efficiency of the project together with the Consultant. The developments and problems of the project were reported to the Steering Committee in every three months.
Project Steering Committee was composed of the representatives of the TRA (Department of Strategy Development, Department of Taxpayer Services, Department of Human Resources, Human Resources Group Directorate, Implementation and Data Management Directorate and Ankara Tax Office Directorate), CFCU, EC Delegation and Consultant.
According to the periodical reports of the Project Executive Committee, the Project Steering Committee was responsible to take the necessary measures for the well-being of the project. The chairperson of the Steering Committee was the Head of the Department of Strategy Development. The Steering Committee could have invite people from other relevant departments and tax offices depending on the agenda of the meeting.
The responsibility of the Steering Committee was:
- to provide overall guidance during the implementation of the project,
- to monitor all activities of the project,
- to receive and evaluate the reports to be submitted by the project team,
- to review the consultant’s inception report, progress reports, work plans and to make recommendations as appropriate,
- to ensure coordination and co-operation between the TRA, provincial organizations and tax offices.
9. What were the main obstacles encountered and how were they overcome?
The employees had no belief that the change could be accomplished, at the beginning of the project. Besides, middle level managers were resistant against the total quality management. The leaders have vital importance in change management to enhance the support of employees. Thus, in order to increase the awareness about the total quality; in addition to the trainings and communication activities, there are several workshops arranged to disseminate the results of the activities. The managers had separate trainings on leadership, self assessment and process management. In order to enhance the participatory management system, senior managers are participated in improvement teams whereas the leaders of the teams were selected among the employees.